Found 88 results in 44 milliseconds.
Strony: Tianjin
was fortified with Tianjin Wei fort. In 1405 and 1406, two fortresses were created on the left and right wing of Tianjin. In 1652, during the reign of King Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, three fortresses were [...] Tianjin. In 2015, the first free trade zone in northern China was created in the city. A shimmering pearl on the shore of Bohai (because the inhabitants of this city say about it), it will certainly become [...] west architectural elements. Looking closely, tourists may notice that the buildings are built of "blue bricks" and the doors and windows have colorful paintings on them. It is worth visiting the street więcej
Strony: Economic, academic and cultural promotion of the City of Łódź in Israel
trakcie wieczornego przyjęcia w rezydencji Ambasadora RP w Tel Awiwie. W gronie wybitnych ekspertów i panelistów konferencji znalazła się Prof. Agnieszka Kurczewska, która wystąpi w panelu nt. roli kobiet [...] the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Patronage: Polish Institute in Tel Aviv News Academic-economic-cultural mission to Tel Aviv between 17 and 20 September 2019 From 17 to 20 September [...] and Design were discussed. The culmination of stay in Israel, was the presentation of Łódź film output, particularly the animation of a student of the Łódź Film School. Screening of the animation film więcej
Strony: Youth in Łódź
of many outstanding film-makers, with graduates including: Andrzej Wajda, Roman Polański, Kazimierz Kutz, Jerzy Skolimowski, Zbigniew Rybczyński, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Filip Bajon, and Janusz Gajos. Wladyslaw więcej
Strony: News
News The City of Adventures is being created near Łódź 04.10.2019 Monika Kmin kategoria: Czas wolny Biznes A new amusement park Mandoria is planned to be opened in summer 2020. It is being built on 50 więcej
Strony: Paid Parking
Fridays, as well as from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. If you have any questions concerning this issue, you may send them in writing in Polish to the addresses listed above. Legal basis : Article 13f of więcej
Strony: Stuttgart
STUTTGART "FUTURE OF MEMORIES" The exhibition „Future of Memories/ Przyszłość wspomnień” tackles the issue of photography's function of storing cultural memories. The title raises the question of how memories [...] can therefore become an experience for the viewer (in the future). Searching for the informational value of the image, the show will present the works of five contemporary artistic photographers from Stuttgart [...] from Stuttgart (as part of a project implemented by the Social and Cultural Association of Polish Jews), the Grand Theater in Łódź was visited by Mrs. Isabel Fezer - Deputy Mayor of Stuttgart, responsible więcej
Strony: Lyon
cooperation between Łódź and Lyon. During the meeting with the deputy mayor of Lyon Metropolis, the issue of enhancinmg cooperation in organizing the Light Move Festival, including new solutions and technologies [...] where he participated in the show “At closed doors” by J-P. Sartre. Mr. Lescuyer also met young, but already experienced initiatives like: FORM.ART Foundation – theatricalizing public space, Dance Theater “Physics [...] Meeting of Youth of Partner Cities, with cooperation with the Independent Students Association. The issue of the meeting was to establish intercultural dialogue through culture and art, and to promote equal więcej
Strony: Gruzińska delegacja z wizytą w Łodzi
preceded by a 30-minute training by your own car under the guidance of an instructor. Rustavi is a pearl of socrealistic architecture. The city is divided into Old and New Rustawi. At the end of the central [...] wiecie, Gruzja bardzo aktywnie dąży do dołączenia do struktur Unii Europejskiej. Dla osiągnięcia tego celu potrzebujemy wiedzy, znajomości rozwiązań stosowanych w Unii, w tym w Łodzi, która ma bardzo bogate [...] odniesieniu do rewitalizacji i tworzenia budżetu partycypacyjnego. Wiodącym tematem obecnej wizyty jest audyt oraz kontrola wewnętrzna i planowanie budżetu. Mam także nadzieję, że w związku ze zbliżającą się więcej
Strony: Vilnius
Vilnius VILNIUS IN BRIEF Vilnius - capital of the Republic of Lithuania located in the south of this country, close to the border with Poland and Belarus. The city has an area of 401 km2 and has about więcej
Strony: Registration of permanent residence by foreigners
entity holding a legal right to the premises and, for reference, a document confirming a legal right of the owner or entity to the premises. A document confirming a legal right to the premises may be in [...] subject to a stamp duty. A stamp duty must be paid at cash desk in the office or as a non-cash payment to the bank account of the authorities. The bank account number for stamp duty payments: GETIN NOBLE [...] the residence registration obligation ( Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2017, item 2411), Act of 5 November 2006 on stamp duty ( Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2016, item 1827, as amended), Appeal procedure not applicable więcej
Found 88 results in 44 milliseconds.
