Found 251 results in 33 milliseconds.
Strony: Tips for trips: Lodz culturally
culturally THE WALK OF FAME IN PIOTRKOWSKA STREET; THE FILM SCHOOL, WHICH HAS EDUCATED SUBSEQUENT GENERATIONS OF THE GREATEST CREATORS OF POLISH AND WORLD CINEMA SINCE OVER 60 YEARS; AND THE ONLY MUSEUM OF CI [...] THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY... ARE JUST A FEW OF MANY REASONS TO DISCOVER THE FILM CAPITAL OF POLAND. Museum of Cinematography The Walk of Fame Film School FILM SATURDAY All this began in 1945, when the Feature [...] For example, the police station was arranged in the building at 30a Tymienieckiego St. If you would like to discover the art of making animations (including “Peter and the Wolf”, winner of the Academy Award) więcej
Strony: Tips for trips: Lodz for recreation
GREEN? FIND OUT, THAT THE NATURE OF THE BIG CITY CAN MAKE AN IMPRESSION! GREENERY, INCLUDING PARKS, GARDENS AND GREEN SQUARES, COVERS 1/3 OF THE CITY AREA. LODZ HAS ONE OF THE BIGGEST MUNICIPAL FOREST [...] FACTORY Poznański’s empire has become the heart of the city again. In the 19th century thousands of people worked in the factory at Ogrodowa St. Now their descendants come there for completely different purposes [...] an ice rink in winter and the longest fountain in Europe. History of this place is presented in an interesting way in the Museum of the Factory. It’s also worth to visit the neighbouring palace, where więcej
Strony: Transport and communication
part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) that connects the Western and Eastern side of Europe, and the Baltic states with the southern part of the continent. Located on the south of the city [...] According to the project, the airport will service 45 million passengers per year already after the first construction stage. The project design should be completed by the end of 2019, with the opening of the Port [...] for 2027. And inside the city itself... Located in the city centre, Łódź Fabryczna Railway Station was recently subject to a complete renovation, becoming one of the most state-of-the-art transit centres więcej

Aktualności: Two most important events in the sector of modern business services are ahead of us
developing companies from the BSS sector and the institutions supporting its environment in 2018. The theme of the event fits in with the Duopolis concept – currently the largest infrastructure project in [...] are the elements that are to accompany the three themes of the BSS Forum. This year, the organizers decided to depart from standard discussion panels – instead, participants can anticipate “Power of Speech” [...] Europe, which is why the attendees of the Tuesday breakfast had an additional opportunity to learn more about this topic. The establishment of Duopolis provides an opportunity of looking at Łódź from a więcej

Aktualności: Ultra-fast 5G network enters Łódź
Technology told about the details of the trial 5G project in the area of the university campus. 5G network is distinguished mainly by the speed of data transmission at the level of from 10 to even 100 gigabytes [...] During the meeting, representatives of Łódź Special Economic Zone presented a project of implementation of 5G network in enterprises operating within the Zone. Representatives of Łódź University of Technology [...] supposed to stand out with delays of maximum a few milliseconds. Apart from the Łódź University of Technology and ŁSEZ, the following also joined the agreement: Office of Electronic Communication, Ericsson więcej

Aktualności: United colours of Łódź - We support foreigners in the city
is PLN 12,000. PLN. The applicant must demonstrate his own contribution in the amount of at least 10% of the total value of the project. The total budget allocated to grants in the competition is PLN 88 [...] studying at Łódź universities; implementation by the scientific and academic community of projects based on the knowledge deepened at the faculties of the university, addressed to foreigners in Łódź (such [...] mayor of the city of Łódź, Adam Pustelnik. This Wednesday, March 31 at 1.30 pm, an online meeting will be held on the website of the Opus Center, dedicated to all those interested in participating in the więcej

Aktualności: University of Łódź – we are looking for good employees in Łódź
One of the key universities in the region is the University of Łódź which is currently one of the largest Polish universities. It has 12 faculties: Biology and Environmental Protection, Chemistry, Economics [...] Women’s Studies, and the Centre of Polish Committee of Cooperation with Alliance Française, as well as Regional Centre for Patent Information. At the university, there is also one of the largest and most modern [...] Administration. Students study 80 fields of study and 167 specialties. University of Łódź offers also PhD studies and post-graduate studies, including MBA. The university performs also around 100 international więcej

