Found 2 results in 16 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Frida Kahlo’s cuisine - free cooking workshop
workshops: BOOK & COOK Culinary studio (OFF Piotrkowska, building 6, floor I, first place on the left from the entrance through the gate at Roosevelta St., Piotrkowska St. 138/140). BOOK & COOK Culinary Studio więcej
Strony: Puebla
information in Polish >>>) Kitchen enthusiasts could participate in free cooking workshops at BOOK & COOK Studio with the participation of the chef of the Mexican Embassy, Ms. Pamela Montellano, an expert więcej
Found 2 results in 16 milliseconds.

Aktualności: Frida Kahlo’s cuisine - free cooking workshop
workshops: BOOK & COOK Culinary studio (OFF Piotrkowska, building 6, floor I, first place on the left from the entrance through the gate at Roosevelta St., Piotrkowska St. 138/140). BOOK & COOK Culinary Studio więcej
Strony: Puebla
information in Polish >>>) Kitchen enthusiasts could participate in free cooking workshops at BOOK & COOK Studio with the participation of the chef of the Mexican Embassy, Ms. Pamela Montellano, an expert więcej