Found 4 results in 24 milliseconds.
Strony: International cooperation
International cooperation NEWS The virtual Stuttgart marathon starts on Saturday 08.07.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Stuttgart the partner city of Łódź invites Łódź’s runners to participate in więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
Chemnitz Marathon On 5 July 2014 the 7th Chemnitz Marathon was held. The marathon run was not the only distance available to the competitors, as they also had a choice of running half-marathon, quarter-marathon [...] quarter-marathon (10.5 km) and minimarathon, i.e. a distance of 4.2 km. Chemnitz Marathon is one of the most unique and attractive events on the city's sports calendar. It has become a tradition that runners [...] 1350-1360. Below are the achievements of our representatives: Minimarathon Aleksandra Gębicka Quarter-marathon : Martyna Jóźwikowska (5. place in the age category K20) Katarzyna Lanycia Joanna Jędrasiak Bartłomiej więcej
Strony: News - International Cooperation
News - International Cooperation NEWS The virtual Stuttgart marathon starts on Saturday 08.07.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Stuttgart the partner city of Łódź invites Łódź’s runners to participate więcej

Aktualności: The virtual Stuttgart marathon starts on Saturday
registration codes and you can register on the following routes: · Half-marathon (21 km) · Half-marathon on roller-skates · Half-marathon on a hand bike and wheelchair "Lotto" · Race on handbikes / wheelchairs [...] "Lotto" on distance of 7 km · "Kaufland" race 7 km · Walking / Nordic walking over 7 km · Mini-marathon (1.4 km, 2.0 km) · Roller skating for children (1.4 km, 2.0 km). You can follow the participants więcej
Found 4 results in 37 milliseconds.
Strony: International cooperation
International cooperation NEWS The virtual Stuttgart marathon starts on Saturday 08.07.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Stuttgart the partner city of Łódź invites Łódź’s runners to participate in więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
Chemnitz Marathon On 5 July 2014 the 7th Chemnitz Marathon was held. The marathon run was not the only distance available to the competitors, as they also had a choice of running half-marathon, quarter-marathon [...] quarter-marathon (10.5 km) and minimarathon, i.e. a distance of 4.2 km. Chemnitz Marathon is one of the most unique and attractive events on the city's sports calendar. It has become a tradition that runners [...] 1350-1360. Below are the achievements of our representatives: Minimarathon Aleksandra Gębicka Quarter-marathon : Martyna Jóźwikowska (5. place in the age category K20) Katarzyna Lanycia Joanna Jędrasiak Bartłomiej więcej
Strony: News - International Cooperation
News - International Cooperation NEWS The virtual Stuttgart marathon starts on Saturday 08.07.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Stuttgart the partner city of Łódź invites Łódź’s runners to participate więcej

Aktualności: The virtual Stuttgart marathon starts on Saturday
registration codes and you can register on the following routes: · Half-marathon (21 km) · Half-marathon on roller-skates · Half-marathon on a hand bike and wheelchair "Lotto" · Race on handbikes / wheelchairs [...] "Lotto" on distance of 7 km · "Kaufland" race 7 km · Walking / Nordic walking over 7 km · Mini-marathon (1.4 km, 2.0 km) · Roller skating for children (1.4 km, 2.0 km). You can follow the participants więcej