Aktualności: V Forum of Partner Cities [PROGRAMME]
of the City of Łódź Krzysztof Piątkowski and His Magnificence Rector of The Łódź University of Technology prof. dr. hab. Eng Sławomir Wiak. After the visit at the Łódź University of Technology, delegations [...] well as Tianjin and Guangzhou (China). The theme of V edition of the Forum is the management of city centers in the aspect of monument renovation and sustainable economic, social and cultural development in [...] delegations of partner cities will go to the bus stop at the Łódź Fabryczna station near the Moniuszko Park, where plates with the names of partner cities of Łódź will be unveiled. It will be a kind of gesture więcej
Strony: Vilnius
anniversary of the art of jewelry design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź" Exhibition In Vilnius AV 17 Gallery the opening of the exhibition "Golden Creations. The 50th anniversary of the art of jewelry [...] Representatives of Vilnius took part in the tourist fairs "At the crossroads of cultures" in Łódź. 1999 The official delegation of the City of Łódź together with the Mayor of the City of Łódź Tadeusz Matusiak [...] 2,000 sculptures, the Chapel at the Gate of Dawn (Miednicka Gate) with the famous image of Our Lady of Ostra Brama and the Gothic Cathedral of St. Anna was founded at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries więcej

Aktualności: Visit from Kenya
opportunity to raise the standard of living of the inhabitants and reduce the high level of poverty. The purpose of the delegation's visit to Łódź was to learn about the functioning of local government, [...] after the collapse of the textile industry, but which is constantly developing, conducting large investments, completely changing the image of the city and the life of its inhabitants. During the meeting [...] answered the questions of delegates vividly interested in the nature of economic changes, revitalization, transport costs and road construction. After the official meeting, the guests visited the Scheibler więcej
Found 251 results in 23 milliseconds.
Strony: Tips for trips: Lodz culturally
culturally THE WALK OF FAME IN PIOTRKOWSKA STREET; THE FILM SCHOOL, WHICH HAS EDUCATED SUBSEQUENT GENERATIONS OF THE GREATEST CREATORS OF POLISH AND WORLD CINEMA SINCE OVER 60 YEARS; AND THE ONLY MUSEUM OF CI [...] THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY... ARE JUST A FEW OF MANY REASONS TO DISCOVER THE FILM CAPITAL OF POLAND. Museum of Cinematography The Walk of Fame Film School FILM SATURDAY All this began in 1945, when the Feature [...] For example, the police station was arranged in the building at 30a Tymienieckiego St. If you would like to discover the art of making animations (including “Peter and the Wolf”, winner of the Academy Award) więcej
Strony: Tips for trips: Lodz for recreation
GREEN? FIND OUT, THAT THE NATURE OF THE BIG CITY CAN MAKE AN IMPRESSION! GREENERY, INCLUDING PARKS, GARDENS AND GREEN SQUARES, COVERS 1/3 OF THE CITY AREA. LODZ HAS ONE OF THE BIGGEST MUNICIPAL FOREST [...] FACTORY Poznański’s empire has become the heart of the city again. In the 19th century thousands of people worked in the factory at Ogrodowa St. Now their descendants come there for completely different purposes [...] an ice rink in winter and the longest fountain in Europe. History of this place is presented in an interesting way in the Museum of the Factory. It’s also worth to visit the neighbouring palace, where więcej
Strony: Transport and communication
part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) that connects the Western and Eastern side of Europe, and the Baltic states with the southern part of the continent. Located on the south of the city [...] According to the project, the airport will service 45 million passengers per year already after the first construction stage. The project design should be completed by the end of 2019, with the opening of the Port [...] for 2027. And inside the city itself... Located in the city centre, Łódź Fabryczna Railway Station was recently subject to a complete renovation, becoming one of the most state-of-the-art transit centres więcej

