Found 68 results in 39 milliseconds.
Strony: Tampere
are: Tampere Biennale Music Festival - held every two years since 1986, the festival has already had over 15 editions and is dedicated to the music of contemporary Finland as well as foreign performers. [...] costumes and listen to interesting music. In the whole city you can see over 50 monuments. The most popular of them include: Tampere Cathedral - designed by Lars Sonck and built więcej
Strony: Stuttgart
of the building. It is worth walking along Królewska Street (Königstraße), the main shopping street over a kilometer long. Despite the dense office and housing development, you can't help but be charmed [...] has a paradise for motoring fans - the Mercedes museum. The three floors of this building contain over 160 car models. There are even the first car models designed by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. Lovers [...] Stuttgart. He opened his first private studio in 1983. He exhibits his impressive and unique works all over the world: in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Russia, the Czech Republic, the USA and Brazil. Tanya Krylova więcej
Strony: Szeged
it took over roles that previously belonged to lost cities, it slowly regained its lost position. Kolozsvár University (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania) moved to Szeged in 1921. In 1923, Szeged took over the function [...] free royal position in 1715. In 1719 Szeged received a coat of arms from Charles III (used today). Over the next few years, Szeged developed and new perspectives opened up. In the city between 1728 and [...] built in the neo-Roman style, and its characteristic two towers with a height of 93 meters today tower over the entire city. The church was built on the initiative of the inhabitants in thanks for saving from więcej
Strony: Tianjin
this visit, not only meetings with investors from China but also from all over Asia were possible, because businessmen from all over the continent took part in the conferences. During the talks, potential [...] signed in Tianjin to guarantee the opening of the port to foreign trade. Forty years later the power over the city was taken by the so-called Boxers, fighting for the liberation of China from the influence [...] Regional Forum Poland - China The 3 rd Poland-China Regions Forum in Łódź (28-29 June) was attnded by over half a thousand entrepreneurs and representatives of local government. Discussions and panels on economic więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the French Ambassador
Mayor and the Ambassador, will be crucial for Poland and Europe. The Mayor also expressed her regret over the tragedy that touched Paris , and also all Europe and the World, in recent days, when a large part więcej

Aktualności: Economic mission to Barcelona
in Barcelona is a role model all over the world. Even representatives of New York come here for good practices. Barcelona manages over 40 markets scattered all over the city. Everything is done to ensure więcej

Aktualności: The next stage of REBELPIN – Fashion awards by ACTE
ACTE (European Association of Textile Communities) is a network with members from over 30 cities and regions from all over Europe, as well as important institutions for the textile and fashion industry. więcej

Aktualności: Record Museums Night online in Łódź
Over 40 Łódź museums and institutions have published live broadcasts, special video materials and photo galleries. In total, the coverage of the Łódź Museums Night online was over 1.5 million views. Broadcasts więcej

Aktualności: Opening of the exhibition at the Consulate of Armenia in Łódź
Sipa, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Business Development and International Cooperation, handed over to the Honorary Consul, Mr. Rafał Choma, a letter from President of the City of Łódź Mrs. Hanna Zdanowska więcej
Strony: Broken Heart Monument
streets Bracka, Emilii Plater, Górnicza and Sporna, behind a barbed wire fence, children from all over Poland, as well as other countries, were kept. They were orphans whose parents had been executed or [...] the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Faculty of Sculpture, in the studio of Xawery Dunikowski. For over half a century, the artist lived and worked in Łódź (she made sculptures in bronze, aluminum, wood więcej
Found 68 results in 43 milliseconds.
Strony: Tampere
are: Tampere Biennale Music Festival - held every two years since 1986, the festival has already had over 15 editions and is dedicated to the music of contemporary Finland as well as foreign performers. [...] costumes and listen to interesting music. In the whole city you can see over 50 monuments. The most popular of them include: Tampere Cathedral - designed by Lars Sonck and built więcej
Strony: Stuttgart
of the building. It is worth walking along Królewska Street (Königstraße), the main shopping street over a kilometer long. Despite the dense office and housing development, you can't help but be charmed [...] has a paradise for motoring fans - the Mercedes museum. The three floors of this building contain over 160 car models. There are even the first car models designed by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. Lovers [...] Stuttgart. He opened his first private studio in 1983. He exhibits his impressive and unique works all over the world: in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Russia, the Czech Republic, the USA and Brazil. Tanya Krylova więcej
Strony: Szeged
it took over roles that previously belonged to lost cities, it slowly regained its lost position. Kolozsvár University (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania) moved to Szeged in 1921. In 1923, Szeged took over the function [...] free royal position in 1715. In 1719 Szeged received a coat of arms from Charles III (used today). Over the next few years, Szeged developed and new perspectives opened up. In the city between 1728 and [...] built in the neo-Roman style, and its characteristic two towers with a height of 93 meters today tower over the entire city. The church was built on the initiative of the inhabitants in thanks for saving from więcej
Strony: Tianjin
this visit, not only meetings with investors from China but also from all over Asia were possible, because businessmen from all over the continent took part in the conferences. During the talks, potential [...] signed in Tianjin to guarantee the opening of the port to foreign trade. Forty years later the power over the city was taken by the so-called Boxers, fighting for the liberation of China from the influence [...] Regional Forum Poland - China The 3 rd Poland-China Regions Forum in Łódź (28-29 June) was attnded by over half a thousand entrepreneurs and representatives of local government. Discussions and panels on economic więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the French Ambassador
Mayor and the Ambassador, will be crucial for Poland and Europe. The Mayor also expressed her regret over the tragedy that touched Paris , and also all Europe and the World, in recent days, when a large part więcej

Aktualności: Economic mission to Barcelona
in Barcelona is a role model all over the world. Even representatives of New York come here for good practices. Barcelona manages over 40 markets scattered all over the city. Everything is done to ensure więcej

Aktualności: The next stage of REBELPIN – Fashion awards by ACTE
ACTE (European Association of Textile Communities) is a network with members from over 30 cities and regions from all over Europe, as well as important institutions for the textile and fashion industry. więcej

Aktualności: Record Museums Night online in Łódź
Over 40 Łódź museums and institutions have published live broadcasts, special video materials and photo galleries. In total, the coverage of the Łódź Museums Night online was over 1.5 million views. Broadcasts więcej

Aktualności: Opening of the exhibition at the Consulate of Armenia in Łódź
Sipa, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Business Development and International Cooperation, handed over to the Honorary Consul, Mr. Rafał Choma, a letter from President of the City of Łódź Mrs. Hanna Zdanowska więcej
Strony: Broken Heart Monument
streets Bracka, Emilii Plater, Górnicza and Sporna, behind a barbed wire fence, children from all over Poland, as well as other countries, were kept. They were orphans whose parents had been executed or [...] the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Faculty of Sculpture, in the studio of Xawery Dunikowski. For over half a century, the artist lived and worked in Łódź (she made sculptures in bronze, aluminum, wood więcej