Found 126 results in 42 milliseconds.
Strony: Vilnius
Vilnius VILNIUS IN BRIEF Vilnius - capital of the Republic of Lithuania located in the south of this country, close to the border with Poland and Belarus. The city has an area of 401 km2 and has about [...] and Technology . Every year at the beginning of September "Days of the Capital" are held. During this biggest city festival, concerts of music bands, performances of street theaters, and film screeings [...] is famous for its fantastic and ambitious programmes, jazz improvisations and amazing atmosphere. This is the festival of premieres and presentations of various trends and styles in jazz. What else is więcej
Strony: Murcia
industry. Most of the modern city's landmark churches, monuments and old architecture date from this period. In this century, Murcia lived an important role in Bourbon victory in the War of the Spanish Succession [...] of Aragon in 1266, conquering Murcia and bringing Aragonese and Catalan immigrants with him. After this, during the reign of Alfonso X Castile, Murcia was one of its capital of Toledo and Seville. In 1304 [...] (18th century), with a Rococo facade and a courtyard characterized by Churriguerism, and a cathedral. This temple, which construction began at the end of the fourteenth century, is distinguished by the overlap więcej
Strony: Puebla
stepped from the sky to designate the shape of a new city where Spanish settlers could settle, and all this dreamed to Archbishop Santo Domingo Toribio, who in 1531 year decided to found a city in these areas [...] "Promised Land" for many workers from Europe who came to the city mainly from Germany, Italy and Spain. To this day in Puebla you can see European influences, manifested primarily in architecture, traditions and [...] (Kaliningrad, Ivanovo), Ukraine (Lviv, Odessa), Finland (Tampere), Georgia (Rustavi), Mexico (Puebla). This year's theme of the forum was to stimulate local entrepreneurship and attract foreign investment. więcej
Strony: Orebro
'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International Cooperation presented the project [...] and activities for children, free admission to museums) in which foreign delegations participated. This allowed the exchange of experiences of delegation participants who organize similar events in their więcej
Strony: Full Line-Up 2024
festival-goers dance. Milky Chance is the headliner on the first day of the festival. JULY 26th | FRIDAY This year, Błażej Król's 40th birthday, he also celebrates the anniversary of his solo career. Błażej Król [...] e in the most interesting projects on the Polish music market - such as Męskie Granie. It was for this project that Zalewski wrote the song " Poczatek ", which quickly reached over 100 million views. In [...] procedure. By outlining a broad social context and a multitude of follow-ups to previous recordings, this is the fullest implementation of concepts also present on the duo's other albums. Since the fresh więcej
Strony: Broken Heart Monument
People's Republic awards the Order of the Cross of Grunwald 2nd class to the Children murdered in this camp by the Nazi genocides. 8 May 1971.” To the south of the monument there is a concrete symbolic więcej
Strony: International cooperation
of European Union activity. The Mayor of Łódź, Hanna Zdanowska, has just become the ambassador of this initiative in Poland. Read more 1 2 3 .... 31 next zobacz wszystkie więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
data from 31 December 2018, the city has 247 thousand inhabitants. Many stars were born or grew up in this city, including: Katarina Witt (queen of figure skating), Michael Ballack (captain of the German football [...] British-American bombing in 1945, and then by the architecture of socialism for the second time. After this destruction, the city center of Chemnitz was never fully rebuilt. In the years 1953-1990 it was called [...] beautiful district of the Griffin period in Europe - Kaßberg. The most important cultural events in this city are theater meetings under the name "Chemnitzer Begegnungen", Mozart festival in Saxony, Int więcej
Strony: Belarusian IT
Lodz University of Technology, one of the best universities in the country, plays a leading role in this respect. Individual faculties of the Lodz University of Technology cooperate in the field of adjusting [...] Average time (days) of issuing work decision for a NON-EU resident: THEY TRUSTED US TAKE A LOOK! This is not the first time we dedicate our promotional campaign to companies and people from beyond our [...] CONTACT Want to learn some more detailed information with regard to any of the topics mentioned on this website? We’ll be more than happy to answear any questions! Drop us a line: ✉ INVESTLODZ@UML.LODZ więcej
Strony: Barreiro
President of the City of Łódź, Marek Czekalski and the President of the City of Barreiro, Pedro Canario. This ceremony was associated with the visit in our city of the Prime Minister of Portugal, Antonio Guterres [...] Polish Urban Planning "Return to the Center" organized by the Association of Polish Town Planners. On this occasion, specialists from all over Europe exchanged their experiences in the field of spatial planning [...] project of Łódź's efforts for organizing EXPO 2022. Diplomats from France and Finland will support this candidacy. Material on supporting Łódź's efforts for EXPO from the Forum: więcej
Found 126 results in 36 milliseconds.
