Found 12 results in 77 milliseconds.
Strony: Full Line-Up 2024
End". JULY 28th | SUNDAY The band was created in Lublin by B eata Kozidrak, A ndrzej Pietras, J arosław Kozidrak, and M arek Winiarski. The path to the band's career was opened by an award in the debut [...] The music and images accompanying the album are a journey from analog shots of Iceland to hi-tech 3D renderings. ROUGH N' GENTLE features a galaxy of great guests such as PRO8L3M , Daria Zawiałow , and [...] also received this honor. " Ground Zero " was the first mixtape in history to receive the Fryderyk award. JULY 27th | SATURDAY Placebo is the most popular British alternative band, created by Brian Molko więcej
Strony: News - International Cooperation
Łódź with Chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of the State of Israel 16.04.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą On Friday, 16.04.2021 deputy mayor of Łódź, Mr. Adam Wieczorek met with Chargé d’affaires of Israeli [...] Współpraca z Zagranicą Stuttgart the partner city of Łódź invites Łódź’s runners to participate in the 28th Stuttgart Run. During the race, Łódź will be represented by the “Szakale Bałut” (Bałuty Jackals) więcej
Strony: Youth in Łódź
offers in total 19 institutions of higher education, 7 public and 12 non-public, as well as 30 R & D institutions. There are almost 74 thousand people studying at the universities in Łódź, including 5 [...] student exchange programs, the students of the University of Łódź can also continue their studies in 28 European countries. The Łódź University of Technology has maintained top positions in rankings of technical więcej
Strony: Orebro
all over the world a.o. Yantai in China or Nizhny Novgorod in Russia. HISTORY OF COOPERATION 2011 (25-28.10.2011) I Partner Cities Forum Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner [...] workshops within the framework of the project 'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International [...] partner cities. Our cultural initiatives and activating civil society aroused particular interest. (24-28 June 2010) III International Dance Festival Elianor Ljungkvist from Örebro was a guest of the 3rd więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
solidarity. 25.07.2014 Łódź awarded Łódź received the prestigious Council of Europe award - Honor Plaque. This award went to our city in recognition of its efforts to promote European unity by developing [...] between Łódź and Tel Aviv. Festive evening "Tel Aviv - the city that never sleeps" took place on August 28 at the premises of the revitalized factory complex Piotrkowska 217, where the investor is the Israeli [...] of Strategy of the Łódź City Office. Visit of the Polish-German Association in Chemnitz From 27 to 28 March we hosted in Łódź representatives of the Polish-German Association from Chemnitz, in connection więcej
Strony: Tianjin
functions in one place - said Deputy Mayor Yin Hailin. (28-29.06.2015) III Regional Forum Poland - China The 3 rd Poland-China Regions Forum in Łódź (28-29 June) was attnded by over half a thousand entrepreneurs [...] cooperation is to attract Chinese investors to the Łódź Special Economic Zone. I Partner Cities Forum, 25-28.10.2011 Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner Cities Forum. Mayors and [...] workshops within the framework of the project 'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International więcej
Strony: Gruzińska delegacja z wizytą w Łodzi
and Kiruna (Sweden). HISTORY OF COOPERATION 2020 Visit of the Łódź delegation in Rustavi From 27 to 28 February, the delegation of the City of Łódź headed by Mr. Marcin Gołaszewski, Chairman of the City [...] coverage from this meeting. We invite you to watch the reportage: 2011 (25-28.10.2011) I Partner Cities Forum Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner [...] workshops within the framework of the project 'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International więcej
Strony: Szeged
Szeged SZEGED IN BRIEF S Z E G E D - the city located in the south of Hungary, near the border with Serbia and Romania, which covers an area of 281 km2 and has about 162,000 inhabitants. It is the third [...] 1498, Szeged obtained the status of a royal city. Szeged was first attacked by the Turkish army on 28 September 1526, but it was only seized in 1543 and became the administrative center of the Ottomans [...] traditions and many tourist attractions. Talks were taken regarding student exchange with Szeged. 2010 24-28.06.2010 - 3rd International Dance Festival in Łódź A group of 4 dancers, that presented modern dance więcej
Strony: Lviv
in the Permanent National Conference on International Cooperation of Local Governments in Poznan (27-28.06.2013) The conference was focused on the topic of the Eastern Partnership initiative, and its main [...] Culture Center 06.11.2011 - Closing of the festival at the Dramatic Theater. Farewell and departure (25-28.10.2011) I Partner Cities Forum Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner [...] workshops within the framework of the project 'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International więcej
Strony: Lyon
the first cinema projection was made in Paris (33 viewers took part in it). This event took place on 28 December 1895 and is widely regarded as the beginning of the history of cinema. CULTURE - WHAT IS WORTH [...] universities here (Claude Bernard, Lumière, Jean Moulin, Catholique de Lyon), two institutes (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon), and École Centrale de [...] ng economic cooperation between Łódź and the partner city of Lyon. 2011 I Partner Cities Forum 25.-28.10.2011 Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner Cities Forum. Mayors and więcej
Found 12 results in 55 milliseconds.
