White collars
High availability of talents and skilled white collar employees in Łódź
As one of the biggest academic centres in Poland and one of the most appreciated locations for business services centres, Łódź offers a rich talent pool for employers looking for professional experts in various fields. This high attractivity of the city in terms of employing white collar specialists is confirmed by independent rankings such as ABSL Report, recognising Łódź among others for its high availability of talents and skilled workers (1st place in the 2019’s report) as well as in the cooperation with local universities and the quality of local universities (respectively 1st and 3rd place in the 2020’s report).
With more than 1,2 million people living in the agglomeration area and almost 690 thousand people living within the city limits (including almost 400 thousand working-age population), Łódź is one of the largest labour markets in Poland.
Łódź-based academic institutions offer a wide diversity of study courses: from humanities, arts and culture fields, through linguistic and social sciences faculties, to a broad range of medical and technical faculties. The largest public ones, the University of Łódź and the Łódź University of Technology, are among the highest-ranked Polish universities in Poland and their graduates are skilled and highly appreciated employees of companies representing various business sectors.
Łódź is one of the most important business service centres in Europe, employing nearly 30,000 people. The main specializations of Łódź-based centres include finance and accounting, IT, supply chain, procurement and service desks. These roles are also often required in the industrial sector, and for this reason a number of companies active mostly in industrial sectors decide to expand business operations through opening a shared services sector.
At the same time, as shown by studies conducted recently among others by Deloitte and Antal, Łódź labour market becomes more and more attractive both for white collars relocating from other Polish cities or from abroad as well as for former graduates of Łódź-based universities or Łódź inhabitants commuting on a daily basis to Warsaw. As demonstrated by Deloitte in their study, the majority of respondents (64 percent of the participants of the survey) would be open to the possibility of taking up employment in Łodź if they find an attractive job offer in Łódź. What is worth noting, the relocated employees as well as commuters to Warsaw, as experienced specialists in various fields, are a group of potential employees that is of a particular interest for Łódź-based companies or investors willing to set up their business in the city.