The value of the first stage of the project amounts to over 57 million zlotys. Co-financing from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education amounts to 45 million zlotys. The Alchemium conference and educational is a 5-storey building which will be more than 24 metres high. Inside, there will be a 3-storey tall auditorium for 500 people. The auditorium will make it possible for the authorities of the Łódź University of Technology for organisation of events featuring prominent guests. The hall will be fitted with multimedia equipment, stage lighting and a system for simultaneous interpreting. The Centre will feature conference rooms (including a room with a surface area of more than 200 m2), auditoriums, computer rooms and offices. The building will be adapted to the needs of disabled people.
The Alchemium will be constructed along Żeromskiego Street (Campus A of the Łódź University of Technology). The project (two stages) has received 97.5 million zlotys of co-financing from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.