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Rezultatów: 32194
Aktualności: Ambassador of Azerbaijan visits Łódź
them in Łódź. The Embassy is open to implementation of join cultural projects. His Excellency expressed interest in Łódź architecture. The Mayor Hanna Zdanowska emphasized that the city of Łódź over the [...] The purpose of the Ambassador’s visit was encourage the city of Łódź to establish close partnership relations with Azerbaijan. The ambassador proposed to strengthen cultural cooperation. Azerbaijan had więcej
Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Łódź
cooperation between Łódź and Italian universities. This topic was later continued during the meeting with representatives of Łódź universities and entrepreneurs. During the visit to Łódź, the Italian delegation [...] It was the first official visit of His Excellency Aldo Amati to our city. The Ambassador was interested in the challenges the city is facing, especially those related to ecology and climate, such as d [...] delegation could also meet representatives of the City of Łódź responsible for revitalization, including the social revitalization, and of the Environmental Management Department, who presented the assumptions więcej
Wydarzenia: Z miasta Łodzi // Movies from Łódź in English // „Ida”
THE CITY OF ŁÓDŹ / „Ida” The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center and the International Relations Office – University of Lodz would like to invite you to the next screening from the series "From the City of Łódź [...] Łódź // Movies from Łódź in English". This time we'll watch the Oscar-winning movie „Ida” of Paweł Pawlikowski. „Ida“, directed by Paweł Pawlikowski, Poland/Denmark 2013, 82‘ Shooting in black and white więcej
Aktualności: Łódź z nominacją do nagrody Komisji Europejskiej. Doceniono dążenie do poprawy jakości życia
Nagroda Access City Award 2024 przyznawana jest miastom, które priorytetowo traktują dostępność do celu poprawy jakości życia, usuwają bariery i tworzą prawdziwie dostępne przestrzenie miejskie dla wszystkich [...] wszystkich. Tegorocznymi finalistami są: Łódź (Polska), Saint-Quentin (Francja), San Cristóbal de la Laguna (Hiszpania), hrabstwo South Dublin (Irlandia) i Tybinga (Niemcy), którzy według ekspertów Komisji [...] publicznego, obiektów i usług oraz technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych. Zwycięzcy nagrody Access City Award 2024 zostaną ogłoszeni 1 grudnia 2023 r. podczas ceremonii wręczenia nagród podczas konferencji więcej
Aktualności: Celebration of St. Patrick's Day in Łódź
. As part of the Saint Patrick's Day celebrations, Łódź organizes an economic seminar together with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, the Łódź Chamber of Industry and Commerce and our Irish partners [...] This year, several buildings in Łódź will take part in the Global Greening Project. Together with the Empire State Building in New York, Niagara Falls, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Sydney Opera House [...] House and many other famous places around the world, our Łódź gems Manufaktura, Monopolis and the TME company's building will be highlighted in green. On March 13-17, Off Piotrkowska invites you, among others więcej
Aktualności: Łódź doceniona! Dwie nagrody dla naszego miasta za ekologiczne rozwiązania
Azerbejdżanu – Baku w listopadzie. Jeszcze jedna nagroda Łódź zajęło również drugie miejsce w rankingu głównym dla metropolii w ramach „Water City Index 2024. Ranking efektywności wykorzystania zasobów wody [...] Łódź zrealizowała dwie inwestycje, które zostały szeroko docenione. To budowa zbiorników retencyjnych przy Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków, która przyczynia się do poprawy jakości wód gruntowych i powie [...] odebrała ją Anna Wierzbicka, dyrektor Wydziału Kształtowania Środowiska Urzędu Miasta Łodzi. Water City Index powstał z myślą o władzach miast, przedstawicielach społeczności lokalnej, przedsiębiorcach więcej
Aktualności: About Łódź in Stuttgart
occasion of the anniversary of cooperation between cities, Tomasz Kacprzak, the Chairman of the City Council in Łódź on May 4 th in Stuttgart took part, among others in the discussion on the future of Europe [...] the picnic at Königstraße, he also met with Mayor Martin Schair, who has been cooperating with our city for years. Tomasz Kacprzak also supported the tram driver from Zajezdnia Chocianowice, who represented [...] represented Stuttgart at the Tram – EM European Tram-driver Championship competition in Stuttgart. The Łódź team managed to get 11 th place, what mean that they were in the middle of the field. więcej
Aktualności: The Ambassador of Estonia visits Łódź
the quality of communication in the city, as well as the city area and green area revitalization. The “urban jungle“ project, including the modernization of the Łódź zoo, and the organization of EXPO H [...] directions of our city developments and with the biggest challenges for the nearest future. The Mayor presented to the Ambassador her vision of improving the quality of life in the city, which is the priority [...] meeting the authorities of the Łódź University of Technology and assumed about his admiration for the way in which the academic world connects with the business in Łódź. więcej
Aktualności: French Ambassador with a visit to Łódź
with the Mayor of Łódź, the Ambassador had an opportunity to learn about the history of the city. The Mayor paid special attention to the historical and current multiculturalism of Łódź and the fact, that [...] directions of our city development and with the biggest challenges for the nearest future. At the end of the meeting, His Excellency expressed interest in taking part in the conference “Łódź (un) discovered” [...] discovered”, which will take place in our city on 20-21 November 2019. więcej
Aktualności: Opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Łódź
Governor and Deputy Marshal of the Łódź Province and also newly nominated Vice Mayor of the City – Joanna Skrzydlewska. Mkrtchian Ambassador during his last visit to Łódź, in March this year, emphasized that [...] Armenia, and the Łódź Province – is one of the most important regions. Currently in Łódź is living around 3,000 Armenians. The Honorary Consulate will certainly help them functioning in our city and will also [...] It is the 16 foreign Honorary Consulate in Łódź. The position of Honorary Consul took Mr Rafał Choma. At the opening ceremony, apart from the ambassador of the Republic of Armenia - His Excellency Samvel więcej