Found 3 results in 31 milliseconds.
Strony: Broken Heart Monument
Sporna, behind a barbed wire fence, children from all over Poland, as well as other countries, were kept. They were orphans whose parents had been executed or imprisoned, adolescent participants of the [...] resistance movement and victims of street roundups. Young prisoners between 3 and 16 were kept in very difficult conditions beatings, hunger, numerous epidemics, hard physical labor and lack of medical więcej
Strony: Szeged
Emperor Franz Joseph visited the city and promised that "Szeged would be more beautiful than before" and kept his promise. In the following years, a new, modern city emerged from ruins, with palaces and wide więcej
Strony: Odesa
Felling", Feridun Erol's medium-length debut from 1972. in turn, an absurd, a bit grotesque comedy kept in the atmosphere of early paintings by Roman Polański and Marek Piwowski with the participation of więcej
Found 3 results in 29 milliseconds.
Strony: Broken Heart Monument
Sporna, behind a barbed wire fence, children from all over Poland, as well as other countries, were kept. They were orphans whose parents had been executed or imprisoned, adolescent participants of the [...] resistance movement and victims of street roundups. Young prisoners between 3 and 16 were kept in very difficult conditions beatings, hunger, numerous epidemics, hard physical labor and lack of medical więcej
Strony: Szeged
Emperor Franz Joseph visited the city and promised that "Szeged would be more beautiful than before" and kept his promise. In the following years, a new, modern city emerged from ruins, with palaces and wide więcej
Strony: Odesa
Felling", Feridun Erol's medium-length debut from 1972. in turn, an absurd, a bit grotesque comedy kept in the atmosphere of early paintings by Roman Polański and Marek Piwowski with the participation of więcej