Found 66 results in 62 milliseconds.
Strony: Registration of permanent residence by foreigners
by transfer (online, as well), in person, in any Post Office, in any bank and without administration fees in all bank branches of the Getin Noble Bank S.A. as well as in all cash deposit machines of Getin [...] registration may be filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout from the IT system, in the presence of the registering person, based on data included in the PESEL (Personal I [...] – confirms the fact of this person’s stay in the property. In the case when the registration application is made through an attorney-in-fact, the attorney-in-fact must show a power of attorney and an ID więcej
Strony: Tips for trips: Lodz for recreation
sandy beach with a volleyball court in summer, an ice rink in winter and the longest fountain in Europe. History of this place is presented in an interesting way in the Museum of the Factory. It’s also [...] founded in 1840. Few years ago it was awarded as the most beautiful park in Poland in a competition organized byan American gardening company. Therefore it’s essential to see it. Moreover, in the park [...] SQUARES, COVERS 1/3 OF THE CITY AREA. LODZ HAS ONE OF THE BIGGEST MUNICIPAL FOREST IN EUROPE AND ONE OF THE MOST MODERN PALM HOUSES. DON’T MISS A PARK WHOSE NAME MEANS... HEALTH (ZDROWIE)! Piknik in Zdrowie Park więcej
Strony: Łódź for investors
sector in Poland, 2017, 1st place in the category: "Cooperation with local authorities" and "Modern business services sector" 2016 and 2017 Prologis ranking: "100 Most Desirable Logistics Locations in Europe [...] location, which is evident in the number of awards granted to the city. Prime Property Prize in the category “Investor-Friendly City” 2018, 2017, 2014 Investment Awards in the category “City” granted [...] first place in 2016 and 2014, second in 2017 and 2015 Award: Eurobuild “The Real Estate Personality of the Year 2016” for Mayor Hanna Zdanowska 2016 fDi STRATEGY AWARD in fDi Polish Cities of the Future więcej
Strony: Orebro
dancer won first place in the Golden Boat competition in the solo category and received a check for PLN 1,000 founded by the Mayor of the City of Łódź. The artist also participated in dance workshops with [...] Orebro ÖREBRO - city in the Örebro region in the central Sweden. The city covers an area of 1380 km², and the population is 124 thousand, which gives it the seventh place among the cities in Sweden. The city [...] city is situated in the proximity of Lake Hjälmaren, and the small river Svartån flows through the city. In the olden days it was an important trade and communication route in Sweden. Located close to Stockholm więcej
Strony: Barreiro
ed in the 15th International Trade Fair of Tourist Regions AT THE CROSSROADS OF CULTURES in Łódź. 24-31.07.2009 - young people from Barreiro participated in the 1st Youth Festival of Twin Cities in Łódź [...] Barreiro BARREIRO IN BRIEF Barreiro is a city and a district in Portugal, in the Setubal district. It is located on the left, southern shore of the Tagus backwaters, near Lisbon - the capital of the country [...] cooperation with Bionanopark in Łódź, - encouraging Łódź investors to implement hotel investments in Barreiro, - implementation of joint cultural and sporting events in subsequent years. At the end of więcej
Strony: Lyon
Academy in Lodz. Annual youth exchange was also undertaken by Jean Perrin High School and Copernicus High School no. 1 in Łódź, as well as junior high school in Tonkin and High School no. 13 in Łódź. U [...] Sane Lyon In Brief Lyon – the 3rd largest city on France (536,424 inhabitants) and the 3 rd biggest agglomeration in France (1,636,238 inhabitants), according to data from 2015. It is located in central-east [...] Tilt and Patrice Warrener in the 6 th edition of Light Move Festival. Lumiere Festival in Lyon (9-10 October 2016) Participation of Łódź Film School in the Lumiere Festival in Lyon with the program of movies więcej
Strony: Lviv
Lviv took part as well. November 2009 - Łódź supported Lviv in the fight against A/H1N1 virus Łódź supported Lviv in the fight against A/H1N1 virus. Pulse oximeters and infusion pumps were funded by Lodz [...] was found in the oldest chronicle of the Russian chronicler Nestor in 981. In 1256 Prince Daniel I Halicki of the Rurykowitcz dynasty founded a defensive stronghold, which he called Lviv, in honor of his [...] Technology (founded in 1843), and the Lviv National University (founded in 1661). Its academic tradition date back to the 16 th century. It had a significant position in Central Europe in the field of humanities więcej
