Found 21 results in 36 milliseconds.
Strony: De-registration of permanent residence of a foreigner
on the entry into, residence in and exit from the Republic of Poland of nationals of the European Union Member States and their family members ( Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2017, item 900), Act of 17 February więcej
Strony: De-registration of temporary residence of a foreigner
on the entry into, residence in and exit from the Republic of Poland of nationals of the European Union Member States and their family members ( Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2017, item 900), Act of 17 February więcej

Aktualności: End of the German Presidency in the Council of the European Union
The end of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union was organized in Łódź in cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Poland. The event took place online on więcej

Aktualności: Georgian delegation visiting Łódź
Georgia is actively seeking to join the structures of the European Union. To achieve this goal we need knowledge of solutions used in the Union, including Łódź , which has extensive experience in self-government więcej

Aktualności: Hanna Zdanowska, Mayor of Łódź, has become the european ambassador
cooperation with local government corporations, including: the Union of Polish Metropolises, the Association of Polish Cities, the Union of Polish Towns, combining efforts with neighboring municipalities [...] and economic development strategy for the coming years. Its main goal is to transform the European Union into a modern, socially equitable and climate neutral area. - The European Green Deal and the Covenant więcej
Strony: International cooperation
kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Striving for climat neutrality in 2050 is the main goal of European Union activity. The Mayor of Łódź, Hanna Zdanowska, has just become the ambassador of this initiative in więcej

Aktualności: Little Panda Reporters in Łódź. Young journalists from Chengdu visit our city.
growing. Łódź has become a significant multimodal port for exporting goods from Poland and the European Union to China. Hosts in Łódź, Chinese from Little Panda Reporters are between 4,5 and 13 years old. Journalism więcej
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
southwestern China, which can participate in the economic development of the country and the European Union. Cooperation with Chengdu is also based on the exchange of information technologies, new energy, cultural więcej
Strony: Lviv
and European Union member states. The subject of reports, panel discussions and presentations of the Forum were adaptation processes during the association of Ukraine with the European Union, energy security [...] the treacherous Ribbentrop-Molotov pact (1939), Lviv found itself within the borders of the Soviet Union. From August 1991 Lviv is a city of the Independent State of Ukraine. In 1998 historical city center [...] partners from the territorial administration of the Eastern Neighborhood countries of the European Union. The conference was attended by representatives of Lviv. II Festival of Partner Cities of Lviv (14-15 więcej

Aktualności: Multi-million investment in Group Waste-Water Treatment Facility (GOŚ)
only Łódź but also from neighbouring cities and municipalities. Since Poland joined the European Union, it has been constantly modernised and extended. For the current investment, by 2022, PN 132 million więcej
Found 21 results in 44 milliseconds.
Strony: De-registration of permanent residence of a foreigner
on the entry into, residence in and exit from the Republic of Poland of nationals of the European Union Member States and their family members ( Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2017, item 900), Act of 17 February więcej
Strony: De-registration of temporary residence of a foreigner
on the entry into, residence in and exit from the Republic of Poland of nationals of the European Union Member States and their family members ( Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2017, item 900), Act of 17 February więcej

Aktualności: End of the German Presidency in the Council of the European Union
The end of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union was organized in Łódź in cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Poland. The event took place online on więcej

Aktualności: Georgian delegation visiting Łódź
Georgia is actively seeking to join the structures of the European Union. To achieve this goal we need knowledge of solutions used in the Union, including Łódź , which has extensive experience in self-government więcej

Aktualności: Hanna Zdanowska, Mayor of Łódź, has become the european ambassador
cooperation with local government corporations, including: the Union of Polish Metropolises, the Association of Polish Cities, the Union of Polish Towns, combining efforts with neighboring municipalities [...] and economic development strategy for the coming years. Its main goal is to transform the European Union into a modern, socially equitable and climate neutral area. - The European Green Deal and the Covenant więcej
Strony: International cooperation
kategoria: Współpraca z Zagranicą Striving for climat neutrality in 2050 is the main goal of European Union activity. The Mayor of Łódź, Hanna Zdanowska, has just become the ambassador of this initiative in więcej

Aktualności: Little Panda Reporters in Łódź. Young journalists from Chengdu visit our city.
growing. Łódź has become a significant multimodal port for exporting goods from Poland and the European Union to China. Hosts in Łódź, Chinese from Little Panda Reporters are between 4,5 and 13 years old. Journalism więcej
Strony: Little Panda Reporters w Łodzi. Młodzi dziennikarze z Chengdu zwiedzają nasze miasto
southwestern China, which can participate in the economic development of the country and the European Union. Cooperation with Chengdu is also based on the exchange of information technologies, new energy, cultural więcej
Strony: Lviv
and European Union member states. The subject of reports, panel discussions and presentations of the Forum were adaptation processes during the association of Ukraine with the European Union, energy security [...] the treacherous Ribbentrop-Molotov pact (1939), Lviv found itself within the borders of the Soviet Union. From August 1991 Lviv is a city of the Independent State of Ukraine. In 1998 historical city center [...] partners from the territorial administration of the Eastern Neighborhood countries of the European Union. The conference was attended by representatives of Lviv. II Festival of Partner Cities of Lviv (14-15 więcej

Aktualności: Multi-million investment in Group Waste-Water Treatment Facility (GOŚ)
only Łódź but also from neighbouring cities and municipalities. Since Poland joined the European Union, it has been constantly modernised and extended. For the current investment, by 2022, PN 132 million więcej