Aktualności: Two most important events in the sector of modern business services are ahead of us
developing companies from the BSS sector and the institutions supporting its environment in 2018. The theme of the event fits in with the Duopolis concept – currently the largest infrastructure project in [...] are the elements that are to accompany the three themes of the BSS Forum. This year, the organizers decided to depart from standard discussion panels – instead, participants can anticipate “Power of Speech” [...] Europe, which is why the attendees of the Tuesday breakfast had an additional opportunity to learn more about this topic. The establishment of Duopolis provides an opportunity of looking at Łódź from a więcej

Aktualności: Ultra-fast 5G network enters Łódź
Technology told about the details of the trial 5G project in the area of the university campus. 5G network is distinguished mainly by the speed of data transmission at the level of from 10 to even 100 gigabytes [...] During the meeting, representatives of Łódź Special Economic Zone presented a project of implementation of 5G network in enterprises operating within the Zone. Representatives of Łódź University of Technology [...] supposed to stand out with delays of maximum a few milliseconds. Apart from the Łódź University of Technology and ŁSEZ, the following also joined the agreement: Office of Electronic Communication, Ericsson więcej

Aktualności: United colours of Łódź - We support foreigners in the city
is PLN 12,000. PLN. The applicant must demonstrate his own contribution in the amount of at least 10% of the total value of the project. The total budget allocated to grants in the competition is PLN 88 [...] studying at Łódź universities; implementation by the scientific and academic community of projects based on the knowledge deepened at the faculties of the university, addressed to foreigners in Łódź (such [...] mayor of the city of Łódź, Adam Pustelnik. This Wednesday, March 31 at 1.30 pm, an online meeting will be held on the website of the Opus Center, dedicated to all those interested in participating in the więcej

Aktualności: University of Łódź – we are looking for good employees in Łódź
One of the key universities in the region is the University of Łódź which is currently one of the largest Polish universities. It has 12 faculties: Biology and Environmental Protection, Chemistry, Economics [...] Women’s Studies, and the Centre of Polish Committee of Cooperation with Alliance Française, as well as Regional Centre for Patent Information. At the university, there is also one of the largest and most modern [...] Administration. Students study 80 fields of study and 167 specialties. University of Łódź offers also PhD studies and post-graduate studies, including MBA. The university performs also around 100 international więcej

Aktualności: V Forum of Partner Cities [PROGRAMME]
of the City of Łódź Krzysztof Piątkowski and His Magnificence Rector of The Łódź University of Technology prof. dr. hab. Eng Sławomir Wiak. After the visit at the Łódź University of Technology, delegations [...] well as Tianjin and Guangzhou (China). The theme of V edition of the Forum is the management of city centers in the aspect of monument renovation and sustainable economic, social and cultural development in [...] delegations of partner cities will go to the bus stop at the Łódź Fabryczna station near the Moniuszko Park, where plates with the names of partner cities of Łódź will be unveiled. It will be a kind of gesture więcej
Strony: Vilnius
anniversary of the art of jewelry design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź" Exhibition In Vilnius AV 17 Gallery the opening of the exhibition "Golden Creations. The 50th anniversary of the art of jewelry [...] Representatives of Vilnius took part in the tourist fairs "At the crossroads of cultures" in Łódź. 1999 The official delegation of the City of Łódź together with the Mayor of the City of Łódź Tadeusz Matusiak [...] 2,000 sculptures, the Chapel at the Gate of Dawn (Miednicka Gate) with the famous image of Our Lady of Ostra Brama and the Gothic Cathedral of St. Anna was founded at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries więcej

Aktualności: Visit from Kenya
opportunity to raise the standard of living of the inhabitants and reduce the high level of poverty. The purpose of the delegation's visit to Łódź was to learn about the functioning of local government, [...] after the collapse of the textile industry, but which is constantly developing, conducting large investments, completely changing the image of the city and the life of its inhabitants. During the meeting [...] answered the questions of delegates vividly interested in the nature of economic changes, revitalization, transport costs and road construction. After the official meeting, the guests visited the Scheibler więcej