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
birds, swimming in the same direction (counterclockwise), located around the perimeter. The piece comes from the late Shang dynasty and is now in the Ruins Museum in Chengdu Jinsha. In 2011, he was officially [...] Sculpture of Łódź artist in Chengdu A sculpture of Jarosław Borek was unveiled in Chengdu. This is the result of the artist's trip to the sculpture festival in Chengdu, which took place in Spring 2018. The "The [...] at Primary School No. 1 in Łódź. The meeting aimed at determining the details of the visit of students from the Language Elementary School located in the Qingbaijiang District in Chengdu to Łódź . Since więcej
Strony: Odesa
Tamm (winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1958), Ilia Miecznikow (winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1908), Selman Waksman (winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1952). PARTNER COOPERATION Odesa's [...] with the city. In 1810 the first opera house was opened (destroyed by fire in 1873). The modern building was built by Fellner and Helmer in a neo-baroque style. The luxurious hall was built in the Rococo style [...] focused on the scope of changes in the structure of the City of Łódź after the implementation of the Act on municipal self-government in 1993. In addition, the 'Youth in Łódź' and 'New Center of Łódź' projects więcej
Strony: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
that the first city in Guangzhou was founded in 214 BC. It was called Panyu. In 206 BC it became the capital city of the Nanyue Kingdom. After conquering the kingdom by Han Dynasty in 111 BC, the city became [...] and as an important cultural centre in China. Guangzhou remained in a high position until the outbreak of the First Opium War in 1839. After a series of battles in Greater Bay Area, British conquered Guangzhou [...] relations with Lodz was expressed by Canton during the 1 st Poland-China Regions Forum in Gdansk in 2013. The visit of the delegation from Guangzhou in April 2013 confirmed the willingness to intensify contacts więcej
Found 66 results in 61 milliseconds.
Strony: Registration of permanent residence by foreigners
by transfer (online, as well), in person, in any Post Office, in any bank and without administration fees in all bank branches of the Getin Noble Bank S.A. as well as in all cash deposit machines of Getin [...] registration may be filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout from the IT system, in the presence of the registering person, based on data included in the PESEL (Personal I [...] – confirms the fact of this person’s stay in the property. In the case when the registration application is made through an attorney-in-fact, the attorney-in-fact must show a power of attorney and an ID więcej
Strony: Tips for trips: Lodz for recreation
sandy beach with a volleyball court in summer, an ice rink in winter and the longest fountain in Europe. History of this place is presented in an interesting way in the Museum of the Factory. It’s also [...] founded in 1840. Few years ago it was awarded as the most beautiful park in Poland in a competition organized byan American gardening company. Therefore it’s essential to see it. Moreover, in the park [...] SQUARES, COVERS 1/3 OF THE CITY AREA. LODZ HAS ONE OF THE BIGGEST MUNICIPAL FOREST IN EUROPE AND ONE OF THE MOST MODERN PALM HOUSES. DON’T MISS A PARK WHOSE NAME MEANS... HEALTH (ZDROWIE)! Piknik in Zdrowie Park więcej
Strony: Łódź for investors
sector in Poland, 2017, 1st place in the category: "Cooperation with local authorities" and "Modern business services sector" 2016 and 2017 Prologis ranking: "100 Most Desirable Logistics Locations in Europe [...] location, which is evident in the number of awards granted to the city. Prime Property Prize in the category “Investor-Friendly City” 2018, 2017, 2014 Investment Awards in the category “City” granted [...] first place in 2016 and 2014, second in 2017 and 2015 Award: Eurobuild “The Real Estate Personality of the Year 2016” for Mayor Hanna Zdanowska 2016 fDi STRATEGY AWARD in fDi Polish Cities of the Future więcej
Strony: Orebro
