Found 39 results in 39 milliseconds.
Strony: Belarusian IT
electronic industries. The Cluster serves to foster integration of the industry organizations, build social awareness of education, employment and further development opportunities in the IT industry in the [...] BRANDING Organising a common promotional campaign for a new investor: ✔ Use of local media, of urban social media and of city lights in the top locations in the city ✔ Facilitating access to potential employees więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
attractive places to live or implement revitalization projects in a holistic way in terms of both social, architectural and commercial. Łódź presented its achievements in the field of revitalization, including więcej

Aktualności: Days of Polish Hungarian Friendship in Veshprem
Festivals, cultural programs for youth and seniors. In addition was presented, a revitalization and social revitalization program. The main celebrations of the Polish-Hungarian Friendship Days were inaugurated więcej

Aktualności: Delegation from Łódź in Lyon
debates, representatives of the largest European metropolises shared their ideas on how to fight social exclusion and increase public involvement. Representing Łodź, Vice Mayor Adam Wieczorek, in his speech [...] talked about how reducing of public transport ticket prices has contributed to the fight against social exclusion of groups such as students and retirees. During the European Metro polities Authorities [...] representatives of European metropolises calling on the EU institutions to pay more attention to social problems and to give greater significance to metropolitan authorities in the European government więcej
Strony: Economic, academic and cultural promotion of the City of Łódź in Israel
at sharing best practices and experiences on the role of women in our ever-changing business and social environment, as seen from their own perspective and that of their male colleagues. It will be divided [...] divided into several sessions focused on science, innovation, design and beauty, tourism, media and social engagement. In addition, Google – one of the conference’s partners – will conduct two sessions of więcej

Aktualności: End of the German Presidency in the Council of the European Union
place online on the zoom platform on December 16, 2020 from 14.00 - 16.00 and was broadcast on the social media profile Facebook of the City of Lodz and the Embassy of Germany. The ceremony was opened by więcej

Aktualności: Frida Kahlo’s cuisine - free cooking workshop
Mexican products and traditional Mexican cuisine were the inspiration for Frida and Diego. Banquets and social gatherings organized by Frida and Diego in the Blue House (Casa Azúl) in Cayoacán (Mexico City) were więcej
Strony: Full Line-Up 2024
artist. She always plays by his own rules - creating music, writing books, creating his presence in social media, or collaborating with brands. Thanks to the truth and emotions that she puts into everything [...] of an ancient tragedy, the fate of a hero involved in a criminal procedure. By outlining a broad social context and a multitude of follow-ups to previous recordings, this is the fullest implementation więcej

Aktualności: Georgian delegation visiting Łódź
that time, the subject of the talks was mainly the Łódź revitalization program and issues related to social participation. As part of the cooperation, it was organized in Łódź: - an exhibition entitled “JOINT więcej
Strony: Gruzińska delegacja z wizytą w Łodzi
"Georgian Youth for Europe" is to enable them to achieve their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potential. In 2010, Georgia's education and science minister Dimitri Shashkini and [...] Wojciech Rosicki. The talks concerned primarily the program of revitalizing Łódź and issues related to social participation, including the implementation of the participatory budget. Members of the delegation [...] projects for the construction of EC1 and the New Center of Łódź, which are to revive the economic and social area of 90 hectares of the city center and ART-Incubator, bringing creative industries into practice więcej
Found 39 results in 46 milliseconds.
Strony: Belarusian IT
electronic industries. The Cluster serves to foster integration of the industry organizations, build social awareness of education, employment and further development opportunities in the IT industry in the [...] BRANDING Organising a common promotional campaign for a new investor: ✔ Use of local media, of urban social media and of city lights in the top locations in the city ✔ Facilitating access to potential employees więcej
Strony: Conference in Chemnitz "City partnerships in changing times"
attractive places to live or implement revitalization projects in a holistic way in terms of both social, architectural and commercial. Łódź presented its achievements in the field of revitalization, including więcej

Aktualności: Days of Polish Hungarian Friendship in Veshprem
Festivals, cultural programs for youth and seniors. In addition was presented, a revitalization and social revitalization program. The main celebrations of the Polish-Hungarian Friendship Days were inaugurated więcej

Aktualności: Delegation from Łódź in Lyon
debates, representatives of the largest European metropolises shared their ideas on how to fight social exclusion and increase public involvement. Representing Łodź, Vice Mayor Adam Wieczorek, in his speech [...] talked about how reducing of public transport ticket prices has contributed to the fight against social exclusion of groups such as students and retirees. During the European Metro polities Authorities [...] representatives of European metropolises calling on the EU institutions to pay more attention to social problems and to give greater significance to metropolitan authorities in the European government więcej
Strony: Economic, academic and cultural promotion of the City of Łódź in Israel
at sharing best practices and experiences on the role of women in our ever-changing business and social environment, as seen from their own perspective and that of their male colleagues. It will be divided [...] divided into several sessions focused on science, innovation, design and beauty, tourism, media and social engagement. In addition, Google – one of the conference’s partners – will conduct two sessions of więcej

Aktualności: End of the German Presidency in the Council of the European Union
place online on the zoom platform on December 16, 2020 from 14.00 - 16.00 and was broadcast on the social media profile Facebook of the City of Lodz and the Embassy of Germany. The ceremony was opened by więcej

Aktualności: Frida Kahlo’s cuisine - free cooking workshop
Mexican products and traditional Mexican cuisine were the inspiration for Frida and Diego. Banquets and social gatherings organized by Frida and Diego in the Blue House (Casa Azúl) in Cayoacán (Mexico City) were więcej
Strony: Full Line-Up 2024
artist. She always plays by his own rules - creating music, writing books, creating his presence in social media, or collaborating with brands. Thanks to the truth and emotions that she puts into everything [...] of an ancient tragedy, the fate of a hero involved in a criminal procedure. By outlining a broad social context and a multitude of follow-ups to previous recordings, this is the fullest implementation więcej

Aktualności: Georgian delegation visiting Łódź
that time, the subject of the talks was mainly the Łódź revitalization program and issues related to social participation. As part of the cooperation, it was organized in Łódź: - an exhibition entitled “JOINT więcej
Strony: Gruzińska delegacja z wizytą w Łodzi
"Georgian Youth for Europe" is to enable them to achieve their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potential. In 2010, Georgia's education and science minister Dimitri Shashkini and [...] Wojciech Rosicki. The talks concerned primarily the program of revitalizing Łódź and issues related to social participation, including the implementation of the participatory budget. Members of the delegation [...] projects for the construction of EC1 and the New Center of Łódź, which are to revive the economic and social area of 90 hectares of the city center and ART-Incubator, bringing creative industries into practice więcej