Found 248 results in 40 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Delegation from Łódź in Lyon
The General Consul of the Republic of Poland in Lyon declared her support in organizing the Light Festival. The Consul proposed that the consulate building in Lyon was illuminated every year by the work [...] work of Łódź artists. The consulate also offered support in dealing with the Lyon fabric museum and in organizing next year’s edition of Polish Week in Toulouse, which will be entirely dedicated to Łódź. A [...] film school students in both cities and an exchange of exhibitions between the Łódź and Lyon textile museum. A large part of the conversation was devoted to the healthcare sector, in particular to the solution więcej

Aktualności: Visit of journalists from Harbin
reporters were focused on the revitalization process carried out in Łódź, about which told the representative of Revitalization Office in the City of Łódź. The delegation from Harbin also had he opportunity [...] house on 17 Roosevelta Street, wheret the House of Literature is located. In the revitalized facility, journalists could talk in person to those who are responsible for the restoring the building to its [...] Technology Center EC1, which is located in the revitalized building of a historic CHP plant. Representatives of Harbin were very impressed with the past achievements of Łódź in the field of revitalization, as więcej

Aktualności: Visit of Argentines in Łódź
visit was to learn about the city, its history and to visit most beautiful places in Łódź. The youth went for a walk in the Manufactura market, where they heard the story about the genesis of the name of więcej

Aktualności: Performance of The Swiss Academy of the Alpine Hour
The Swiss Academy of the Alpine Horn was founded in 1998 and it deals with the promotion of this traditional musical instrument in Switzerland and all around the world. The Alpine horn is inseparably connected [...] connected with the culture of Switzerland. Because the loudness of the sound its used by the shepherds in the Alps for distance communication. The musicians were accompanied by the Deputy Ambassador of the [...] Chasper Sarott, who during the visit appreciated several times the involvement of the city authorities in cooperation with the embassy. Vice Mayor of Łódź Mr Krzysztof Piątkowski, who welcomed foreign guests więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Finland
cities. Tampere, same as Łódź is strongly involved in the revitalization process. The similar history of the both cities is the basis of cooperation in modern Europe. Tampere is seeking the title of European więcej

Aktualności: The Ambassador of Estonia visits Łódź
her vision of improving the quality of life in the city, which is the priority of this term. The talk mainly focused on improving the quality of communication in the city, as well as the city area and green [...] Łódź University of Technology and assumed about his admiration for the way in which the academic world connects with the business in Łódź. więcej

Aktualności: French Ambassador with a visit to Łódź
At the end of the meeting, His Excellency expressed interest in taking part in the conference “Łódź (un) discovered”, which will take place in our city on 20-21 November 2019. więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the economic counselor of the Embassy of the United States of America
Adam Wieczorek in the Łódź City Hall. Among the topics discussed were the latest projects conducted by the United States Embassy. Potential areas of cooperation were also discussed, e.g. in the field of [...] the Embassy in the cooperation of Łódź universities with American partners. The cooperation with the United States is particularly important for Łódź due to the letter of intent signed in 2016 between więcej

Aktualności: Days of Polish Hungarian Friendship in Veshprem
of Łódź, presented good practices in the field of culture. Cultural events taking place in Łódź were presented - Festivals, cultural programs for youth and seniors. In addition was presented, a revitalization [...] have been summarized, including the largest Polish investors in Hungary (including LOT, Reserved, Sinsay, Mercom, and Mohito) and Hungarian in Poland (Mol, Wizz, RG Richter Gedeon, and Futeral). Were also [...] presented the perspective areas of Polish-Hungarian cooperation (electro mobility, digitization, trade in services, R&D - Visegrad countries and Israel, construction industry, transport development). Hungary więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia
The Ambassador summed up 4 years of his activity in Poland and thanked for the support of Łódź for the large Armenian Diaspora living in our city. During the meeting with the Mayor were discussed the [...] mentioned as a “Gateway to Europe” for Armenia. Armenia in turn is perfectly located on the route to Iran, Kazakhstan and Further east of Asia. For next year in Łódź is planned visit for Armenian entrepreneurs więcej
Found 248 results in 45 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Delegation from Łódź in Lyon
The General Consul of the Republic of Poland in Lyon declared her support in organizing the Light Festival. The Consul proposed that the consulate building in Lyon was illuminated every year by the work [...] work of Łódź artists. The consulate also offered support in dealing with the Lyon fabric museum and in organizing next year’s edition of Polish Week in Toulouse, which will be entirely dedicated to Łódź. A [...] film school students in both cities and an exchange of exhibitions between the Łódź and Lyon textile museum. A large part of the conversation was devoted to the healthcare sector, in particular to the solution więcej