dancer won first place in the Golden Boat competition in the solo category and received a check for PLN 1,000 founded by the Mayor of the City of Łódź. The artist also participated in dance workshops with [...] Orebro ÖREBRO - city in the Örebro region in the central Sweden. The city covers an area of 1380 km², and the population is 124 thousand, which gives it the seventh place among the cities in Sweden. The city [...] city is situated in the proximity of Lake Hjälmaren, and the small river Svartån flows through the city. In the olden days it was an important trade and communication route in Sweden. Located close to Stockholm więcej
Strony: Barreiro
ed in the 15th International Trade Fair of Tourist Regions AT THE CROSSROADS OF CULTURES in Łódź. 24-31.07.2009 - young people from Barreiro participated in the 1st Youth Festival of Twin Cities in Łódź [...] Barreiro BARREIRO IN BRIEF Barreiro is a city and a district in Portugal, in the Setubal district. It is located on the left, southern shore of the Tagus backwaters, near Lisbon - the capital of the country [...] cooperation with Bionanopark in Łódź, - encouraging Łódź investors to implement hotel investments in Barreiro, - implementation of joint cultural and sporting events in subsequent years. At the end of więcej
Strony: Lyon
Academy in Lodz. Annual youth exchange was also undertaken by Jean Perrin High School and Copernicus High School no. 1 in Łódź, as well as junior high school in Tonkin and High School no. 13 in Łódź. U [...] Sane Lyon In Brief Lyon – the 3rd largest city on France (536,424 inhabitants) and the 3 rd biggest agglomeration in France (1,636,238 inhabitants), according to data from 2015. It is located in central-east [...] Tilt and Patrice Warrener in the 6 th edition of Light Move Festival. Lumiere Festival in Lyon (9-10 October 2016) Participation of Łódź Film School in the Lumiere Festival in Lyon with the program of movies więcej
Strony: Lviv
Lviv took part as well. November 2009 - Łódź supported Lviv in the fight against A/H1N1 virus Łódź supported Lviv in the fight against A/H1N1 virus. Pulse oximeters and infusion pumps were funded by Lodz [...] was found in the oldest chronicle of the Russian chronicler Nestor in 981. In 1256 Prince Daniel I Halicki of the Rurykowitcz dynasty founded a defensive stronghold, which he called Lviv, in honor of his [...] Technology (founded in 1843), and the Lviv National University (founded in 1661). Its academic tradition date back to the 16 th century. It had a significant position in Central Europe in the field of humanities więcej
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
birds, swimming in the same direction (counterclockwise), located around the perimeter. The piece comes from the late Shang dynasty and is now in the Ruins Museum in Chengdu Jinsha. In 2011, he was officially [...] Sculpture of Łódź artist in Chengdu A sculpture of Jarosław Borek was unveiled in Chengdu. This is the result of the artist's trip to the sculpture festival in Chengdu, which took place in Spring 2018. The "The [...] at Primary School No. 1 in Łódź. The meeting aimed at determining the details of the visit of students from the Language Elementary School located in the Qingbaijiang District in Chengdu to Łódź . Since więcej
Strony: Odesa
Tamm (winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1958), Ilia Miecznikow (winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1908), Selman Waksman (winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1952). PARTNER COOPERATION Odesa's [...] with the city. In 1810 the first opera house was opened (destroyed by fire in 1873). The modern building was built by Fellner and Helmer in a neo-baroque style. The luxurious hall was built in the Rococo style [...] focused on the scope of changes in the structure of the City of Łódź after the implementation of the Act on municipal self-government in 1993. In addition, the 'Youth in Łódź' and 'New Center of Łódź' projects więcej
Strony: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
that the first city in Guangzhou was founded in 214 BC. It was called Panyu. In 206 BC it became the capital city of the Nanyue Kingdom. After conquering the kingdom by Han Dynasty in 111 BC, the city became [...] and as an important cultural centre in China. Guangzhou remained in a high position until the outbreak of the First Opium War in 1839. After a series of battles in Greater Bay Area, British conquered Guangzhou [...] relations with Lodz was expressed by Canton during the 1 st Poland-China Regions Forum in Gdansk in 2013. The visit of the delegation from Guangzhou in April 2013 confirmed the willingness to intensify contacts więcej