Found 93 results in 46 milliseconds.
Strony: Barreiro
investments and talks on the possibility of implementing joint actions between cities in the future. As part of the visit, among others, talks with the Urban Forms Foundation regarding the implementation of [...] about their experiences in revitalizing city centers. Forum participants had the opportunity to take part in the Congress of Polish Urban Planning "Return to the Center" organized by the Association of Polish [...] of European Capital of Culture 2016 and encouraged deeper cooperation between our communities. As part of the festival, there were, among others, a meeting with the Mayor of the City of Łódź and the Culture więcej
Strony: Economic, academic and cultural promotion of the City of Łódź in Israel
from Poland and Israel took part in the conference. There were also Łódź accents at the conference. Professor Agnieszka Kurczewska, representing the University of Łódź, took part in a panel on the role of [...] the area of design and film, i.e. Polish contemporary art and cinematography. Project activities are part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of partnership between Łódź and Tel Aviv. From 17 to 20 [...] Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. The collection consisted of about 50 works. Two Łodź IT start-ups took part in the mission to Israel: Exaco and Superhot. Their representatives participated in numerous business więcej
Strony: International cooperation
Akio, ambassador of the Empire of Japan in Poland 23.04.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą As part of the XIV Japanese Days organized by the Yakumo-goto Club and the Faculty of Economics and Sociology więcej
Strony: News - International Cooperation
12.2020 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Łódź takes part in a international program for start-ups called BigBooster. We were invited to take part in the event by its organizer, our partner city of Lyon [...] Akio, ambassador of the Empire of Japan in Poland 23.04.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą As part of the XIV Japanese Days organized by the Yakumo-goto Club and the Faculty of Economics and Sociology [...] POLAND-IRELAND NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DIRECTION: ŁÓDŹ 29.03.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą As part of the Lodz celebration of St. Patrick's Day, a Polish-Irish investment seminar was held in cooperation więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
Chemnitz, headed by Mr. Miko Runkel, deputy mayor, took part in ceremonies at the Jewish Cemetery and at Radegast Station. Guests from Chemnitz also took part in the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of c [...] urban fabric with its own unique projects. The day before, as part of the Four Cultures Festival, representatives of partner cities took part in a concert at the "Cohen and Women" held in Wytwórnia club [...] on 11 April 2003. Within the framework of the cooperation, representatives of the City of Łódź took part in conferences and economic missions organized in Chemnitz and Łódź. Mutual participation in tourism więcej
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
urban fabric with its own unique projects. The day before, as part of the Four Cultures Festival, representatives of partner cities took part in a concert at the "Cohen and Women" held in Wytwórnia club [...] Zagranicą The delegation of the City of Łódź, headed by the Vice Mayor Krzysztof Piątkowski, took part in the Chengdu Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair 2019. The event took place on June 11-13 [...] to present the innovative potential of the city in a international group. In the conference took part about 600 participants from several continents. During his stay Vice Mayor Krzysztof Piątkowski had więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the university authorities of Tampere
representatives of Łódź universities and local governments during the Tampere Start-up in 2019. As part of the visit program, guests visited the Academy of Fine Arts and talked with Rector Jolanta Rudz więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic
The main purpose of the Ambassador’s visit to Łódź was to take the part in solemn opening of bohemian studies at the philological faculty of the University of Łódź. During the meeting with Vice Mayor Adam więcej

Aktualności: Visit of high school graduates from Lyon
well as it allows teachers to exchange experiences in the field of language methodology. In the next part of the project, students of Primary School 116 in Łódź will have the opportunity to visit Lyon. więcej
Strony: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
urban fabric with its own unique projects. The day before, as part of the Four Cultures Festival, representatives of partner cities took part in a concert at the "Cohen and Women" held in Wytwórnia club [...] Tower, built in 1380 by the local aristocrat Zhu Liangzu as a demonstration of his power, later became part of the city's defensive fortifications. The second important building is Temple of the Six Banyan [...] organized by Polish Investment and Trade Agency, in which representatives of the City of Łódź took part. Relations have been established with Polish consular services in this city, which support Łódź in więcej
Found 93 results in 41 milliseconds.
