Found 251 results in 39 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Symetris Business Park – we know all the tenants
heating and plumbing. The company has already occupied the office building for a year now, and after increasing the space, it uses as many as 1,200 m2. The new tenant of the Symetris office complex is UNIQA [...] Solar Polska is a part of Solar Group – Northern Europe’s leading distributor of products and solutions from the scope of electrotechnology, automatics, air-conditioning, ventilation, as well as heating [...] insurance company belonging to the Austrian insurance group. UNIQA offers non-life and life insurance, as well as on housing co-operative and tenant’s association property. The company occupies 75 square m więcej
Strony: Szeged
. HISTORY OF COOPERATION 2020 2019 The Day of Szeged Representatives of the City of Łódź took part in the celebrations of the Day of the City of Szeged, which took place from 16-18 May. The event included [...] in Hungary. It is located on the Tisza river, east of the Danube and is the capital of the region of Csongrád. László Botka is the mayor of the city. Official website of the city: http://www.szegedvaros [...] city. The church was built on the initiative of the inhabitants in thanks for saving from the great flood at the end of the 19th century. Right next to the church is the third tower - the tower of Saint więcej

Aktualności: TME from Łódź will help build vacuum magnetic railway
thanks to which the speed of the magnetic railway will reach even up to 600 km/h. In a few weeks, the company will present a model of a vehicle in the 1/5th scale. TME will deliver the highest quality [...] quality electric components necessary for the correct operation of the devices designed and built by the start-up. TME is one of the largest global suppliers of electronic, electrotechnical components, as well [...] Hyperloop is to serve a new means of transport which will allow for transfer of people or goods with a high speed. The vehicle will move without contact with the ground – using magnetic levitation. Polish więcej
Strony: TOP 15 places in Lodz, worth seeing
canals! Museum of Art & ms2 Museum of Art & ms2 The Museum of Art owns one of the most interesting and richest collections of the 20th and 21st century art in Europe. The exhibition includes the priceless [...] Museum of Canal Museum of Canal One of the most unusual museums in Poland is hidden under Wolności Square. It is located in a part of the underground sewerage system designed in the beginnings of the 20th [...] ballroom, and exhibitions of the Museum of Lodz City housed in the palace. For instance, the Pantheon of Great Citizens of Lodz presents profiles of famous people connected with Lodz: Władysław Reymont, Julian więcej
Strony: Tampere
Institute of Geography and Tourism of the University of Lodz. The aim of the conference is to promote the natural and cultural heritage of the country on the example of selected cultural trails. The programme [...] Ltd., the Bureau of Investor Service and International Cooperation of the City of Łódź Office, the Center for Technology Transfer of the University of Łódź, the Team for Acceleration Projects of the Center [...] Participation of the City of Łódź in the conference carried out as part of the Tampere Day on 29.09 - 02.10.2017 with the participation of representatives of the twin cities of Tampere. During the visit to więcej
Strony: Tel Aviv–Yafo
During the ceremony, the participants were given the jubilee edition of the City of Łódź Chronicle, published on the occasion of the 75 th anniversary of the Liquidation of Litzmannstadt Ghetto. The chronicle [...] March of Remembrance from the Jewish Cemetery to the Radegast Station began the celebrations of the 73 rd anniversary of the Liquidation of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto and the 75 th anniversary of the General [...] wrote the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, in the letter read out during the ceremony. Leon Weintraub, one of the Survivors, recognised the contribution of the City of Łódź to the process więcej

Aktualności: Textile cities associated in ACTE join forces
cooperation, exchange of experience and mutual support of new projects mainly in the field of modern technologies, design and fashion – said the Mayor of Łódź Hanna Zdanowska, Chairwoman of the ACTE General Meeting [...] meeting of the members of this organization in Łódź, which will be ended in the evening Diploma Gala at the Academy of Fine Arts. [...] Meeting. The common goals of further cooperation, similar traditions and historical conditions for the development of cities related to the textile industry were also emphasized by other representatives więcej

Aktualności: The Ambassador of Colombia visits the inauguration of the FIFA U-20 Word Championship
Cup tournament. The event will began on May 23 and will end on June 15, 2019. For the first time the FIFA tournament is taking place in our country. At the beginning of the visit, the Ambassador offered [...] visited Łódź for the first time. The opportunity to visit Łódź, was the match inaugurating the U-20 World Cup, played between Poland and Colombia at the Widzew stadium. Poland is proud to host the 22 FIFA U-20 [...] Colombia is currently in a phase of very dynamic investments and transformations, that are possible thanks to the end of the internal armed conflict. A very important element of these changes is to reduce więcej

Aktualności: The Ambassador of Estonia visits Łódź
presented to the Ambassador her vision of improving the quality of life in the city, which is the priority of this term. The talk mainly focused on improving the quality of communication in the city, as well [...] During the meeting with The Mayor, Mr Ambassador had the opportunity to learn about the strategic directions of our city developments and with the biggest challenges for the nearest future. The Mayor presented [...] by the representative of the Estonia government. His Excellency also shared with the Mayor his impressions after meeting the authorities of the Łódź University of Technology and assumed about his admiration więcej