Strony: Full Line-Up 2024
End". JULY 28th | SUNDAY The band was created in Lublin by B eata Kozidrak, A ndrzej Pietras, J arosław Kozidrak, and M arek Winiarski. The path to the band's career was opened by an award in the debut [...] The music and images accompanying the album are a journey from analog shots of Iceland to hi-tech 3D renderings. ROUGH N' GENTLE features a galaxy of great guests such as PRO8L3M , Daria Zawiałow , and [...] also received this honor. " Ground Zero " was the first mixtape in history to receive the Fryderyk award. JULY 27th | SATURDAY Placebo is the most popular British alternative band, created by Brian Molko więcej
Strony: News - International Cooperation
Łódź with Chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of the State of Israel 16.04.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą On Friday, 16.04.2021 deputy mayor of Łódź, Mr. Adam Wieczorek met with Chargé d’affaires of Israeli [...] Współpraca z Zagranicą Stuttgart the partner city of Łódź invites Łódź’s runners to participate in the 28th Stuttgart Run. During the race, Łódź will be represented by the “Szakale Bałut” (Bałuty Jackals) więcej
Strony: Youth in Łódź
offers in total 19 institutions of higher education, 7 public and 12 non-public, as well as 30 R & D institutions. There are almost 74 thousand people studying at the universities in Łódź, including 5 [...] student exchange programs, the students of the University of Łódź can also continue their studies in 28 European countries. The Łódź University of Technology has maintained top positions in rankings of technical więcej
Strony: Orebro
all over the world a.o. Yantai in China or Nizhny Novgorod in Russia. HISTORY OF COOPERATION 2011 (25-28.10.2011) I Partner Cities Forum Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner [...] workshops within the framework of the project 'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International [...] partner cities. Our cultural initiatives and activating civil society aroused particular interest. (24-28 June 2010) III International Dance Festival Elianor Ljungkvist from Örebro was a guest of the 3rd więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
solidarity. 25.07.2014 Łódź awarded Łódź received the prestigious Council of Europe award - Honor Plaque. This award went to our city in recognition of its efforts to promote European unity by developing [...] between Łódź and Tel Aviv. Festive evening "Tel Aviv - the city that never sleeps" took place on August 28 at the premises of the revitalized factory complex Piotrkowska 217, where the investor is the Israeli [...] of Strategy of the Łódź City Office. Visit of the Polish-German Association in Chemnitz From 27 to 28 March we hosted in Łódź representatives of the Polish-German Association from Chemnitz, in connection więcej
Strony: Tianjin
functions in one place - said Deputy Mayor Yin Hailin. (28-29.06.2015) III Regional Forum Poland - China The 3 rd Poland-China Regions Forum in Łódź (28-29 June) was attnded by over half a thousand entrepreneurs [...] cooperation is to attract Chinese investors to the Łódź Special Economic Zone. I Partner Cities Forum, 25-28.10.2011 Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner Cities Forum. Mayors and [...] workshops within the framework of the project 'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International więcej
Strony: Gruzińska delegacja z wizytą w Łodzi
and Kiruna (Sweden). HISTORY OF COOPERATION 2020 Visit of the Łódź delegation in Rustavi From 27 to 28 February, the delegation of the City of Łódź headed by Mr. Marcin Gołaszewski, Chairman of the City [...] coverage from this meeting. We invite you to watch the reportage: 2011 (25-28.10.2011) I Partner Cities Forum Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner [...] workshops within the framework of the project 'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International więcej
Strony: Szeged
Szeged SZEGED IN BRIEF S Z E G E D - the city located in the south of Hungary, near the border with Serbia and Romania, which covers an area of 281 km2 and has about 162,000 inhabitants. It is the third [...] 1498, Szeged obtained the status of a royal city. Szeged was first attacked by the Turkish army on 28 September 1526, but it was only seized in 1543 and became the administrative center of the Ottomans [...] traditions and many tourist attractions. Talks were taken regarding student exchange with Szeged. 2010 24-28.06.2010 - 3rd International Dance Festival in Łódź A group of 4 dancers, that presented modern dance więcej
Strony: Lviv
in the Permanent National Conference on International Cooperation of Local Governments in Poznan (27-28.06.2013) The conference was focused on the topic of the Eastern Partnership initiative, and its main [...] Culture Center 06.11.2011 - Closing of the festival at the Dramatic Theater. Farewell and departure (25-28.10.2011) I Partner Cities Forum Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner [...] workshops within the framework of the project 'Europe for Citizens'. A special presentation of Łódź in 3D technology was prepared exclusively for this meeting, and the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International więcej
Strony: Lyon
the first cinema projection was made in Paris (33 viewers took part in it). This event took place on 28 December 1895 and is widely regarded as the beginning of the history of cinema. CULTURE - WHAT IS WORTH [...] universities here (Claude Bernard, Lumière, Jean Moulin, Catholique de Lyon), two institutes (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon), and École Centrale de [...] ng economic cooperation between Łódź and the partner city of Lyon. 2011 I Partner Cities Forum 25.-28.10.2011 Our city hosted representatives of Łódź's twin cities at the Partner Cities Forum. Mayors and więcej