Found 88 results in 63 milliseconds.
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
Strony Basic information about the city HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CHENGDU? The name Chengdu has remained unchanged for almost 2,500 years. According [...] transform into a metropolis" . It literally means "becoming the capital." This is the most popular saying about its origin. The first mention of the beginning of the city of Chengdu appeared already 4500 years [...] solutions in the field of supervision and control of the office's effectiveness, they also asked about anti-corruption solutions. Visit to Chengdu From 7 to 11 October 2019, meetings were held in Chengdu więcej
Strony: Łodź in figures
one of the fastest growing cities in Central and Eastern Europe. See for yourself and find out more about the third largest city in Poland! Working age population in Łódź and in the region, broken down into więcej
Strony: Transport and communication
you have access to around 100 national and international destinations. COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT! About 100 km from Łódź a new Central Transportation Port is to be built. This main transportation centre więcej
Strony: Reports and guides
market in Łódź. 17 MB Hotel market in Łódź You are invited to read the first edition of the report about the hotel market in Łódź, prepared in cooperation with Walter Herz. 5 MB Łódź revitalised The City [...] in Poland! 4 MB ŁÓDŹ REAL ESTATE MARKET 2018 You are invited to read the new edition of the report about the real estate market in Lodz, prepared in cooperation with JLL. The report presents trends in the więcej
Strony: Odesa
Strony and BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ODESA? Archaeological findings confirm that the area of today's Odesa has been [...] the City of Łódź as a center of film art. 2009 (May 2009) "What I Know About Poland" Winners of the competition "What I Know About Poland" visited Łódź. Three young residents of Odesa took part in artistic [...] railway reached Odessa - first the line was led to Balta, and in 1870 - to Kiev. Before the revolution, about 500 companies operated here. The Bolshevik rise to power caused a crisis and mass emigration of the więcej
Strony: Lviv
v=-qUsXadWPnE , BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY – what you should know about Lviv? The city has multicultural history. The first mention of the areas where [...] social activity of residents and increasing the level of awareness of school youth and city residents about the benefits of cycling. As a part of the project, we wanted to share our experience with the Ukrainian [...] year for the first time thanks to the councilman from NGOs there will be a civic budget here? And about the fact that the office hangs signs “City Council. Department of Spatial Planning”? - asked Urszula więcej
Strony: Tel Aviv–Yafo
chronicle contains information about the history and restoring memory of the events of the liquidation of Litzmannstadt Ghetto, it also contains a series of stories about the inhabitants of Łódź, diaries [...] tribute to the murdered people when we speak about their fate in order to prevent similar genocidal designs from repeating. (...) the obligation to guard the truth about what happened under German occupation [...] BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY – WHAT TO KNOW ABAOUT TEL AVIV–YAFO? Tel Aviv was founded by Jews. In 1908, 5 hectares więcej
Strony: Tampere
Strony Tourist website: BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY - WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TAMPERE? The establishment of the first settlement in the Tampere area dates [...] of Tampere Ritta Ollila welcomed guests in both countries. They talked about cooperation between Łódź and Tampere - primarily about the possibilities of implementing joint projects in the field of culture [...] (January 28 - May 15, 1918). Imperial forces seized the city after the Battle of Tampere, recupturing about 6,000 communist prisoners on 6 April 1918. After World War II, Tampere was enlarged by incorporating więcej
Strony: Szeged
congratulated them on their prize, told about the history of Łódź, encouraged them to continue learning Polish language, learning about literature, but also about art from Łódź. 2012 (23.03.2012) Day of [...] PARTNER AGREEMENT (Polish version) >>> BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SZEGED? The first mention of Szeged comes from ancient times, and Ptolemy mentions [...] Museum, is visited annually by about 350 thousand. tourists. In addition, Szeged boasts numerous galleries, clubs, a theater and a huge library that has a rich collection (about 1 million) of volumes, including więcej
Strony: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
Strony BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GUANGZHOU? It is assumed that the first city in Guangzhou was founded in 214 [...] power, for the disaster, the cities waged a series of clan wars from 1855 to 1867, in which died about one million people. CULTURE-WHAT IS WORTH SEEING? Tourists arriving to Guangzhou will definitely charmed [...] and a statue of the laughing Buddha - now it is one of 142 main monasteries in China. To learn more about the culture and history of the city and the entire region, it's worth visiting the Guangdong Provincial więcej
Found 88 results in 59 milliseconds.
