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Wydarzenia: Piąta odsłona cyklu CITY TRAIL w Łodzi w sezonie: 2019/2020
ze wszystkich tras CITY TRAIL, ale kto raz podbiegnie pod górkę, ten już drugi raz nie będzie chciał... to znaczy na pewno tutaj wróci – dodaje żartobliwie biegacz. Każdy bieg CITY TRAIL to także zawody [...] czemu na trasach CITY TRAIL Junior często można zaobserwować rozczulające obrazki – kilkunastomiesięczne maluchy ochoczo przemierzające 300-metrowy dystans. - Cieszymy się, że cykl CITY TRAIL angażuje całe [...] Grand Prix Łódź CITY TRAIL z Nationale-Nederlanden 2019/2020: 29 września 2019 03 listopada 2019 08 grudnia 2019 05 stycznia 2020 02 lutego 2020 08 marca 2020 Harmonogram każdej z imprez CITY TRAIL: 08:30 więcej
Aktualności: Visit of the economic counselor of the Embassy of the United States of America
The adviser met with Deputy Mayor Adam Wieczorek in the Łódź City Hall. Among the topics discussed were the latest projects conducted by the United States Embassy. Potential areas of cooperation were also więcej
Aktualności: Visit of high school graduates from Lyon
co-financed by the European Union entitled “Łódź and Lyon, in search of cultural heritage “. At the City Hall, Lyon’s youth were hosted by Vice Mayor Adam Wieczorek and representatives of the Office for więcej
Aktualności: Study visit of the “ Young Generation Will Change Ukraine” program
Ukraine visited the City of Łódź Office. This was one of the five days points of stay in Poland. Topic of the meeting in the Economic Development Office and International Cooperation in City of Łódź Office [...] citizens Later in the day, guests from Ukraine among others visited: Revitalization Office of the City of Łódź and the Art Incubator. więcej
Aktualności: French Ambassador with a visit to Łódź
meeting with the Mayor of Łódź, the Ambassador had an opportunity to learn about the history of the city. The Mayor paid special attention to the historical and current multiculturalism of Łódź and the fact [...] children to learn French. The Mayor also acquainted His Excellency with the strategic directions of our city development and with the biggest challenges for the nearest future. At the end of the meeting, His [...] expressed interest in taking part in the conference “Łódź (un) discovered”, which will take place in our city on 20-21 November 2019. więcej
Aktualności: The Ambassador of Estonia visits Łódź
directions of our city developments and with the biggest challenges for the nearest future. The Mayor presented to the Ambassador her vision of improving the quality of life in the city, which is the priority [...] of this term. The talk mainly focused on improving the quality of communication in the city, as well as the city area and green area revitalization. The “urban jungle“ project, including the modernization więcej
Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Finland
meeting with The Mayor, Mr Ambassador had the opportunity to learn about the strategic directions of our city development and the biggest challenges for the near future. A large part of the meeting was devoted więcej
Aktualności: Performance of The Swiss Academy of the Alpine Hour
Confederation, Mr Chasper Sarott, who during the visit appreciated several times the involvement of the city authorities in cooperation with the embassy. Vice Mayor of Łódź Mr Krzysztof Piątkowski, who welcomed więcej
Aktualności: Visit of Argentines in Łódź
about the city, its history and to visit most beautiful places in Łódź. The youth went for a walk in the Manufactura market, where they heard the story about the genesis of the name of the city, and how [...] along Piotrkowska Street. The visitors liked Łódź very much – they announced that they would visit the city again. więcej
Aktualności: Ambassador of Azerbaijan visits Łódź
The purpose of the Ambassador’s visit was encourage the city of Łódź to establish close partnership relations with Azerbaijan. The ambassador proposed to strengthen cultural cooperation. Azerbaijan had [...] Excellency expressed interest in Łódź architecture. The Mayor Hanna Zdanowska emphasized that the city of Łódź over the past years has invested huge financial resources in the revitalization of the center więcej