Aktualności: Visit of journalists from Harbin
reporters were focused on the revitalization process carried out in Łódź, about which told the representative of Revitalization Office in the City of Łódź. The delegation from Harbin also had he opportunity [...] house on 17 Roosevelta Street, wheret the House of Literature is located. In the revitalized facility, journalists could talk in person to those who are responsible for the restoring the building to its [...] Technology Center EC1, which is located in the revitalized building of a historic CHP plant. Representatives of Harbin were very impressed with the past achievements of Łódź in the field of revitalization, as więcej

Aktualności: Visit of Argentines in Łódź
visit was to learn about the city, its history and to visit most beautiful places in Łódź. The youth went for a walk in the Manufactura market, where they heard the story about the genesis of the name of więcej

Aktualności: Performance of The Swiss Academy of the Alpine Hour
The Swiss Academy of the Alpine Horn was founded in 1998 and it deals with the promotion of this traditional musical instrument in Switzerland and all around the world. The Alpine horn is inseparably connected [...] connected with the culture of Switzerland. Because the loudness of the sound its used by the shepherds in the Alps for distance communication. The musicians were accompanied by the Deputy Ambassador of the [...] Chasper Sarott, who during the visit appreciated several times the involvement of the city authorities in cooperation with the embassy. Vice Mayor of Łódź Mr Krzysztof Piątkowski, who welcomed foreign guests więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Finland
cities. Tampere, same as Łódź is strongly involved in the revitalization process. The similar history of the both cities is the basis of cooperation in modern Europe. Tampere is seeking the title of European więcej

Aktualności: The Ambassador of Estonia visits Łódź
her vision of improving the quality of life in the city, which is the priority of this term. The talk mainly focused on improving the quality of communication in the city, as well as the city area and green [...] Łódź University of Technology and assumed about his admiration for the way in which the academic world connects with the business in Łódź. więcej

Aktualności: French Ambassador with a visit to Łódź
At the end of the meeting, His Excellency expressed interest in taking part in the conference “Łódź (un) discovered”, which will take place in our city on 20-21 November 2019. więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the economic counselor of the Embassy of the United States of America
Adam Wieczorek in the Łódź City Hall. Among the topics discussed were the latest projects conducted by the United States Embassy. Potential areas of cooperation were also discussed, e.g. in the field of [...] the Embassy in the cooperation of Łódź universities with American partners. The cooperation with the United States is particularly important for Łódź due to the letter of intent signed in 2016 between więcej

Aktualności: Days of Polish Hungarian Friendship in Veshprem
of Łódź, presented good practices in the field of culture. Cultural events taking place in Łódź were presented - Festivals, cultural programs for youth and seniors. In addition was presented, a revitalization [...] have been summarized, including the largest Polish investors in Hungary (including LOT, Reserved, Sinsay, Mercom, and Mohito) and Hungarian in Poland (Mol, Wizz, RG Richter Gedeon, and Futeral). Were also [...] presented the perspective areas of Polish-Hungarian cooperation (electro mobility, digitization, trade in services, R&D - Visegrad countries and Israel, construction industry, transport development). Hungary więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia
The Ambassador summed up 4 years of his activity in Poland and thanked for the support of Łódź for the large Armenian Diaspora living in our city. During the meeting with the Mayor were discussed the [...] mentioned as a “Gateway to Europe” for Armenia. Armenia in turn is perfectly located on the route to Iran, Kazakhstan and Further east of Asia. For next year in Łódź is planned visit for Armenian entrepreneurs więcej