Found 29 results in 71 milliseconds.
Strony: Lviv
athletes, many of them announced their quick return to Łódź. 2017 V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] you to watch a short video coverage from the Forum: Source: 4. Polish-Ukrainian Partnership Festiwal in Lviv (4 - 6 September 2015) Forum is aiming to establish closer cooperation and [...] involvement of schools, the business community, youth and artists. II Forum of Partner Cities 24-26.10.2012 On the occasion of the 2nd Forum of Partner Cities in Łódź, delegations from 7 partner cities visited więcej
Strony: Stuttgart
Stuttgart tourist fair has been broken - over 240,000 people. 2017 V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] as improving the quality of life in the city. 2015 III Partner Cities Forum From 9 to 10 September 2015, the 3rd Partner Cities Forum took place. The event was devoted to revitalization in the city center [...] Maria Peszek, Julia Pietrucha, Renata Przemyk, Natalia Przybysz and Daria Zawiałow. At the end of the Forum, city delegations went around the Moniuszko Park, to the symbolic Avenue of Partner Cities, where więcej
Strony: Tianjin
of the University of Łódź. The World Intelligence Forum conference in Tianjin (15 -19 May 2019) From 15 to 19 May 2019, the World Intelligence Forum conference took place, during which Łódź had the o [...] Polish Language Training Center at the University of Łódź. 2017 V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] in one place - said Deputy Mayor Yin Hailin. (28-29.06.2015) III Regional Forum Poland - China The 3 rd Poland-China Regions Forum in Łódź (28-29 June) was attnded by over half a thousand entrepreneurs and więcej
Strony: Tampere
cities in the event as well as acquiring and servicing investors. V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] cooperation between Łódź and the twin city of Tampere. 2012 (24-26.10.2012) 2nd Forum of Partner Cities On the occasion of the 2nd Forum of Partner Cities in Łódź, delegations from 7 partner cities visited the [...] Tampere, eHealth, EdTech, Immersive Technologies and EdTech), as well as in the Investor & Business Forum, whose main goal was to talk about factors determining the attractiveness of cities as a place for więcej
Strony: Szeged
Szeged solemnly opened a modern elephant hall with a catwalk. 2017 V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] revitalized cultural and commercial center. 2015-09-09 III Partner Cities Forum From 9 to 10 September 2015, the 3rd Partner Cities Forum took place. The event was devoted to revitalization in the city center [...] included a number of cultural and artistic events as well as presentations of partner cities during the Forum, at which breaking points in the history of partner cities were presented. The event took place in więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
Parallel to the conference of partner cities, took place at the EUROCITIES Cultural Forum. The representative of Łódź at the Forum was Ms Ewa Sobocińska from the Department of Strategy of the Łódź City Office [...] organization of musicians and music groups in Chemnitz-Musikbund. 2017 5th Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] Maria Peszek, Julia Pietrucha, Renata Przemyk, Natalia Przybysz and Daria Zawiałow. At the end of the Forum, city delegations went around the Moniuszko Park, to the symbolic Avenue of Partner Cities, where więcej
Strony: Lyon
Participation in the 4 th Partner Cities Forum dedicated to stimulating entrepreneurship through creativity Economic mission [...] and the partner city of Lyon. 2011 I Partner Cities Forum 25.-28.10.2011 Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner Cities Forum. Mayors and officials of friendly cities met at [...] to start visiting the city from the Fourvière hill, which from the 1 st century AD (under the name Forum Vertus) was the main part of the Roman colony of Lugdunum (you can get here by the funicular from więcej
Strony: Puebla
y to see the biggest attractions of Łódź. 2012 (24-26.10.2012) II Partner Cities Forum On the occasion of the 2nd Forum of Partner Cities in Łódź, delegations from 7 partner cities visited the city: Russia [...] Ukraine (Lviv, Odessa), Finland (Tampere), Georgia (Rustavi), Mexico (Puebla). This year's theme of the forum was to stimulate local entrepreneurship and attract foreign investment. In addition to a special programme [...] investments, presenting their solutions in this area. During each of the meetings, the guests of the Forum saw the possibilities of applying examples of solutions applied in Łódź to their country - among others więcej
Strony: Barreiro
s-do-20o-aniversario-de-acordo-de-geminacao/ 2015 III Forum of Partner Cities (2015-09-09) From 9 to 10 September 2015, the 3rd Twin Cities Forum took place, devoted to revitalization in the city center [...] Lyon, Stuttgart, Szeged and Tampere talked about their experiences in revitalizing city centers. Forum participants had the opportunity to take part in the Congress of Polish Urban Planning "Return to [...] and Finland will support this candidacy. Material on supporting Łódź's efforts for EXPO from the Forum: 2010 24-28.06.2010 - BG BOOS dancing group from Barreiro więcej
Strony: Vilnius
2009) International Forum of Mayors in Vilnius The delegation from Łódź, headed by Mr. Mirosław Wieczorek, the Deputy Mayor of the City, represented our city at the International Forum of Mayors in Vilnius więcej
Found 29 results in 68 milliseconds.
