Business Services Sector / IT / R&D
Why Łódź?
- One of the largest labour markets in Poland (both blue collars [link do >> BLUE COLLARS] and highly qualified engineers [link do >> ACADEMIC ŁÓDŹ])
- Attractive incentives for manufacturing projects [link do >> INCENTIVES]
- High availability of attractive office space
- Short deadlines for issuing administrative decisions
- Central location and developed transport infrastructure [link do >> All roads lead to Łódź]
- The city is increasingly seen as a potential destination for relocation of employees, including IT specialists.
- Łódź constitutes an attractive investment location due to the favourable ratio of salaries and others costs of conducting business activity to maintenance costs.
- availability of transportation (road) [1st place]
- cooperation with local universities [1st place]
- quality of local universities [3rd place]
- availability of modern office space [3rd place]
- working with the local investor support unit [3rd place]
SSC/BPO / IT / R&D in Łódź
In recent years, the local BPO/SSC sector obeserves a dynamic growth and regular openings of new centres in Łódź, with a particular focus on financial services centres and global competence centres offering a higher complexity of job positions and a greater strategic importance. In addition to the new investments, many of the investors that are already present in the city decide to expand their activity and create new roles within existing centres.
Key facts:
The total scale of employment in SSC/GBS / IT / BPO / R&D in Łódź amounts to about 26 thousand people.
It was in Łódź that one of the highest employment rate growth dynamics in the SSC/GBS / IT / BPO / R&D sector in Poland was observed in recent years.