Strony: Barreiro
investments and talks on the possibility of implementing joint actions between cities in the future. As part of the visit, among others, talks with the Urban Forms Foundation regarding the implementation of [...] about their experiences in revitalizing city centers. Forum participants had the opportunity to take part in the Congress of Polish Urban Planning "Return to the Center" organized by the Association of Polish [...] of European Capital of Culture 2016 and encouraged deeper cooperation between our communities. As part of the festival, there were, among others, a meeting with the Mayor of the City of Łódź and the Culture więcej
Strony: Economic, academic and cultural promotion of the City of Łódź in Israel
from Poland and Israel took part in the conference. There were also Łódź accents at the conference. Professor Agnieszka Kurczewska, representing the University of Łódź, took part in a panel on the role of [...] the area of design and film, i.e. Polish contemporary art and cinematography. Project activities are part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of partnership between Łódź and Tel Aviv. From 17 to 20 [...] Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. The collection consisted of about 50 works. Two Łodź IT start-ups took part in the mission to Israel: Exaco and Superhot. Their representatives participated in numerous business więcej
Strony: International cooperation
Akio, ambassador of the Empire of Japan in Poland 23.04.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą As part of the XIV Japanese Days organized by the Yakumo-goto Club and the Faculty of Economics and Sociology więcej
Strony: News - International Cooperation
12.2020 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Łódź takes part in a international program for start-ups called BigBooster. We were invited to take part in the event by its organizer, our partner city of Lyon [...] Akio, ambassador of the Empire of Japan in Poland 23.04.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą As part of the XIV Japanese Days organized by the Yakumo-goto Club and the Faculty of Economics and Sociology [...] POLAND-IRELAND NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DIRECTION: ŁÓDŹ 29.03.2021 kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą As part of the Lodz celebration of St. Patrick's Day, a Polish-Irish investment seminar was held in cooperation więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
Chemnitz, headed by Mr. Miko Runkel, deputy mayor, took part in ceremonies at the Jewish Cemetery and at Radegast Station. Guests from Chemnitz also took part in the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of c [...] urban fabric with its own unique projects. The day before, as part of the Four Cultures Festival, representatives of partner cities took part in a concert at the "Cohen and Women" held in Wytwórnia club [...] on 11 April 2003. Within the framework of the cooperation, representatives of the City of Łódź took part in conferences and economic missions organized in Chemnitz and Łódź. Mutual participation in tourism więcej
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
urban fabric with its own unique projects. The day before, as part of the Four Cultures Festival, representatives of partner cities took part in a concert at the "Cohen and Women" held in Wytwórnia club [...] Zagranicą The delegation of the City of Łódź, headed by the Vice Mayor Krzysztof Piątkowski, took part in the Chengdu Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair 2019. The event took place on June 11-13 [...] to present the innovative potential of the city in a international group. In the conference took part about 600 participants from several continents. During his stay Vice Mayor Krzysztof Piątkowski had więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the university authorities of Tampere
representatives of Łódź universities and local governments during the Tampere Start-up in 2019. As part of the visit program, guests visited the Academy of Fine Arts and talked with Rector Jolanta Rudz więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic
The main purpose of the Ambassador’s visit to Łódź was to take the part in solemn opening of bohemian studies at the philological faculty of the University of Łódź. During the meeting with Vice Mayor Adam więcej

Aktualności: Visit of high school graduates from Lyon
well as it allows teachers to exchange experiences in the field of language methodology. In the next part of the project, students of Primary School 116 in Łódź will have the opportunity to visit Lyon. więcej
Strony: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
urban fabric with its own unique projects. The day before, as part of the Four Cultures Festival, representatives of partner cities took part in a concert at the "Cohen and Women" held in Wytwórnia club [...] Tower, built in 1380 by the local aristocrat Zhu Liangzu as a demonstration of his power, later became part of the city's defensive fortifications. The second important building is Temple of the Six Banyan [...] organized by Polish Investment and Trade Agency, in which representatives of the City of Łódź took part. Relations have been established with Polish consular services in this city, which support Łódź in więcej