Found 68 results in 22 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
social and public services. Guests had the opportunity to listen to the presentation of the representatives of the Faculty of Health and Social Affairs of the City of Łódź, Municipal Social Welfare Center więcej

Aktualności: Polish-Georgian economic forum "Doing Business in Georgia" (April 25, 2019)
The meeting will be attended by representatives of the Embassy of Georgia in Poland – His Excellency Mr Ambassador Ilia Darchiashvili, Natalia Topchishvili- Embassy Commercial Counselor and Stanisław więcej

Aktualności: Sports Diplomacy
visit Warsaw, Łódź and Krakow from September 9 to September 15. Predicted are meetings with representatives of the authorities (Deputy Minister of Sport, Mr Jan Widera, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs więcej

Aktualności: Senegal reporters were filming in Łódź
purpose of the visit was to present Poland and Polish economic potential, to radio and television representatives from Senegal – to show them Polish achievements as well as the innovativeness of Polish companies [...] and EC1. The team was very interested in progress of area revitalization. Together with the representatives of the City of Łódź Office, journalists visited Włókiennicza Street, which is now huge construction więcej

Aktualności: Ultra-fast 5G network enters Łódź
During the meeting, representatives of Łódź Special Economic Zone presented a project of implementation of 5G network in enterprises operating within the Zone. Representatives of Łódź University of Technology więcej

Aktualności: Business speed dating with investors – the registration is open for 3 more days!
VC Speed Dating is an event which brings young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and representatives of Venture Capitals who are open to investment together. The project is part of a Łódź programme titled [...] The second part will be held at tables. During 7-minute rounds, all investors and start-up representatives participating in the event will have the opportunity to talk. This year’s event will be held więcej

Aktualności: Representatives of the European tourism industry in Łódź
The guests took part in a ceremonial meeting with the city Mayor Hanna Zdanowska. Earlier, they went on a trip around Łódź, during which they visited Piotrkowska street, Manufaktura, EC1 Łódź - City o więcej

Aktualności: Opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Łódź
apart from the ambassador of the Republic of Armenia - His Excellency Samvel Mkrtchian, the representatives of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Governor and Deputy Marshal of the Łódź Province więcej

Aktualności: Opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Łódź
ambassador of the Republic of Armenia - His Excellency Samvel Mkrtchian, also took part the representatives of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Governor and Deputy Marshal of the Łódź Province więcej

Aktualności: The Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Poland on a visit to Łódź
School they had the opportunity to talk about the Index Film Studio belonging to the University. Representatives of the Embassy also expressed their willingness to commission students of the Łódź Film School [...] the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. During a visit to the Łódź Academy of Fine Arts, representatives of the Embassy became acquainted with competitions organized by the University, such as Łódź więcej
Found 68 results in 20 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
social and public services. Guests had the opportunity to listen to the presentation of the representatives of the Faculty of Health and Social Affairs of the City of Łódź, Municipal Social Welfare Center więcej

Aktualności: Polish-Georgian economic forum "Doing Business in Georgia" (April 25, 2019)
The meeting will be attended by representatives of the Embassy of Georgia in Poland – His Excellency Mr Ambassador Ilia Darchiashvili, Natalia Topchishvili- Embassy Commercial Counselor and Stanisław więcej

Aktualności: Sports Diplomacy
visit Warsaw, Łódź and Krakow from September 9 to September 15. Predicted are meetings with representatives of the authorities (Deputy Minister of Sport, Mr Jan Widera, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs więcej

Aktualności: Senegal reporters were filming in Łódź
purpose of the visit was to present Poland and Polish economic potential, to radio and television representatives from Senegal – to show them Polish achievements as well as the innovativeness of Polish companies [...] and EC1. The team was very interested in progress of area revitalization. Together with the representatives of the City of Łódź Office, journalists visited Włókiennicza Street, which is now huge construction więcej

Aktualności: Ultra-fast 5G network enters Łódź
During the meeting, representatives of Łódź Special Economic Zone presented a project of implementation of 5G network in enterprises operating within the Zone. Representatives of Łódź University of Technology więcej

Aktualności: Business speed dating with investors – the registration is open for 3 more days!
VC Speed Dating is an event which brings young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and representatives of Venture Capitals who are open to investment together. The project is part of a Łódź programme titled [...] The second part will be held at tables. During 7-minute rounds, all investors and start-up representatives participating in the event will have the opportunity to talk. This year’s event will be held więcej

Aktualności: Representatives of the European tourism industry in Łódź
The guests took part in a ceremonial meeting with the city Mayor Hanna Zdanowska. Earlier, they went on a trip around Łódź, during which they visited Piotrkowska street, Manufaktura, EC1 Łódź - City o więcej

Aktualności: Opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Łódź
apart from the ambassador of the Republic of Armenia - His Excellency Samvel Mkrtchian, the representatives of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Governor and Deputy Marshal of the Łódź Province więcej

Aktualności: Opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Łódź
ambassador of the Republic of Armenia - His Excellency Samvel Mkrtchian, also took part the representatives of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Governor and Deputy Marshal of the Łódź Province więcej

Aktualności: The Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Poland on a visit to Łódź
School they had the opportunity to talk about the Index Film Studio belonging to the University. Representatives of the Embassy also expressed their willingness to commission students of the Łódź Film School [...] the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. During a visit to the Łódź Academy of Fine Arts, representatives of the Embassy became acquainted with competitions organized by the University, such as Łódź więcej