
Visit of Argentines in Łódź

In July 15, 2019, a group of 44 young people of Polish origin from Argentina came to Łódź. They visited our city as a part of project that is being implemented by the “For Polonia “ Foundation in cooperation with the Union of Poles in Argentina and the Polish – Argentine Chamber of Economic and Commercial.



Main purpose of visit was to learn about the city, its history and to visit most beautiful places in Łódź. The youth went for a walk in  the Manufactura market, where they heard the story about the genesis of the name of the city, and how Łódź changed over the years from small town to a bustling metropolis. Young people admired the gate of the Manufactura and asked many  questions.

On the way to the Freedom Square the delegation had the opportunity to see several houses, on which we can see murals, for example “Weasels steal eggs”. The next point of the walk was the Rose Passage- the courtyard of the former Hotel Polski, where the walls of the buildings are lined with the pieces of mirrors. Argentines were delighted by the place itself, as well as  its history. The visit ended with a walk along Piotrkowska Street. 

The visitors liked Łódź very much – they announced that they would visit the city again.

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