
International success of a company from Łódź

The authors of apps are full of ideas trying to get their products become permanently present on the users’ mobile devices. The solutions which noticeably make purchase processes easier and simplified have the best chances for it. This is why a company from Łódź may already pop the champagne and celebrate an international success of Listonic – their mobile shopping list.

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The authors of apps are full of ideas trying to get their products become permanently present on the users’ mobile devices

Kamil Janiszewski and Filip Miłoszewski are the authors of the application allowing families for a more efficient shopping planning. They have already introduced their idea in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Brazil and Italy. Over the next few weeks, the initiative is to reach other countries. Listonic will appear in Poland in the third round of rollout.

Listonic has real chances to become the best app for creating shopping lists in the world. Its authors can boast almost one million active users per month. They also have research showing that on over 50 markets their app is the most frequently downloaded product in its category. This success is the result of not only the Listonic’s idea itself but also its general availability. One can use it via both an online website and in the form of an application operating on all most popular operating systems.

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