Found 99 results in 28 milliseconds.

Aktualności: V Forum of Partner Cities [PROGRAMME]
University. The Łódź Partner Cities Forum has been a platform for talks in a group of friendly and cooperating metropolises for several years. At now Łódź has 20 partner cities. Contacts with them are więcej

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódzkie Region – Biotechnika
bioeconomy to the foreign market. The solution applied in Grand Forks has already been used in a twin facility in Poland – the installation has been successfully operating since 2012. The project value is USD więcej

Aktualności: Łódź University of Technology – we are looking for good employees in Łódź
centres all over the world, creates new technologies and patents. International Faculty of Engineering has been operating within the Łódź University of Technology for 25 years – an appreciated and known worldwide [...] technical fields of studies in English and 1 in French. In 2017, the Centre of International Cooperation has also been opened. Its main goal is to make the university’s position in the European arena as an innovative więcej

Aktualności: Łódź in the prestigious International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)
in the world. The head office of the ICCA is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The ICCA also has 3 representative offices: the Asian one in Malesia, the South American one in Uruguay and the North [...] increase the business tourist traffic. If it is followed by further development of infrastructure, Łódź has a chance to become an important European conference centre,” says Robert Zintera, the co-ordinator więcej

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódź Region – Indigo Nails
The brand was established in 2011 and has been appreciated both in Poland and internationally. Its points of sales are located in 24 countries throughout the world. In Poland there are over 90 of them [...] regularly wins national and international championships in the field of nail stylization. So far it has won over 930 medals. More details on: więcej

Aktualności: New Whirpool investment in Łódź– the business plan for Poland completed!
So far, the tumble dryer production has been taking place at a factory in Amiens, France, however, the investor is gradually phasing it out. Devices are also produced in a factory in Yate, England, however [...] EMEA region, Whirpool employs around 22 thousand employees, conducts sale in over 30 countries and has production plants and technological research centres in 7 of them. więcej

Aktualności: Questions that Łódź wanted to ask during the consultations on EU subsidies for 2021/2027
Will the Lodz Metropolitan Area be considered an area of strategic intervention? What projects has the Łódzkie Voivodship submitted to the National Reconstruction Plan? Who were these investments consulted więcej

Aktualności: United colours of Łódź - We support foreigners in the city
advice, language classes for children and adults, art workshops, integration classes, etc.). - Łódź has always been a multicultural city open to everyone, which is why I am very happy that there are more więcej

Aktualności: Foreigners friendly Łódź
The City of Łódź Office has prepared special guides for foreigners who decide to live in Łódź. Tutorials titled: "Getting Started", "Study in Łódź" and "Stay in Łódź" are a compendium of knowledge in the więcej

Aktualności: Participation of the City of Łódź in the Odesa Fashion Week Cruise
numerous graduates working in clothing companies such as LPP, TOP SECRET, SOLAR. Since 1996, the designer has co-created the MMC Design studio, which created original collections and successfully implemented projects więcej
Found 99 results in 23 milliseconds.

Aktualności: V Forum of Partner Cities [PROGRAMME]
University. The Łódź Partner Cities Forum has been a platform for talks in a group of friendly and cooperating metropolises for several years. At now Łódź has 20 partner cities. Contacts with them are więcej

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódzkie Region – Biotechnika
bioeconomy to the foreign market. The solution applied in Grand Forks has already been used in a twin facility in Poland – the installation has been successfully operating since 2012. The project value is USD więcej

Aktualności: Łódź University of Technology – we are looking for good employees in Łódź
centres all over the world, creates new technologies and patents. International Faculty of Engineering has been operating within the Łódź University of Technology for 25 years – an appreciated and known worldwide [...] technical fields of studies in English and 1 in French. In 2017, the Centre of International Cooperation has also been opened. Its main goal is to make the university’s position in the European arena as an innovative więcej

Aktualności: Łódź in the prestigious International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)
in the world. The head office of the ICCA is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The ICCA also has 3 representative offices: the Asian one in Malesia, the South American one in Uruguay and the North [...] increase the business tourist traffic. If it is followed by further development of infrastructure, Łódź has a chance to become an important European conference centre,” says Robert Zintera, the co-ordinator więcej

Aktualności: Regional Smart Specializations (RSS) in the Łódź Region – Indigo Nails
The brand was established in 2011 and has been appreciated both in Poland and internationally. Its points of sales are located in 24 countries throughout the world. In Poland there are over 90 of them [...] regularly wins national and international championships in the field of nail stylization. So far it has won over 930 medals. More details on: więcej

Aktualności: New Whirpool investment in Łódź– the business plan for Poland completed!
So far, the tumble dryer production has been taking place at a factory in Amiens, France, however, the investor is gradually phasing it out. Devices are also produced in a factory in Yate, England, however [...] EMEA region, Whirpool employs around 22 thousand employees, conducts sale in over 30 countries and has production plants and technological research centres in 7 of them. więcej

Aktualności: Questions that Łódź wanted to ask during the consultations on EU subsidies for 2021/2027
Will the Lodz Metropolitan Area be considered an area of strategic intervention? What projects has the Łódzkie Voivodship submitted to the National Reconstruction Plan? Who were these investments consulted więcej

Aktualności: United colours of Łódź - We support foreigners in the city
advice, language classes for children and adults, art workshops, integration classes, etc.). - Łódź has always been a multicultural city open to everyone, which is why I am very happy that there are more więcej

Aktualności: Foreigners friendly Łódź
The City of Łódź Office has prepared special guides for foreigners who decide to live in Łódź. Tutorials titled: "Getting Started", "Study in Łódź" and "Stay in Łódź" are a compendium of knowledge in the więcej

Aktualności: Participation of the City of Łódź in the Odesa Fashion Week Cruise
numerous graduates working in clothing companies such as LPP, TOP SECRET, SOLAR. Since 1996, the designer has co-created the MMC Design studio, which created original collections and successfully implemented projects więcej