Logistics & Distribution

Why Łódź?

One of the best logistic locations in the Cental and Eastern Europe

  • intersection of key North-South and East-West transport routes
  • direct cargo train connections to China
  • multimodal cargo airport

Developed and continuously improved transportation infrastructure

Road, rail & air

High availability of attractive investment areas for logistics projects

withing the city limits or in the close proximity of the city

One of the largest labour markets in Poland

both for blue collar and white collar roles

Logistics & distribution sector in Łódź

The perfect location in Central Poland and the access to the intersection of the European east-west and north-south routes make Łódź an attractive location for logistic companies and for largest logistics complexes.

Key figures: 

  • 1 million sq. m of total warehouse space in Łódź (approx. 3 millions sq. m in Central Poland
  • 3,3-3,9 EUR / sq m – base rent in Łódź
  • 10% - vacancy rate
  • Close to motorway junctions (A1 and A2)

Local leaders in logistics & distribution sector
