Students from the Polish section of the international school Cité Scholaire Internationale, who came to Łódź are young history enthusiasts. Together with Aleks Rżewski Primary School No.116 in Łódź, they form a project co-financed by the European Union entitled “Łódź and Lyon, in search of cultural heritage “. At the City Hall, Lyon’s youth were hosted by Vice Mayor Adam Wieczorek and representatives of the Office for Business Development and International Relations Bureau.
The project implemented since September 2019 by both schools and it aims to enable cultural exchange between Polish and French students, increase tolerance and arouse curiosity about other cultures. It is also a good motivation for young people to be more involved in language learning, as well as it allows teachers to exchange experiences in the field of language methodology.
In the next part of the project, students of Primary School 116 in Łódź will have the opportunity to visit Lyon.