Aktualności: The Centre for Asian Affairs – support for Polish business in trade with China and more
The Centre organises training meetings aimed at bringing the topic closer to those interested. One of the meetings, organised by the CAA in co-operation with the Investors and Exporters’ Service Centre [...] Centre of the Marshal Office of the Łódź Voivodship and Hong Kong Trade Development Council, took place in October last year in Biedermann Palace. The training was provided free of charge and was addressed [...] China and to the persons who are already involved in trade with China but feel the need to expand their knowledge in this regard. The topics discussed at the meeting included a case study of Polish businessman więcej
Found 251 results in 45 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Symetris Business Park – we know all the tenants
heating and plumbing. The company has already occupied the office building for a year now, and after increasing the space, it uses as many as 1,200 m2. The new tenant of the Symetris office complex is UNIQA [...] Solar Polska is a part of Solar Group – Northern Europe’s leading distributor of products and solutions from the scope of electrotechnology, automatics, air-conditioning, ventilation, as well as heating [...] insurance company belonging to the Austrian insurance group. UNIQA offers non-life and life insurance, as well as on housing co-operative and tenant’s association property. The company occupies 75 square m więcej
Strony: Szeged
. HISTORY OF COOPERATION 2020 2019 The Day of Szeged Representatives of the City of Łódź took part in the celebrations of the Day of the City of Szeged, which took place from 16-18 May. The event included [...] in Hungary. It is located on the Tisza river, east of the Danube and is the capital of the region of Csongrád. László Botka is the mayor of the city. Official website of the city: http://www.szegedvaros [...] city. The church was built on the initiative of the inhabitants in thanks for saving from the great flood at the end of the 19th century. Right next to the church is the third tower - the tower of Saint więcej

Aktualności: TME from Łódź will help build vacuum magnetic railway
thanks to which the speed of the magnetic railway will reach even up to 600 km/h. In a few weeks, the company will present a model of a vehicle in the 1/5th scale. TME will deliver the highest quality [...] quality electric components necessary for the correct operation of the devices designed and built by the start-up. TME is one of the largest global suppliers of electronic, electrotechnical components, as well [...] Hyperloop is to serve a new means of transport which will allow for transfer of people or goods with a high speed. The vehicle will move without contact with the ground – using magnetic levitation. Polish więcej
Strony: TOP 15 places in Lodz, worth seeing
canals! Museum of Art & ms2 Museum of Art & ms2 The Museum of Art owns one of the most interesting and richest collections of the 20th and 21st century art in Europe. The exhibition includes the priceless [...] Museum of Canal Museum of Canal One of the most unusual museums in Poland is hidden under Wolności Square. It is located in a part of the underground sewerage system designed in the beginnings of the 20th [...] ballroom, and exhibitions of the Museum of Lodz City housed in the palace. For instance, the Pantheon of Great Citizens of Lodz presents profiles of famous people connected with Lodz: Władysław Reymont, Julian więcej
Strony: Tampere
Institute of Geography and Tourism of the University of Lodz. The aim of the conference is to promote the natural and cultural heritage of the country on the example of selected cultural trails. The programme [...] Ltd., the Bureau of Investor Service and International Cooperation of the City of Łódź Office, the Center for Technology Transfer of the University of Łódź, the Team for Acceleration Projects of the Center [...] Participation of the City of Łódź in the conference carried out as part of the Tampere Day on 29.09 - 02.10.2017 with the participation of representatives of the twin cities of Tampere. During the visit to więcej
Strony: Tel Aviv–Yafo
During the ceremony, the participants were given the jubilee edition of the City of Łódź Chronicle, published on the occasion of the 75 th anniversary of the Liquidation of Litzmannstadt Ghetto. The chronicle [...] March of Remembrance from the Jewish Cemetery to the Radegast Station began the celebrations of the 73 rd anniversary of the Liquidation of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto and the 75 th anniversary of the General [...] wrote the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, in the letter read out during the ceremony. Leon Weintraub, one of the Survivors, recognised the contribution of the City of Łódź to the process więcej

Aktualności: Textile cities associated in ACTE join forces
cooperation, exchange of experience and mutual support of new projects mainly in the field of modern technologies, design and fashion – said the Mayor of Łódź Hanna Zdanowska, Chairwoman of the ACTE General Meeting [...] meeting of the members of this organization in Łódź, which will be ended in the evening Diploma Gala at the Academy of Fine Arts. [...] Meeting. The common goals of further cooperation, similar traditions and historical conditions for the development of cities related to the textile industry were also emphasized by other representatives więcej

Aktualności: The Ambassador of Colombia visits the inauguration of the FIFA U-20 Word Championship
Cup tournament. The event will began on May 23 and will end on June 15, 2019. For the first time the FIFA tournament is taking place in our country. At the beginning of the visit, the Ambassador offered [...] visited Łódź for the first time. The opportunity to visit Łódź, was the match inaugurating the U-20 World Cup, played between Poland and Colombia at the Widzew stadium. Poland is proud to host the 22 FIFA U-20 [...] Colombia is currently in a phase of very dynamic investments and transformations, that are possible thanks to the end of the internal armed conflict. A very important element of these changes is to reduce więcej

Aktualności: The Ambassador of Estonia visits Łódź
presented to the Ambassador her vision of improving the quality of life in the city, which is the priority of this term. The talk mainly focused on improving the quality of communication in the city, as well [...] During the meeting with The Mayor, Mr Ambassador had the opportunity to learn about the strategic directions of our city developments and with the biggest challenges for the nearest future. The Mayor presented [...] by the representative of the Estonia government. His Excellency also shared with the Mayor his impressions after meeting the authorities of the Łódź University of Technology and assumed about his admiration więcej

Aktualności: The Centre for Asian Affairs – support for Polish business in trade with China and more
The Centre organises training meetings aimed at bringing the topic closer to those interested. One of the meetings, organised by the CAA in co-operation with the Investors and Exporters’ Service Centre [...] Centre of the Marshal Office of the Łódź Voivodship and Hong Kong Trade Development Council, took place in October last year in Biedermann Palace. The training was provided free of charge and was addressed [...] China and to the persons who are already involved in trade with China but feel the need to expand their knowledge in this regard. The topics discussed at the meeting included a case study of Polish businessman więcej