Strony: Vilnius
Vilnius VILNIUS IN BRIEF Vilnius - capital of the Republic of Lithuania located in the south of this country, close to the border with Poland and Belarus. The city has an area of 401 km2 and has about [...] and Technology . Every year at the beginning of September "Days of the Capital" are held. During this biggest city festival, concerts of music bands, performances of street theaters, and film screeings [...] is famous for its fantastic and ambitious programmes, jazz improvisations and amazing atmosphere. This is the festival of premieres and presentations of various trends and styles in jazz. What else is więcej
Strony: Murcia
industry. Most of the modern city's landmark churches, monuments and old architecture date from this period. In this century, Murcia lived an important role in Bourbon victory in the War of the Spanish Succession [...] of Aragon in 1266, conquering Murcia and bringing Aragonese and Catalan immigrants with him. After this, during the reign of Alfonso X Castile, Murcia was one of its capital of Toledo and Seville. In 1304 [...] (18th century), with a Rococo facade and a courtyard characterized by Churriguerism, and a cathedral. This temple, which construction began at the end of the fourteenth century, is distinguished by the overlap więcej
Strony: Puebla
stepped from the sky to designate the shape of a new city where Spanish settlers could settle, and all this dreamed to Archbishop Santo Domingo Toribio, who in 1531 year decided to found a city in these areas [...] "Promised Land" for many workers from Europe who came to the city mainly from Germany, Italy and Spain. To this day in Puebla you can see European influences, manifested primarily in architecture, traditions and [...] (Kaliningrad, Ivanovo), Ukraine (Lviv, Odessa), Finland (Tampere), Georgia (Rustavi), Mexico (Puebla). This year's theme of the forum was to stimulate local entrepreneurship and attract foreign investment. więcej
Strony: Orebro
'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International Cooperation presented the project [...] and activities for children, free admission to museums) in which foreign delegations participated. This allowed the exchange of experiences of delegation participants who organize similar events in their więcej
Strony: Full Line-Up 2024
festival-goers dance. Milky Chance is the headliner on the first day of the festival. JULY 26th | FRIDAY This year, Błażej Król's 40th birthday, he also celebrates the anniversary of his solo career. Błażej Król [...] e in the most interesting projects on the Polish music market - such as Męskie Granie. It was for this project that Zalewski wrote the song " Poczatek ", which quickly reached over 100 million views. In [...] procedure. By outlining a broad social context and a multitude of follow-ups to previous recordings, this is the fullest implementation of concepts also present on the duo's other albums. Since the fresh więcej
Strony: Broken Heart Monument
People's Republic awards the Order of the Cross of Grunwald 2nd class to the Children murdered in this camp by the Nazi genocides. 8 May 1971.” To the south of the monument there is a concrete symbolic więcej
Strony: International cooperation
of European Union activity. The Mayor of Łódź, Hanna Zdanowska, has just become the ambassador of this initiative in Poland. Read more 1 2 3 .... 31 next zobacz wszystkie więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
data from 31 December 2018, the city has 247 thousand inhabitants. Many stars were born or grew up in this city, including: Katarina Witt (queen of figure skating), Michael Ballack (captain of the German football [...] British-American bombing in 1945, and then by the architecture of socialism for the second time. After this destruction, the city center of Chemnitz was never fully rebuilt. In the years 1953-1990 it was called [...] beautiful district of the Griffin period in Europe - Kaßberg. The most important cultural events in this city are theater meetings under the name "Chemnitzer Begegnungen", Mozart festival in Saxony, Int więcej
Strony: Belarusian IT
Lodz University of Technology, one of the best universities in the country, plays a leading role in this respect. Individual faculties of the Lodz University of Technology cooperate in the field of adjusting [...] Average time (days) of issuing work decision for a NON-EU resident: THEY TRUSTED US TAKE A LOOK! This is not the first time we dedicate our promotional campaign to companies and people from beyond our [...] CONTACT Want to learn some more detailed information with regard to any of the topics mentioned on this website? We’ll be more than happy to answear any questions! Drop us a line: ✉ INVESTLODZ@UML.LODZ więcej
Strony: Barreiro
President of the City of Łódź, Marek Czekalski and the President of the City of Barreiro, Pedro Canario. This ceremony was associated with the visit in our city of the Prime Minister of Portugal, Antonio Guterres [...] Polish Urban Planning "Return to the Center" organized by the Association of Polish Town Planners. On this occasion, specialists from all over Europe exchanged their experiences in the field of spatial planning [...] project of Łódź's efforts for organizing EXPO 2022. Diplomats from France and Finland will support this candidacy. Material on supporting Łódź's efforts for EXPO from the Forum: więcej