Zakres dat
Rezultatów: 31

Aktualności: Bionanopark. Offer for investors – incubator
incubation period, including winners of prestigious awards and titles. Detailed information are available here: więcej

Aktualności: Economic mission to Barcelona
marketplaces in Barcelona is a role model all over the world. Even representatives of New York come here for good practices. Barcelona manages over 40 markets scattered all over the city. Everything is done więcej

Aktualności: Days of Polish Hungarian Friendship in Veshprem
strengthen the feeling of belonging to a common European space. This year's slogan is: “Our heritage: here the past meets the future”. A number of initiatives and events will be organized in Europe throughout więcej

Wydarzenia: "O dwóch takich, co ukradli księżyc"
Osioł Patałłach, Zbój Krwawa Kiszka Szymon Nygard: Bóbr, Złoty Pan Wojciech Schabowski: Pelikan, Herszt Zbójów Michał Szostak: Ośli Zad, Zbój Nieborak Premiera: 2 marca 2019 Dla widzów od 6 lat Czas trwania: więcej

Aktualności: We celebrate together with Chemnitz!!!
part of it but remain in the shadows. People, inhabitants, the "unseen" ones are especially important here. The European jury voted for the Chemnitz project, appreciating it's uniqueness. We are confident więcej

Aktualności: BigBooster - a unique program for young entrepreneurs
convinced that this unique project will contribute to the development of Łódź and the start-ups operating here. więcej

Aktualności: Foreigners friendly Łódź
receive signals from Belarusian IT companies that are interested in moving their business to Łódź. Here we will also prepare a lot of benefits and facilities - adds Pustelnik. For over a year now, at the więcej

Aktualności: Wella Company invests its business in Łódź
do business. This has already been noticed by many global brands that have launched similar Centres here. The city, known mainly for factories as well as universities and students, will now be enriched by [...] huge opportunity for the development of Łódź. That is why we are proud that the SSC will be built here and we greatly appreciate the support we have received from the city authorities. We are convinced [...] silhouette of a powerful woman with wavy hair. This logo was introduced back in 1924, at a time when here in Łódź the working women of the local textile industry were a symbol of our city. It was also a time więcej

Aktualności: A Lodz Multicultural Center is being established
-For our city it’s very important to support those who chose Lodz as their new home. Here they will be able to learn Polish language, they will receive legal aid or advices on functioning in our city – [...] are linguistically maladjusted, legal consultations are also important, which also will be available here in Lodz – Anna Chmielewska from “Ocalenie” foundation. Lodz Multicultural Center emerge on Narutowicza więcej

Aktualności: Spotkaj się z Nelą małą reporterką w łódzkim zoo!
również projekt edukacyjno-badawczy w ramach tworzonej przez siebie fundacji „The Adventure starts Here Foundation”. Nela spełnia swoje marzenie z dzieciństwa. Jej fundacja tworzy bowiem bazy badawcze na więcej