Found 26 results in 20 milliseconds.
Strony: Registration of temporary residence by foreigners
in writing, in a form submitted to municipal authorities competent as to the location of the property in which the person lives, in the form of an electronic document, using the form enabling entering [...] on form must be filled in electronically or in one’s own handwriting, with a blue or black colour, in capital letters. The form may be filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form of a [...] documents A filled in temporary residence registration form " zgłoszenie pobytu czasowego " or a form filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout from the IT system. Original legal więcej
Strony: Registration of permanent residence by foreigners
documents A filled in temporary residence registration form " zgłoszenie pobytu stałego " or a form filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout from the IT system. Original legal [...] residence in a new place, on a single form, one may also de-register from a temporary residence. In order to do so, one must fill in item 3 of the registration form “Zgłoszenie pobytu stałego” (Registration [...] for reference, one’s ID or a passport and a legal title to the property, in the form of an electronic document, using the form enabling entering data to the PESEL (Personal Identification Number) register więcej
Strony: De-registration of temporary residence of a foreigner
temporary residence de-registration form (“ zgłoszenie wymeldowania z pobytu czasowego ” form) or a form filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout from the IT system An [...] residence confirms the reliability of data included in the printed form with his/her signature. in the form of an electronic document, using the form enabling entering data to the PESEL (Personal Identification [...] temporary residence may be made: in writing, in a form submitted to municipal authorities competent as to the location of the current place of residence, the form must be filled in electronically or in one’s więcej
Strony: De-registration of permanent residence of a foreigner
documents A filled-in form of de-registration from permanent residence (“ zgłoszenie wymeldowania z pobytu stałego ” form) or a form filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout [...] residence confirms the reliability of data included in the printed form with his/her signature. in the form of an electronic document, using the form enabling entering data to the PESEL (Personal Identification [...] permanent residence is made: in writing, in a form submitted to municipal authorities competent as to the location of the current place of residence. The form must be filled in electronically or in one’s więcej
Strony: Łódź for investors
By conducting business activities in the ŁSEZ, investors are provided with public support in the form of exemption from corporate or personal income tax; they may also be exempt from property tax. The więcej

Aktualności: Startup Spark – a chance for innovation
startups find a chance to commercialise their projects and large companies find vital resource in the form of an implemented innovation. More information on the Startup Spark can be found here: https://st więcej
Aktualności: Startup Spark – a chance for innovation
startups find a chance to commercialise their projects and large companies find vital resource in the form of an implemented innovation. More information on the Startup Spark can be found here: https://st więcej

Aktualności: Design, industry and ecology – the ECO MAKE conference
workshops and educational paths as well as to participate in the international conference in the form of a debate entitled “Renewable design space 2.0”, which will address the most significant topics więcej

Aktualności: Łódź Special Economic Zone – “Strefa RozwoYOU”
of the training budget of a given company, max. PLN 6,000 per employee. The funds provided in the form of development vouchers can be spent on trainings, professional courses, advisory, and post-graduate więcej

Aktualności: Łódź Special Economic Zone will support Wielton in its new investment
support will amount to PLN 21.84 million since the maximum amount of the public support granted in the form of exemptions from CIT on account of implementation of a new investment is to be 35% of the investment więcej
Found 26 results in 22 milliseconds.
Strony: Registration of temporary residence by foreigners
in writing, in a form submitted to municipal authorities competent as to the location of the property in which the person lives, in the form of an electronic document, using the form enabling entering [...] on form must be filled in electronically or in one’s own handwriting, with a blue or black colour, in capital letters. The form may be filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form of a [...] documents A filled in temporary residence registration form " zgłoszenie pobytu czasowego " or a form filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout from the IT system. Original legal więcej
Strony: Registration of permanent residence by foreigners
documents A filled in temporary residence registration form " zgłoszenie pobytu stałego " or a form filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout from the IT system. Original legal [...] residence in a new place, on a single form, one may also de-register from a temporary residence. In order to do so, one must fill in item 3 of the registration form “Zgłoszenie pobytu stałego” (Registration [...] for reference, one’s ID or a passport and a legal title to the property, in the form of an electronic document, using the form enabling entering data to the PESEL (Personal Identification Number) register więcej
Strony: De-registration of temporary residence of a foreigner
temporary residence de-registration form (“ zgłoszenie wymeldowania z pobytu czasowego ” form) or a form filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout from the IT system An [...] residence confirms the reliability of data included in the printed form with his/her signature. in the form of an electronic document, using the form enabling entering data to the PESEL (Personal Identification [...] temporary residence may be made: in writing, in a form submitted to municipal authorities competent as to the location of the current place of residence, the form must be filled in electronically or in one’s więcej
Strony: De-registration of permanent residence of a foreigner
documents A filled-in form of de-registration from permanent residence (“ zgłoszenie wymeldowania z pobytu stałego ” form) or a form filled in by an employee of municipal authorities in the form or a printout [...] residence confirms the reliability of data included in the printed form with his/her signature. in the form of an electronic document, using the form enabling entering data to the PESEL (Personal Identification [...] permanent residence is made: in writing, in a form submitted to municipal authorities competent as to the location of the current place of residence. The form must be filled in electronically or in one’s więcej
Strony: Łódź for investors
By conducting business activities in the ŁSEZ, investors are provided with public support in the form of exemption from corporate or personal income tax; they may also be exempt from property tax. The więcej

Aktualności: Startup Spark – a chance for innovation
startups find a chance to commercialise their projects and large companies find vital resource in the form of an implemented innovation. More information on the Startup Spark can be found here: https://st więcej
Aktualności: Startup Spark – a chance for innovation
startups find a chance to commercialise their projects and large companies find vital resource in the form of an implemented innovation. More information on the Startup Spark can be found here: https://st więcej

Aktualności: Design, industry and ecology – the ECO MAKE conference
workshops and educational paths as well as to participate in the international conference in the form of a debate entitled “Renewable design space 2.0”, which will address the most significant topics więcej

Aktualności: Łódź Special Economic Zone – “Strefa RozwoYOU”
of the training budget of a given company, max. PLN 6,000 per employee. The funds provided in the form of development vouchers can be spent on trainings, professional courses, advisory, and post-graduate więcej

Aktualności: Łódź Special Economic Zone will support Wielton in its new investment
support will amount to PLN 21.84 million since the maximum amount of the public support granted in the form of exemptions from CIT on account of implementation of a new investment is to be 35% of the investment więcej