Found 53 results in 70 milliseconds.
Strony: Szeged
day. During the Mongol invasion, the city was destroyed, and its inhabitants fled to nearby swamps, but soon returned and rebuilt their city. In the fourteenth century, during the reign of Louis the Great [...] obtained the status of a royal city. Szeged was first attacked by the Turkish army on 28 September 1526, but it was only seized in 1543 and became the administrative center of the Ottomans. The city was freed [...] seat of the revolutionary government in July 1849. The Habsburg rulers punished the city leaders, but later Szeged began to succeed and the city obtained the status of a royal city in 1860. There was a więcej
Strony: History and tradition
(only about 200 people survived). </figure> Łódź is a unique city not only on the map of Poland, but also of Europe. It was here, in the course of several dozen years of the 19th century, when a number [...] the world of that period. Each of the buildings was designed not only with regard to its functions, but also the aesthetic requirements of its epoch, hence the beauty of both the body of each building as [...] the city retained its industrial character by targeting a stream of investment in light industry, but in the midst of the rapid socio-economic changes that had begun in the late 80s it lost its momentum więcej
Strony: Tianjin
experience in the field of revitalization. We are interested in how to renovate the old buildings, but also how social problems related to it are solved. We have 14 historic areas in Tianjin where various [...] warehouses dozens of people were killed and several hundred were injured. Every disaster causes a shock, but I hope that the situation can be quickly managed and the city will return to normal life. I am regretting [...] important part of the 65 years of cooperation between our countries. I am in Łódź for the first time, but your city made a great impression on me. Your creativity, revitalization, road investments - you can więcej
Strony: Odesa
Łódź. The inhabitants of Odesa want to learn not only how to cooperate in emergency medical services, but also broadly understood civil protection. Tragic events of 2nd May 2014, when two opposing political [...] During the master class, young people were interested not only in the details of film production, but also in the artist's creative path. His documentary film "Ukraine. B irth of the nation" also had its [...] from Lyon and Lille), the Swedish city of Orebro (Lars Molina, chairman of the Orebro City Council), but also from distant Georgia (Zakaria Darchiashvili, mayor Rustawi) and Chinese Tianjin (Wang Zhiming więcej
Strony: Lviv
(the battle of Lviv took place in 1675. John III Sobieski defeated the overwhelming Tatar forces), but in 1704 it was occupied and looted by the Swedes. The myth of the impregnable fortress has fallen. [...] publishing house. Many local newspapers and magazines were printed here, published not only in Polish, but also in German, Ukrainian or Yiddish. After the displacement of Polish people from Lviv and the city's [...] occasion of the festival, representatives of that university not only took part in its official part, but also visited their Lviv partners: Lviv University of Technology and the University of Ivan Franko. więcej
Strony: Stuttgart
Nuremberg, Tübingen and Heilbronn - Würzburg. The main station (Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof) is a head station, but as part of the Stuttgart 21 project it is planned to move the tracks underground and rebuild the station [...] shopping street over a kilometer long. Despite the dense office and housing development, you can't help but be charmed by the city. Various cultural institutions offer numerous attractions. The most important [...] 1954. He lives and works in Stuttgart. He began his artistic career as a painter, author of posters, but he gained recognition by practicing advertising and artistic photography. He practiced in Germany and więcej
Strony: Lyon
hypermarkets operate in Łódź. However, Łódź and Lyon are not only strong economic and academic centers, but also the cities with huge cultural potential, with strong textile and movie traditions, and with the [...] from Lyon and Lille), the Swedish city of Orebro (Lars Molina, chairman of the Orebro City Council), but also from distant Georgia (Zakaria Darchiashvili, mayor Rustawi) and Chinese Tianjin (Wang Zhiming [...] where he participated in the show “At closed doors” by J-P. Sartre. Mr. Lescuyer also met young, but already experienced initiatives like: FORM.ART Foundation – theatricalizing public space, Dance Theater więcej
Strony: Gruzińska delegacja z wizytą w Łodzi
HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RUSTAVI? The history of the city dates back to the 4th century CE, but modern Rustavi was founded in 1948 (it was established on the site of an old settlement destroyed by [...] operates in the city . The association works mainly for young people between 12 and 25 years old, but also for adults. The mission of "Georgian Youth for Europe" is to enable them to achieve their full [...] from Lyon and Lille), the Swedish city of Orebro (Lars Molina, chairman of the Orebro City Council), but also from distant Georgia (Zakaria Darchiashvili, mayor Rustawi) and Chinese Tianjin (Wang Zhiming więcej
Strony: Tampere
attractive city. The city's mayor is Lauri Lyly. The cooperation of Łódź and Tampere dates back to 1957, but officially Tampere has been a partner city of Łódź since 1996. ( Partner agreement in Polish >>> ) [...] incorporating adjacent areas into the urban area. Tampere is known for the textile and metal industry, but in the 1990s the technology and information industry and telecommunications developed dynamically. [...] (1890), the fountain on the Keskustori market (1882) come from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, but in the city you can also see the preserved XVIII in the city market - Keskustori. Municipal parks are więcej
Strony: TOP 15 places in Lodz, worth seeing
the city landscape and changed the face of Lodz. They are known and admired not only in the country but also world-wide. Over 70 murals appeared in Lodz until now. Much of them were created during Urban [...] (floral and animal motifs) adorn not only former residences of industrialists or apartment houses, but also industrial buildings. The city holds dozens of buildings representing that style (in some cases więcej
Found 53 results in 78 milliseconds.
