Found 14 results in 21 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Symetris Business Park – we know all the tenants
company occupies 75 square m. Symetris is undoubtedly an office complex offering very good working conditions in a modern, friendly space. The unquestionable advantage of this place is its convenient location więcej

Aktualności: Textile cities associated in ACTE join forces
ACTE General Meeting. The common goals of further cooperation, similar traditions and historical conditions for the development of cities related to the textile industry were also emphasized by other re więcej
Strony: Tianjin
the Communist Party of China in Tianjin visited Łódź. Guests from China wanted to get to know the conditions that Łódź can offer to entrepreneurs. The delegation met the Mayor of Łódź Hanna Zdanowska and [...] location at the junction of highways, a modern airport and investments in rail connections, as well as conditions in the Lodz Special Economic Zone. The Vice-Secretary of the Party emphasized the importance of więcej

Aktualności: Łódź Special Economic Zone will support Wielton in its new investment
activity. The Łódź Special Economic Zone will provide support to the company if it meets a few conditions. First of all, it has to increase its current employment by 40 new employees at the location of więcej
Found 14 results in 26 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Symetris Business Park – we know all the tenants
company occupies 75 square m. Symetris is undoubtedly an office complex offering very good working conditions in a modern, friendly space. The unquestionable advantage of this place is its convenient location więcej

Aktualności: Textile cities associated in ACTE join forces
ACTE General Meeting. The common goals of further cooperation, similar traditions and historical conditions for the development of cities related to the textile industry were also emphasized by other re więcej
Strony: Tianjin
the Communist Party of China in Tianjin visited Łódź. Guests from China wanted to get to know the conditions that Łódź can offer to entrepreneurs. The delegation met the Mayor of Łódź Hanna Zdanowska and [...] location at the junction of highways, a modern airport and investments in rail connections, as well as conditions in the Lodz Special Economic Zone. The Vice-Secretary of the Party emphasized the importance of więcej

Aktualności: Łódź Special Economic Zone will support Wielton in its new investment
activity. The Łódź Special Economic Zone will provide support to the company if it meets a few conditions. First of all, it has to increase its current employment by 40 new employees at the location of więcej