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Rezultatów: 461
Aktualności: School of Mayors
practices in the field of city management and building self – government. During their stay in Łódź, foreign guests met with Krzysztof Piątkowski, The Vice Mayor of the City of Łódź. więcej
Aktualności: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
representatives of the Faculty of Health and Social Affairs of the City of Łódź, Municipal Social Welfare Center and the Mayor of Łódź City Representative for cooperation with non-governmental organizations więcej
Aktualności: New Armenian Ambassador on a visit to Łódź
its multicultural heritage and the impact of the textile industry on the city’s development. Łódź is the fastest growing city in Poland, which focuses on innovation. The logistic industry is thriving [...] His Excellency Samvel Mkrtchian took the office of Ambassador in December 2018. Łódź was the first city in Poland that was visited by the new head of the Armenian diplomatic mission. The Mayor Hanna Zdanowska więcej
Aktualności: Chengdu Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair 2019
It was a great opportunity to present the innovative potential of the city in a international group. In the conference took part about 600 participants from several continents. During his stay Vice Mayor [...] cargo rail connection. Also was discussed the next year celebration of the 5 th anniversary of the city cooperation. Vice Mayor Krzysztof Piątkowski invited the Chinese side to take an academic mission więcej
Aktualności: Visit of journalists from Harbin
the representative of Revitalization Office in the City of Łódź. The delegation from Harbin also had he opportunity to visit the renovated historic city house on 17 Roosevelta Street, wheret the House of więcej
Aktualności: Ambassador of Azerbaijan visits Łódź
The purpose of the Ambassador’s visit was encourage the city of Łódź to establish close partnership relations with Azerbaijan. The ambassador proposed to strengthen cultural cooperation. Azerbaijan had [...] Excellency expressed interest in Łódź architecture. The Mayor Hanna Zdanowska emphasized that the city of Łódź over the past years has invested huge financial resources in the revitalization of the center więcej
Aktualności: The Ambassador of Estonia visits Łódź
directions of our city developments and with the biggest challenges for the nearest future. The Mayor presented to the Ambassador her vision of improving the quality of life in the city, which is the priority [...] of this term. The talk mainly focused on improving the quality of communication in the city, as well as the city area and green area revitalization. The “urban jungle“ project, including the modernization więcej
Aktualności: French Ambassador with a visit to Łódź
meeting with the Mayor of Łódź, the Ambassador had an opportunity to learn about the history of the city. The Mayor paid special attention to the historical and current multiculturalism of Łódź and the fact [...] children to learn French. The Mayor also acquainted His Excellency with the strategic directions of our city development and with the biggest challenges for the nearest future. At the end of the meeting, His [...] expressed interest in taking part in the conference “Łódź (un) discovered”, which will take place in our city on 20-21 November 2019. więcej
Wydarzenia: XIV Noc Żywych Bębnów
Na zaproszenie City Bum Bum gościem specjalnym tegorocznej edycji będzie Famoudou Konate, najstarszy żyjący na świecie mistrz bębnów Afryki Zachodniej – Wielki Mistrz Djembe, prawdziwa legenda i ambasador [...] Ballets Africains zagrał w Sali Kongresowej dla widowni złożonej z towarzyszy i towarzyszek partyjnych. City Bum Bum ma zaszczyt powitać w Polsce Famoudou Konate jako jednego z ostatnich żyjących Wielkich Mistrzów więcej
Wydarzenia: Seans sensoryczny dla osób z autyzmem lub zespołem Aspergera
W sobotę (27.01) o godz. 10, seansem „Paddington 2” Cinema City w Manufakturze zainauguruje cykl seansów sensorycznych, czyli projekcji, dostosowanych do potrzeb osób autystycznych i z zespołem Aspergera [...] drogą, co zmniejszy lęk przed nowym miejscem oraz ułatwi poruszanie. Wyjątkowo na te seanse Cinema City umożliwia wniesienie własnego jedzenia, a bezpośrednio przed seansem nie będą wyświetlane reklamy [...] Miodowe Igrzyska” (dzieci). Więcej informacji: 42 664 64 46 oraz mailowo . więcej