Strony: Lviv
athletes, many of them announced their quick return to Łódź. 2017 V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] you to watch a short video coverage from the Forum: Source: 4. Polish-Ukrainian Partnership Festiwal in Lviv (4 - 6 September 2015) Forum is aiming to establish closer cooperation and [...] involvement of schools, the business community, youth and artists. II Forum of Partner Cities 24-26.10.2012 On the occasion of the 2nd Forum of Partner Cities in Łódź, delegations from 7 partner cities visited więcej
Strony: Stuttgart
Stuttgart tourist fair has been broken - over 240,000 people. 2017 V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] as improving the quality of life in the city. 2015 III Partner Cities Forum From 9 to 10 September 2015, the 3rd Partner Cities Forum took place. The event was devoted to revitalization in the city center [...] Maria Peszek, Julia Pietrucha, Renata Przemyk, Natalia Przybysz and Daria Zawiałow. At the end of the Forum, city delegations went around the Moniuszko Park, to the symbolic Avenue of Partner Cities, where więcej
Strony: Tianjin
of the University of Łódź. The World Intelligence Forum conference in Tianjin (15 -19 May 2019) From 15 to 19 May 2019, the World Intelligence Forum conference took place, during which Łódź had the o [...] Polish Language Training Center at the University of Łódź. 2017 V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] in one place - said Deputy Mayor Yin Hailin. (28-29.06.2015) III Regional Forum Poland - China The 3 rd Poland-China Regions Forum in Łódź (28-29 June) was attnded by over half a thousand entrepreneurs and więcej
Strony: Tampere
cities in the event as well as acquiring and servicing investors. V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] cooperation between Łódź and the twin city of Tampere. 2012 (24-26.10.2012) 2nd Forum of Partner Cities On the occasion of the 2nd Forum of Partner Cities in Łódź, delegations from 7 partner cities visited the [...] Tampere, eHealth, EdTech, Immersive Technologies and EdTech), as well as in the Investor & Business Forum, whose main goal was to talk about factors determining the attractiveness of cities as a place for więcej
Strony: Szeged
Szeged solemnly opened a modern elephant hall with a catwalk. 2017 V Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] revitalized cultural and commercial center. 2015-09-09 III Partner Cities Forum From 9 to 10 September 2015, the 3rd Partner Cities Forum took place. The event was devoted to revitalization in the city center [...] included a number of cultural and artistic events as well as presentations of partner cities during the Forum, at which breaking points in the history of partner cities were presented. The event took place in więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
Parallel to the conference of partner cities, took place at the EUROCITIES Cultural Forum. The representative of Łódź at the Forum was Ms Ewa Sobocińska from the Department of Strategy of the Łódź City Office [...] organization of musicians and music groups in Chemnitz-Musikbund. 2017 5th Forum of Twin Cities The main theme of the 5th Partner Cities Forum (17-19 September 2017) was the management of city centers in the aspect [...] Maria Peszek, Julia Pietrucha, Renata Przemyk, Natalia Przybysz and Daria Zawiałow. At the end of the Forum, city delegations went around the Moniuszko Park, to the symbolic Avenue of Partner Cities, where więcej
Strony: Lyon
Participation in the 4 th Partner Cities Forum dedicated to stimulating entrepreneurship through creativity Economic mission [...] and the partner city of Lyon. 2011 I Partner Cities Forum 25.-28.10.2011 Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner Cities Forum. Mayors and officials of friendly cities met at [...] to start visiting the city from the Fourvière hill, which from the 1 st century AD (under the name Forum Vertus) was the main part of the Roman colony of Lugdunum (you can get here by the funicular from więcej
Strony: Puebla
y to see the biggest attractions of Łódź. 2012 (24-26.10.2012) II Partner Cities Forum On the occasion of the 2nd Forum of Partner Cities in Łódź, delegations from 7 partner cities visited the city: Russia [...] Ukraine (Lviv, Odessa), Finland (Tampere), Georgia (Rustavi), Mexico (Puebla). This year's theme of the forum was to stimulate local entrepreneurship and attract foreign investment. In addition to a special programme [...] investments, presenting their solutions in this area. During each of the meetings, the guests of the Forum saw the possibilities of applying examples of solutions applied in Łódź to their country - among others więcej
Strony: Barreiro
s-do-20o-aniversario-de-acordo-de-geminacao/ 2015 III Forum of Partner Cities (2015-09-09) From 9 to 10 September 2015, the 3rd Twin Cities Forum took place, devoted to revitalization in the city center [...] Lyon, Stuttgart, Szeged and Tampere talked about their experiences in revitalizing city centers. Forum participants had the opportunity to take part in the Congress of Polish Urban Planning "Return to [...] and Finland will support this candidacy. Material on supporting Łódź's efforts for EXPO from the Forum: 2010 24-28.06.2010 - BG BOOS dancing group from Barreiro więcej
Strony: Vilnius
2009) International Forum of Mayors in Vilnius The delegation from Łódź, headed by Mr. Mirosław Wieczorek, the Deputy Mayor of the City, represented our city at the International Forum of Mayors in Vilnius więcej