Found 1 result in 27 milliseconds.
Strony: Stuttgart
by two Łódź tram drivers from Chocianowice Depot, Mrs. Monika Dąbrowska, a driver with 3 years of experience in MPK in Łódź and Mr. Szymon Janik, a driver with 10 years of experience in MPK in Łódź. Mr. [...] buses to MPK in Łódź, co-financing of the Stuttgart Commune Council in order to acquire and install specialized equipment and software for MPK and UMŁ. The insulation system for the needs of the Łódź Gasworks [...] organized in Łódź and Stuttgart. Citizens - joint seminars, conferences, workshops, lectures, fairs and city holidays. The implementation of the Łódź Days in Stuttgart and the Stuttgart Days in Łódź. Within więcej
Found 1 result in 23 milliseconds.
Strony: Stuttgart
by two Łódź tram drivers from Chocianowice Depot, Mrs. Monika Dąbrowska, a driver with 3 years of experience in MPK in Łódź and Mr. Szymon Janik, a driver with 10 years of experience in MPK in Łódź. Mr. [...] buses to MPK in Łódź, co-financing of the Stuttgart Commune Council in order to acquire and install specialized equipment and software for MPK and UMŁ. The insulation system for the needs of the Łódź Gasworks [...] organized in Łódź and Stuttgart. Citizens - joint seminars, conferences, workshops, lectures, fairs and city holidays. The implementation of the Łódź Days in Stuttgart and the Stuttgart Days in Łódź. Within więcej