Found 251 results in 23 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódzkie Region – Biotechnika
creates projects from the scope of industrial biotechnology, in the areas such as: biofuels, bioenergy and fine chemicals. The company implements undertakings from the earliest stage of their development up [...] Last year, the company signed an agreement for implementation of a large project related to the construction of an innovative bio-refinery in Grand Forks in North Dakota (USA). Biotechnika is the sole licensor [...] licensor there, the chief designer and the main technology provider (energy source and waste water treatment facility). This way it is the Poland’s largest sale of proprietary procedure related to renewable więcej

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódzkie Region – Moratex
“BALLStrag” established for the purpose of cooperation of scientists and entrepreneurs in the area of research and implementation of technologies and ballistic materials. The tasks of the Centre include, in p [...] temporary exchange of employees, in particular, entrepreneurs; initiating and coordinating the participation of the Centre units in international research programs; acquiring and handling of national research [...] Operating for over 60 years, the Institute of Security Technologies delivers state-of-the-art solutions for uniformed services and conducts scientific, training and certification activity. It also manages więcej

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódź Region – Indigo Nails
order to meet the expectations of the customers, the company is unceasingly working on solutions that will improve, speed up and diversify the stylization of nails. The enterprise keeps investing in d [...] active in the European Union. Its products, however, are also available, among others, in Australia and the USA, and next year the company plans to expand into markets of the Middle East. The brand is most [...] distinguished by the quality of its products, innovative technology and its own formula. Those who use the Indigo Nails products appreciate them for colours inspired by the colours from around the world. In order więcej

Aktualności: Registration for the Łódź REdiscover conference has been opened
General Director of IWG in Poland and Finland. The detailed agenda and the registration form can be found at Participation in the conference is free of charge. A walk around [...] The conference will discuss issues such as co-working. Why are co-working centres so popular? Why is investment in their development so important? These and other questions will be answered by Klaus Koponen [...] around a revitalised area is planned after the substantive part. więcej
Strony: Registration of permanent residence by foreigners
staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to register in the place of permanent stay on the 4th day from the arrival in the place at the latest. In connection with the obligation to [...] to present the original document confirming the right of residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland of the persons and their family members, the possibility to register the residence electronically [...] agreement on the European Economic Area or a national of the Swiss Confederation, staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to register in the place of permanent stay on the 30th day from więcej
Strony: Registration of temporary residence by foreigners
above, staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to register in the place of temporary stay on the 4th day from the arrival in the place at the latest. The period of the temporary residence [...] – a party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or a national of the Swiss Confederation, staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to register in the place of temporary stay [...] party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or a national of the Swiss Confederation, is obliged to register in the place of temporary stay on the 30th day from the arrival in the place at the latest więcej
Strony: Reports and guides
Poland 4 MB The relocation potential of Łódź and the region Antal Report, december 2018 7 MB The primary housing in Łódź OPG Property Professionals, along with the University of Łódź’s Department of Investment [...] Expectations of IT employees towards employers in Łódź 9 MB MULTILOCATION – THE LOCAL FUTURE OF GLOBAL BUSINESS 5 MB The Łódź Real Estate Market Focus on the PRS 29 MB Lodz with an idea for the future 2022 [...] in Łódź You are invited to read the first edition of the report about the hotel market in Łódź, prepared in cooperation with Walter Herz. 5 MB Łódź revitalised The City of Łódź has diversified and transformed więcej

Aktualności: Representatives of the European tourism industry in Łódź
Fabryczna station. On the second day of the visit, before proceeding to discussions on topics important to the activities of the organization and the European tourism industry, the president of Lodz Tourism O [...] upcoming vote. The initiator of the meeting was the Polish Chamber of Tourism at the invitation of the City of Łódź Office. [...] about the city, overviewing its history and post-industrial, multicultural and film traditions. A presentation about the assets and potential of Łódź was also prepared by the Expo Team of the City of Łódź więcej

Aktualności: Revitalisation of Łódź monuments
living, working and simply enjoying the urban space. The city does not limit itself only to the revitalisation of tenement houses when caring about the urban space. The Poznański Palace, Steinert Palace [...] Wschodnia Street, where 7 buildings require refurbishment. The works systematically move forward, and their final effect will be visible at the end of the year. 5 buildings will be then put into service: at 8 [...] as well as Księży Młyn are currently undergoing revitalisation, as well. Where are the effects already visible? The revitalisation works are most visible at Włókiennicza Street where 11 tenement houses więcej

