Residential real estate
After years of stagnation in the residential development sector, Łódź’s market has eventually gained momentum in terms of big development projects. Recently launched projects have a chance of improving the living conditions of Łódź’s citizens, as well as creating a new, attractive urban landscape. With its current housing resources, Łódź places itself among the biggest regional markets in Poland.
However, it is worth mentioning that the dwelling stock in Łódź is quite old, largely decapitalised and ill-suited to modern standards and requirements. In light of these factors, the residential market in Łódź holds significant potential for growth. Łódź also appeals to investors because of the purchasing power of its citizens, which stands out among other big cities in Poland. A positive outlook for the local job market (growing salaries and the lowest unemployment rate since the political transformation in 1989) further stimulates the demand for new apartments.
Also, the market of apartments for rent has definitely increased in recent years and Łódź is one of the cities more and more willingly chosen by institutional investors managing rental. It should be expected that in a few years the list of funds that have apartments in Łódź will be much longer.
The market is currently going through a supply upswing. More apartments are being completed, largely due to the increased activity of private developers. The number of apartments for which permits have been granted is also on the rise. Therefore it is safe to assume that the offer of the residential developers is bound to expand in the following years.