Strony: Szeged
day. During the Mongol invasion, the city was destroyed, and its inhabitants fled to nearby swamps, but soon returned and rebuilt their city. In the fourteenth century, during the reign of Louis the Great [...] obtained the status of a royal city. Szeged was first attacked by the Turkish army on 28 September 1526, but it was only seized in 1543 and became the administrative center of the Ottomans. The city was freed [...] seat of the revolutionary government in July 1849. The Habsburg rulers punished the city leaders, but later Szeged began to succeed and the city obtained the status of a royal city in 1860. There was a więcej
Strony: History and tradition
(only about 200 people survived). </figure> Łódź is a unique city not only on the map of Poland, but also of Europe. It was here, in the course of several dozen years of the 19th century, when a number [...] the world of that period. Each of the buildings was designed not only with regard to its functions, but also the aesthetic requirements of its epoch, hence the beauty of both the body of each building as [...] the city retained its industrial character by targeting a stream of investment in light industry, but in the midst of the rapid socio-economic changes that had begun in the late 80s it lost its momentum więcej
Strony: Tianjin
experience in the field of revitalization. We are interested in how to renovate the old buildings, but also how social problems related to it are solved. We have 14 historic areas in Tianjin where various [...] warehouses dozens of people were killed and several hundred were injured. Every disaster causes a shock, but I hope that the situation can be quickly managed and the city will return to normal life. I am regretting [...] important part of the 65 years of cooperation between our countries. I am in Łódź for the first time, but your city made a great impression on me. Your creativity, revitalization, road investments - you can więcej
Strony: Odesa
Łódź. The inhabitants of Odesa want to learn not only how to cooperate in emergency medical services, but also broadly understood civil protection. Tragic events of 2nd May 2014, when two opposing political [...] During the master class, young people were interested not only in the details of film production, but also in the artist's creative path. His documentary film "Ukraine. B irth of the nation" also had its [...] from Lyon and Lille), the Swedish city of Orebro (Lars Molina, chairman of the Orebro City Council), but also from distant Georgia (Zakaria Darchiashvili, mayor Rustawi) and Chinese Tianjin (Wang Zhiming więcej
Strony: Lviv
(the battle of Lviv took place in 1675. John III Sobieski defeated the overwhelming Tatar forces), but in 1704 it was occupied and looted by the Swedes. The myth of the impregnable fortress has fallen. [...] publishing house. Many local newspapers and magazines were printed here, published not only in Polish, but also in German, Ukrainian or Yiddish. After the displacement of Polish people from Lviv and the city's [...] occasion of the festival, representatives of that university not only took part in its official part, but also visited their Lviv partners: Lviv University of Technology and the University of Ivan Franko. więcej
Strony: Stuttgart
Nuremberg, Tübingen and Heilbronn - Würzburg. The main station (Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof) is a head station, but as part of the Stuttgart 21 project it is planned to move the tracks underground and rebuild the station [...] shopping street over a kilometer long. Despite the dense office and housing development, you can't help but be charmed by the city. Various cultural institutions offer numerous attractions. The most important [...] 1954. He lives and works in Stuttgart. He began his artistic career as a painter, author of posters, but he gained recognition by practicing advertising and artistic photography. He practiced in Germany and więcej
Strony: Lyon
hypermarkets operate in Łódź. However, Łódź and Lyon are not only strong economic and academic centers, but also the cities with huge cultural potential, with strong textile and movie traditions, and with the [...] from Lyon and Lille), the Swedish city of Orebro (Lars Molina, chairman of the Orebro City Council), but also from distant Georgia (Zakaria Darchiashvili, mayor Rustawi) and Chinese Tianjin (Wang Zhiming [...] where he participated in the show “At closed doors” by J-P. Sartre. Mr. Lescuyer also met young, but already experienced initiatives like: FORM.ART Foundation – theatricalizing public space, Dance Theater więcej
Strony: Gruzińska delegacja z wizytą w Łodzi
HISTORY-WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RUSTAVI? The history of the city dates back to the 4th century CE, but modern Rustavi was founded in 1948 (it was established on the site of an old settlement destroyed by [...] operates in the city . The association works mainly for young people between 12 and 25 years old, but also for adults. The mission of "Georgian Youth for Europe" is to enable them to achieve their full [...] from Lyon and Lille), the Swedish city of Orebro (Lars Molina, chairman of the Orebro City Council), but also from distant Georgia (Zakaria Darchiashvili, mayor Rustawi) and Chinese Tianjin (Wang Zhiming więcej
Strony: Tampere
attractive city. The city's mayor is Lauri Lyly. The cooperation of Łódź and Tampere dates back to 1957, but officially Tampere has been a partner city of Łódź since 1996. ( Partner agreement in Polish >>> ) [...] incorporating adjacent areas into the urban area. Tampere is known for the textile and metal industry, but in the 1990s the technology and information industry and telecommunications developed dynamically. [...] (1890), the fountain on the Keskustori market (1882) come from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, but in the city you can also see the preserved XVIII in the city market - Keskustori. Municipal parks are więcej
Strony: TOP 15 places in Lodz, worth seeing
the city landscape and changed the face of Lodz. They are known and admired not only in the country but also world-wide. Over 70 murals appeared in Lodz until now. Much of them were created during Urban [...] (floral and animal motifs) adorn not only former residences of industrialists or apartment houses, but also industrial buildings. The city holds dozens of buildings representing that style (in some cases więcej