Aktualności: School of Mayors
politics and to strengthen the position of disadvantaged groups. The purpose of the training was to learn about good practices in the field of city management and building self – government. During their stay [...] The organizer of the study visit to Poland was the International Republican Institute (IRI), an international non-governmental organization working to strengthen democracy, build standards in politics [...] stay in Łódź, foreign guests met with Krzysztof Piątkowski, The Vice Mayor of the City of Łódź. więcej
Found 251 results in 25 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódzkie Region – Biotechnika
creates projects from the scope of industrial biotechnology, in the areas such as: biofuels, bioenergy and fine chemicals. The company implements undertakings from the earliest stage of their development up [...] Last year, the company signed an agreement for implementation of a large project related to the construction of an innovative bio-refinery in Grand Forks in North Dakota (USA). Biotechnika is the sole licensor [...] licensor there, the chief designer and the main technology provider (energy source and waste water treatment facility). This way it is the Poland’s largest sale of proprietary procedure related to renewable więcej

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódzkie Region – Moratex
“BALLStrag” established for the purpose of cooperation of scientists and entrepreneurs in the area of research and implementation of technologies and ballistic materials. The tasks of the Centre include, in p [...] temporary exchange of employees, in particular, entrepreneurs; initiating and coordinating the participation of the Centre units in international research programs; acquiring and handling of national research [...] Operating for over 60 years, the Institute of Security Technologies delivers state-of-the-art solutions for uniformed services and conducts scientific, training and certification activity. It also manages więcej

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódź Region – Indigo Nails
order to meet the expectations of the customers, the company is unceasingly working on solutions that will improve, speed up and diversify the stylization of nails. The enterprise keeps investing in d [...] active in the European Union. Its products, however, are also available, among others, in Australia and the USA, and next year the company plans to expand into markets of the Middle East. The brand is most [...] distinguished by the quality of its products, innovative technology and its own formula. Those who use the Indigo Nails products appreciate them for colours inspired by the colours from around the world. In order więcej

Aktualności: Registration for the Łódź REdiscover conference has been opened
General Director of IWG in Poland and Finland. The detailed agenda and the registration form can be found at Participation in the conference is free of charge. A walk around [...] The conference will discuss issues such as co-working. Why are co-working centres so popular? Why is investment in their development so important? These and other questions will be answered by Klaus Koponen [...] around a revitalised area is planned after the substantive part. więcej
Strony: Registration of permanent residence by foreigners
staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to register in the place of permanent stay on the 4th day from the arrival in the place at the latest. In connection with the obligation to [...] to present the original document confirming the right of residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland of the persons and their family members, the possibility to register the residence electronically [...] agreement on the European Economic Area or a national of the Swiss Confederation, staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to register in the place of permanent stay on the 30th day from więcej
Strony: Registration of temporary residence by foreigners
above, staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to register in the place of temporary stay on the 4th day from the arrival in the place at the latest. The period of the temporary residence [...] – a party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or a national of the Swiss Confederation, staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to register in the place of temporary stay [...] party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or a national of the Swiss Confederation, is obliged to register in the place of temporary stay on the 30th day from the arrival in the place at the latest więcej
Strony: Reports and guides
Poland 4 MB The relocation potential of Łódź and the region Antal Report, december 2018 7 MB The primary housing in Łódź OPG Property Professionals, along with the University of Łódź’s Department of Investment [...] Expectations of IT employees towards employers in Łódź 9 MB MULTILOCATION – THE LOCAL FUTURE OF GLOBAL BUSINESS 5 MB The Łódź Real Estate Market Focus on the PRS 29 MB Lodz with an idea for the future 2022 [...] in Łódź You are invited to read the first edition of the report about the hotel market in Łódź, prepared in cooperation with Walter Herz. 5 MB Łódź revitalised The City of Łódź has diversified and transformed więcej

Aktualności: Representatives of the European tourism industry in Łódź
Fabryczna station. On the second day of the visit, before proceeding to discussions on topics important to the activities of the organization and the European tourism industry, the president of Lodz Tourism O [...] upcoming vote. The initiator of the meeting was the Polish Chamber of Tourism at the invitation of the City of Łódź Office. [...] about the city, overviewing its history and post-industrial, multicultural and film traditions. A presentation about the assets and potential of Łódź was also prepared by the Expo Team of the City of Łódź więcej

Aktualności: Revitalisation of Łódź monuments
living, working and simply enjoying the urban space. The city does not limit itself only to the revitalisation of tenement houses when caring about the urban space. The Poznański Palace, Steinert Palace [...] Wschodnia Street, where 7 buildings require refurbishment. The works systematically move forward, and their final effect will be visible at the end of the year. 5 buildings will be then put into service: at 8 [...] as well as Księży Młyn are currently undergoing revitalisation, as well. Where are the effects already visible? The revitalisation works are most visible at Włókiennicza Street where 11 tenement houses więcej

Aktualności: School of Mayors
politics and to strengthen the position of disadvantaged groups. The purpose of the training was to learn about good practices in the field of city management and building self – government. During their stay [...] The organizer of the study visit to Poland was the International Republican Institute (IRI), an international non-governmental organization working to strengthen democracy, build standards in politics [...] stay in Łódź, foreign guests met with Krzysztof Piątkowski, The Vice Mayor of the City of Łódź. więcej