Zakres dat
Rezultatów: 3658
Aktualności: Startup Spark – a chance for innovation
The project will include both standard forms of support – financing and meeting with mentors, and contact with a high-class specialists organised in production teams. Accelerator is also a great way to więcej
Aktualności: Opening of a new Vendo Park in Łódź
Łódź Vendo Park is a single-storey service and commercial space, with a large, comfortable car park for customers. The commercial building of Trei Real Estate is located in a place easy to reach, most [...] Vendo Parks are often described as convenience stores designed in a way to provide their customers with a maximum comfort of use. Trei Real Estate plans, builds and manages 19 commercial facility under więcej
Aktualności: Centre of Creativity to be established in the Łódź Special Economic Zone
(e.g. Samsung, HP, Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Google), in cooperation with the Łódź Special Economic Zone (ŁSEZ). The Centre, equipped with the latest electronic equipment, will be built within the area of [...] The Centre itself will be a place where young people can meet and talk with those who have already achieved success. It will also present new technologies at one’s fingertips, so that visitors could touch [...] touch them, use them and get inspired. The facility will host lectures, trainings and workshops with experts experienced in conducting innovative business. In addition, the Centre will constitute a co-working więcej
Aktualności: Łódź Special Economic Zone ranked fourth in the world and first in Europe!
independent business experts. Łódź Zone was also awarded with “Innovation Award” for new services for business and combining the potential of startups with experience of corporations, including ŁSEZ investors więcej
Aktualności: Stable situation on the office market in Łódź
vacancy rate at the end of the second quarter of 2018 amounted to 8.6% and was lower when compared with March this year by 1 pp, and higher by 2.6 pp in relation to the one in March 2017. The report includes [...] first six months of this year, that is, the office building called Transfer Multisort Elekronik (TME) with the surface area of 5,500 m2. It is anticipated that after the second half of the year, increases więcej
Aktualności: Georgian delegation visiting Łódź
number of ideas appeared that we would like to implement in the near future with a view to strengthening and deepening cooperation with partners from Georgia - added Marcin Gołaszewski, Chairman of the City [...] of our cities, and I hope that this visit will result in today's visit. We will be pleased to share with friends from Rustavi our experience in the field of evaluation methods and internal control in local [...] the current visit is audit and internal control and budget planning. I also hope that in connection with the upcoming anniversary of establishing the relationship, we will prepare an attractive program for więcej
Aktualności: 4 dni z Francją na talerzu, czyli Goût de France po łódzku
serów: Selekcja dwóch serów prowansalskich w Łódzkim wydaniu Deser: Lavendar muffins / Chocolate cake with praline Affogato Przystawka: Grilowany filet z Makreli / ratatouille / bazylia. Danie główne: Comber więcej
Aktualności: Łódź czerwcową mekką producentów filmowych
mieli okazję zaprezentować się przed uczestnikami EAVE podczas specjalnej sesji “Producing in and with Poland”. Wystąpią Robert Baliński (PISF), Monika Głowacka (EC1 – Łódź Film Commission), Alicja Gr więcej
Aktualności: Rusza 11. Letnia Akademia Jazzu
scenie Wytwórni pojawi się również norweska grupa Bushman’s Revenge, awangardowe trio z Francji In Love With ze wspaniałym Sylvainem Darrifourcq na czele oraz Leszek Kułakowski z międzynarodowym składem. Nie więcej
Wydarzenia: Soundedit '17 Międzynarodowy Festiwal Producentów Muzycznych w Łodzi
czwarty/ 29.10.2017 - niedziela, 16:00 - 21.00 otwarcie instalacji dźwiękowej Michaela Nymana „NYman With A Movie Camera” 16:00, Fabryka Sztuki, 90-365 Łódź, ul. Księdza Biskupa Wincentego Tymienieckiego więcej