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
Strony Basic information about the city HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CHENGDU? The name Chengdu has remained unchanged for almost 2,500 years. According [...] transform into a metropolis" . It literally means "becoming the capital." This is the most popular saying about its origin. The first mention of the beginning of the city of Chengdu appeared already 4500 years [...] solutions in the field of supervision and control of the office's effectiveness, they also asked about anti-corruption solutions. Visit to Chengdu From 7 to 11 October 2019, meetings were held in Chengdu więcej
Strony: Łodź in figures
one of the fastest growing cities in Central and Eastern Europe. See for yourself and find out more about the third largest city in Poland! Working age population in Łódź and in the region, broken down into więcej
Strony: Transport and communication
you have access to around 100 national and international destinations. COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT! About 100 km from Łódź a new Central Transportation Port is to be built. This main transportation centre więcej
Strony: Reports and guides
market in Łódź. 17 MB Hotel market in Łódź You are invited to read the first edition of the report about the hotel market in Łódź, prepared in cooperation with Walter Herz. 5 MB Łódź revitalised The City [...] in Poland! 4 MB ŁÓDŹ REAL ESTATE MARKET 2018 You are invited to read the new edition of the report about the real estate market in Lodz, prepared in cooperation with JLL. The report presents trends in the więcej
Strony: Odesa
Strony and BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ODESA? Archaeological findings confirm that the area of today's Odesa has been [...] the City of Łódź as a center of film art. 2009 (May 2009) "What I Know About Poland" Winners of the competition "What I Know About Poland" visited Łódź. Three young residents of Odesa took part in artistic [...] railway reached Odessa - first the line was led to Balta, and in 1870 - to Kiev. Before the revolution, about 500 companies operated here. The Bolshevik rise to power caused a crisis and mass emigration of the więcej
Strony: Lviv
v=-qUsXadWPnE , BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY – what you should know about Lviv? The city has multicultural history. The first mention of the areas where [...] social activity of residents and increasing the level of awareness of school youth and city residents about the benefits of cycling. As a part of the project, we wanted to share our experience with the Ukrainian [...] year for the first time thanks to the councilman from NGOs there will be a civic budget here? And about the fact that the office hangs signs “City Council. Department of Spatial Planning”? - asked Urszula więcej
Strony: Tel Aviv–Yafo
chronicle contains information about the history and restoring memory of the events of the liquidation of Litzmannstadt Ghetto, it also contains a series of stories about the inhabitants of Łódź, diaries [...] tribute to the murdered people when we speak about their fate in order to prevent similar genocidal designs from repeating. (...) the obligation to guard the truth about what happened under German occupation [...] BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY – WHAT TO KNOW ABAOUT TEL AVIV–YAFO? Tel Aviv was founded by Jews. In 1908, 5 hectares więcej
Strony: Tampere
Strony Tourist website: BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY - WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TAMPERE? The establishment of the first settlement in the Tampere area dates [...] of Tampere Ritta Ollila welcomed guests in both countries. They talked about cooperation between Łódź and Tampere - primarily about the possibilities of implementing joint projects in the field of culture [...] (January 28 - May 15, 1918). Imperial forces seized the city after the Battle of Tampere, recupturing about 6,000 communist prisoners on 6 April 1918. After World War II, Tampere was enlarged by incorporating więcej
Strony: Szeged
congratulated them on their prize, told about the history of Łódź, encouraged them to continue learning Polish language, learning about literature, but also about art from Łódź. 2012 (23.03.2012) Day of [...] PARTNER AGREEMENT (Polish version) >>> BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SZEGED? The first mention of Szeged comes from ancient times, and Ptolemy mentions [...] Museum, is visited annually by about 350 thousand. tourists. In addition, Szeged boasts numerous galleries, clubs, a theater and a huge library that has a rich collection (about 1 million) of volumes, including więcej
Strony: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
Strony BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GUANGZHOU? It is assumed that the first city in Guangzhou was founded in 214 [...] power, for the disaster, the cities waged a series of clan wars from 1855 to 1867, in which died about one million people. CULTURE-WHAT IS WORTH SEEING? Tourists arriving to Guangzhou will definitely charmed [...] and a statue of the laughing Buddha - now it is one of 142 main monasteries in China. To learn more about the culture and history of the city and the entire region, it's worth visiting the Guangdong Provincial więcej