Strony: Tianjin
was fortified with Tianjin Wei fort. In 1405 and 1406, two fortresses were created on the left and right wing of Tianjin. In 1652, during the reign of King Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, three fortresses were [...] Tianjin. In 2015, the first free trade zone in northern China was created in the city. A shimmering pearl on the shore of Bohai (because the inhabitants of this city say about it), it will certainly become [...] west architectural elements. Looking closely, tourists may notice that the buildings are built of "blue bricks" and the doors and windows have colorful paintings on them. It is worth visiting the street więcej
Strony: Economic, academic and cultural promotion of the City of Łódź in Israel
trakcie wieczornego przyjęcia w rezydencji Ambasadora RP w Tel Awiwie. W gronie wybitnych ekspertów i panelistów konferencji znalazła się Prof. Agnieszka Kurczewska, która wystąpi w panelu nt. roli kobiet [...] the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Patronage: Polish Institute in Tel Aviv News Academic-economic-cultural mission to Tel Aviv between 17 and 20 September 2019 From 17 to 20 September [...] and Design were discussed. The culmination of stay in Israel, was the presentation of Łódź film output, particularly the animation of a student of the Łódź Film School. Screening of the animation film więcej
Strony: Youth in Łódź
of many outstanding film-makers, with graduates including: Andrzej Wajda, Roman Polański, Kazimierz Kutz, Jerzy Skolimowski, Zbigniew Rybczyński, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Filip Bajon, and Janusz Gajos. Wladyslaw więcej
Strony: News
News The City of Adventures is being created near Łódź 04.10.2019 Monika Kmin kategoria: Czas wolny Biznes A new amusement park Mandoria is planned to be opened in summer 2020. It is being built on 50 więcej
Strony: Paid Parking
Fridays, as well as from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. If you have any questions concerning this issue, you may send them in writing in Polish to the addresses listed above. Legal basis : Article 13f of więcej
Strony: Stuttgart
STUTTGART "FUTURE OF MEMORIES" The exhibition „Future of Memories/ Przyszłość wspomnień” tackles the issue of photography's function of storing cultural memories. The title raises the question of how memories [...] can therefore become an experience for the viewer (in the future). Searching for the informational value of the image, the show will present the works of five contemporary artistic photographers from Stuttgart [...] from Stuttgart (as part of a project implemented by the Social and Cultural Association of Polish Jews), the Grand Theater in Łódź was visited by Mrs. Isabel Fezer - Deputy Mayor of Stuttgart, responsible więcej
Strony: Lyon
cooperation between Łódź and Lyon. During the meeting with the deputy mayor of Lyon Metropolis, the issue of enhancinmg cooperation in organizing the Light Move Festival, including new solutions and technologies [...] where he participated in the show “At closed doors” by J-P. Sartre. Mr. Lescuyer also met young, but already experienced initiatives like: FORM.ART Foundation – theatricalizing public space, Dance Theater “Physics [...] Meeting of Youth of Partner Cities, with cooperation with the Independent Students Association. The issue of the meeting was to establish intercultural dialogue through culture and art, and to promote equal więcej
Strony: Gruzińska delegacja z wizytą w Łodzi
preceded by a 30-minute training by your own car under the guidance of an instructor. Rustavi is a pearl of socrealistic architecture. The city is divided into Old and New Rustawi. At the end of the central [...] wiecie, Gruzja bardzo aktywnie dąży do dołączenia do struktur Unii Europejskiej. Dla osiągnięcia tego celu potrzebujemy wiedzy, znajomości rozwiązań stosowanych w Unii, w tym w Łodzi, która ma bardzo bogate [...] odniesieniu do rewitalizacji i tworzenia budżetu partycypacyjnego. Wiodącym tematem obecnej wizyty jest audyt oraz kontrola wewnętrzna i planowanie budżetu. Mam także nadzieję, że w związku ze zbliżającą się więcej
Strony: Vilnius
Vilnius VILNIUS IN BRIEF Vilnius - capital of the Republic of Lithuania located in the south of this country, close to the border with Poland and Belarus. The city has an area of 401 km2 and has about więcej
Strony: Registration of permanent residence by foreigners
entity holding a legal right to the premises and, for reference, a document confirming a legal right of the owner or entity to the premises. A document confirming a legal right to the premises may be in [...] subject to a stamp duty. A stamp duty must be paid at cash desk in the office or as a non-cash payment to the bank account of the authorities. The bank account number for stamp duty payments: GETIN NOBLE [...] the residence registration obligation ( Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2017, item 2411), Act of 5 November 2006 on stamp duty ( Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2016, item 1827, as amended), Appeal procedure not applicable więcej