Simply speaking, the 3D technology in art means overlapping flat, two-dimensional photographs made from different angles. In order to obtain the three-dimensional effect, one painting must be photographed from a few hundred to few thousand times, depending on the size of the masterpiece.
The digitalization system of oil paintings and presenting them in 3D has real chances to revolutionize not only the art galleries but also the visitors’ perception of art. Thanks to the use of photogrammetry, art lovers will be given an unlimited access to the world’s class artworks and the ability to feel a direct contact with them. VR technology enables taking a close look on the tiniest detail of the paintings – their structure, texture, even the brushstrokes. Representatives of Vescom have already talked to the Polish museums which expressed their interest in creating VR stands in their facilities.
The system created by Vescom is another step in the process of digitalisation. 3D models are to be used in the future e.g. in games and animations or, simply as resources which may be displayed and gradually improved.