Found 39 results in 20 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
Krzysztof Piątkowski. The visit program focused on issues of social assistance policy, management of non-governmental organizations, the system of social and public services. Guests had the opportunity to listen [...] listen to the presentation of the representatives of the Faculty of Health and Social Affairs of the City of Łódź, Municipal Social Welfare Center and the Mayor of Łódź City Representative for cooperation with więcej

Aktualności: Sports Diplomacy
young people that live in risk areas of armed conflict and to promote sport and culture as a tool of social rehabilitation, peaceful coexistence and intercultural dialogue. This year edition will be the fifth więcej

Aktualności: Study visit of the “ Young Generation Will Change Ukraine” program
Łódź - youth policy in Łódź - cooperation with universities and schools - preventing corruption - social participation and activation of citizens Later in the day, guests from Ukraine among others visited: więcej

Aktualności: Revitalisation of Łódź monuments
premises, nearly 140 business premises as well as sheltered housing premises and 21 premises with a social function are going to be created. There is one goal – to ensure residents with better conditions więcej

Aktualności: Innovation Night and “Human & Digital Technologies” seminar as early as on 5 October!
Technologies” is a seminar on the issues related to digitalisation, such as Polish digital dream, social acceptance of technology or data economy. At the meeting, there will be start-ups present, as well więcej

Aktualności: Delegation from Łódź in Lyon
debates, representatives of the largest European metropolises shared their ideas on how to fight social exclusion and increase public involvement. Representing Łodź, Vice Mayor Adam Wieczorek, in his speech [...] talked about how reducing of public transport ticket prices has contributed to the fight against social exclusion of groups such as students and retirees. During the European Metro polities Authorities [...] representatives of European metropolises calling on the EU institutions to pay more attention to social problems and to give greater significance to metropolitan authorities in the European government więcej

Aktualności: Days of Polish Hungarian Friendship in Veshprem
Festivals, cultural programs for youth and seniors. In addition was presented, a revitalization and social revitalization program. The main celebrations of the Polish-Hungarian Friendship Days were inaugurated więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Japanese Ambassador in Łódź
blocks were raised the issues of the similarities and differences in corporate governance, corporate social responsibility in European countries and Japan, as well as issues in the field of culture, customs więcej

Aktualności: Meeting with a delegation from the City of Rustavi
Wojciech Rosicki. The talks concerned mainly the program of Łódź revitalization and issues related to social participation, including the implementation of the civil budget. During the visit the members of więcej

Aktualności: Frida Kahlo’s cuisine - free cooking workshop
Mexican products and traditional Mexican cuisine were the inspiration for Frida and Diego. Banquets and social gatherings organized by Frida and Diego in the Blue House (Casa Azúl) in Cayoacán (Mexico City) were więcej
Found 39 results in 23 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
Krzysztof Piątkowski. The visit program focused on issues of social assistance policy, management of non-governmental organizations, the system of social and public services. Guests had the opportunity to listen [...] listen to the presentation of the representatives of the Faculty of Health and Social Affairs of the City of Łódź, Municipal Social Welfare Center and the Mayor of Łódź City Representative for cooperation with więcej

Aktualności: Sports Diplomacy
young people that live in risk areas of armed conflict and to promote sport and culture as a tool of social rehabilitation, peaceful coexistence and intercultural dialogue. This year edition will be the fifth więcej

Aktualności: Study visit of the “ Young Generation Will Change Ukraine” program
Łódź - youth policy in Łódź - cooperation with universities and schools - preventing corruption - social participation and activation of citizens Later in the day, guests from Ukraine among others visited: więcej

Aktualności: Revitalisation of Łódź monuments
premises, nearly 140 business premises as well as sheltered housing premises and 21 premises with a social function are going to be created. There is one goal – to ensure residents with better conditions więcej

Aktualności: Innovation Night and “Human & Digital Technologies” seminar as early as on 5 October!
Technologies” is a seminar on the issues related to digitalisation, such as Polish digital dream, social acceptance of technology or data economy. At the meeting, there will be start-ups present, as well więcej

Aktualności: Delegation from Łódź in Lyon
debates, representatives of the largest European metropolises shared their ideas on how to fight social exclusion and increase public involvement. Representing Łodź, Vice Mayor Adam Wieczorek, in his speech [...] talked about how reducing of public transport ticket prices has contributed to the fight against social exclusion of groups such as students and retirees. During the European Metro polities Authorities [...] representatives of European metropolises calling on the EU institutions to pay more attention to social problems and to give greater significance to metropolitan authorities in the European government więcej

Aktualności: Days of Polish Hungarian Friendship in Veshprem
Festivals, cultural programs for youth and seniors. In addition was presented, a revitalization and social revitalization program. The main celebrations of the Polish-Hungarian Friendship Days were inaugurated więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Japanese Ambassador in Łódź
blocks were raised the issues of the similarities and differences in corporate governance, corporate social responsibility in European countries and Japan, as well as issues in the field of culture, customs więcej

Aktualności: Meeting with a delegation from the City of Rustavi
Wojciech Rosicki. The talks concerned mainly the program of Łódź revitalization and issues related to social participation, including the implementation of the civil budget. During the visit the members of więcej

Aktualności: Frida Kahlo’s cuisine - free cooking workshop
Mexican products and traditional Mexican cuisine were the inspiration for Frida and Diego. Banquets and social gatherings organized by Frida and Diego in the Blue House (Casa Azúl) in Cayoacán (Mexico City) were więcej