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Dział ofert i kalkulacji

KGP Sp. z o.o.



A leader in the construction of greenhouses around the world to his office in Lodz is looking for a graduate polytechnic or technical university to perform technical calculations and drawings of installation of greenhouses.


We offer:


  • the ability to work in a company which is a market leader in its industry;
  • gaining experience working as a calculator and design assistant greenhouses;
  • implementation of a system of work for a specialized position;
  • excellent working conditions;
  • work in an international environment;



  • Good knowledge of Calculating
  • Good knowledge of English spoken and written
  • Accuracy in performing tasks, conscientiousness, responsibility, commitment, enthusiasm
  • Ability to communicate and work effectively in a team
  • knowledge of AutoCAD-would be an advantage
  • Knowledge of Dutch would be an advantage
  • General technical knowledge, and knowledge of issues concerning the construction of steel-would be an advantage



Please send CV in English



Informacje dodatkowe

Wymiar etatu:
Pełny etat

Rodzaj umowy:
Na okres próbny

Min. doświadczenie:
Bez doświadczenia

Min. wykształcenie:
Wyższe licencjackie

Branża / kategoria:
