
Don’t invest in Łódź! The new promotional campaign of the city is gaining momentum.

Don’t invest in Łódź! This slogan has already been seen by passengers of foreign airports, readers of websites such as The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg or LinkedIn. And from 8 March this year, viewers of TV stations such as CNN and BBC will see it, as well. The information and promotional campaign of the city that is to encourage private, international entrepreneurs to invest in Łódź has just entered its key stage.

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Don’t invest in Łódź! This slogan has already been seen by passengers of foreign airports, readers of websites such as The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg or LinkedIn

The tricky slogan refers to the original nature of Łódź and is supposed to present the city as a place where creativity meets business. The purpose of the campaign is to show the city as a modern, developing space, where creativity is combined with business like nowhere else in the world. There have been billboards, 360 Degree VR films, promotional film, TV and radio spots, as well as other information and promotional material created.

The campaign is carried out in connection with the City of Łódź Project: "Economic internationalisation of enterprises from the Łódzkie Region through dedicated promotional activities and territorial economic marketing", co-financed from the Regional Operating Programme of the Łódzkie Region for the years 2014-2020.

See the advertising spot

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