
Łódź bets on co-working

The number of co-working spaces in Łódź is growing year by year, and so does their offer range. A great example is Co:Spot from Łódź. From the beginning of 2019, this dynamically growing company is to systematically expand its usable area. More space will be offered in the current location on Zachodnia Street, with other facilities under the brand appearing in the city afterwards. At the turn of March and April – at 138 Piotrkowska Street, then, in the middle of the year – on Łagiewnicka Street, and by the end of the year – in the Widzew district.

fot. 123rf
The number of co-working spaces in Łódź is growing year by year, and so does their offer range. A great example is Co:Spot from Łódź

The company creates further workspaces due to the significant interest of entrepreneurs and freelancers, who see more and more advantages of working in such offices. The principle that motivates the creators of Co:Spot is not only the comfortable, modern office and flexible work arrangements. It is most notably about the confrontation with another human being - preferably from a different industry. As the owners explain, just a few minutes conversation over a fresh cup of coffee in a communal kitchen is enough to solve a seemingly impossible task. An opinion of a person from a different industry may prove to be very inspiring for us. Apart from that, Co:Spot members may take advantage of Thursday breakfasts, Friday integrations, numerous workshops and trainings organized by the company.

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