
Łódź among the leading cities in making use of EU funds

According to GUS [Central Statistical Office] Łódź is a Polish city which, after Warsaw, makes use of EU funds best. Investments completed in the city are worth over PLN 7 billion. Below we present only some of the under-takings.

According to GUS [Central Statistical Office] Łódź is a Polish city which, after Warsaw, makes use of EU funds best. / fot. 123rf

Reconstruction of W-Z route

The works started in 2013, they consisted in modernisation of the road connecting the eastern and western part of the city. The main goal was to eliminate heavy traffic in the city centre. Along with the renovation of the road surface, among others, tram lines were modernised and new bicycle paths were built.

The construction of the new Łódź Fabryczna railway station

In 2016, a new, three-level railway station appeared on the map of Łódź. The railway station is located 16 metres under ground. Apart from platforms, the railway station, ticket offices, shops, a car park and a bus station are all under ground.

Creation of a multi-modal node around Łódź Fabryczna railway station

Apart from the reconstruction of the very railway station, its surroundings were also reconstructed. The tram lines and tram stops were constructed and modernised, a tramway node, railway node as well as a park&ride car park system were built.

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