Zakres dat
Rezultatów: 4025
Strony: Archiwum
Foundation Hungary (Węgry); Region of Sterea Ellada (Grecja); University of Crete (Grecja); iCentres Association (Bułgaria); Municipality of Blagoevgrad (Bułgaria); Secretariat of Telecommunications and Information [...] Województwa Dolnośląskiego; Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Fundecyt (Hiszpania); Regional Government of Sardinia (Włochy). Budżet projektu: Całkowita wartość projektu dla konsorcjum [...] Film Center of Latvia (Łotwa), Centrum Innowacji - Akcelerator Technologii Fundacja Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Miasto Łódź, Boost Hbg (Szwecja), The Alexandra Institute Ltd.(Dania), University of Agder (Norwegia) więcej
Strony: Archiwum - Rezydencje artystyczne w Łodzi
ych. Jego prace znajdują się w kolekcjach wyeksponowanych w: M.o.n.a Museum of New Art (Detroit), Galerii “On” (Poznań), The Israeli House (Paryż), New York Experimental Film and Animation (Nowy Jork) [...] oddziału Jaaqob. Partner 8. edycji Warsaw-Beijing Forum. Twórca oprawy audiowizualnej dla gali Art of Packaging. Realizował materiały filmowe zarówno do projektów komercyjnych, jak i artystycznych, [...] ałcącym. Carne - w swojej pracy artystycznej (murale i malarstwo) realizuje projekty (min. „Nation of Ruins” czy „Minimal Vandalism”) w których odnosi się do takich tematów, jak upadek i porażka systemu więcej
Oferty pracy: Area Sales Manager (Distribution Transformers Factory)
Oferty pracy
aspects of prepared offers, including prices and trading conditions; Share market information Head of Sales Manager in order to define the product strategy and product development; Perform the necessary [...] communication with the counterparts; The participation in technical and commercial negotiations with customers with regards to price levels, and delivery times etc.; Maintain and update the project forecast [...] keep abreast of new product developments; Ensure the daily operation to comply with company's internal guideline. Wymagania Higher education; Experience in a similar position; Good knowledge of English allows więcej
Oferty pracy: Area Sales Manager (Distribution Transformers Factory)
Oferty pracy
aspects of prepared offers, including prices and trading conditions; Share market information Head of Sales Manager in order to define the product strategy and product development; Perform the necessary [...] communication with the counterparts; The participation in technical and commercial negotiations with customers with regards to price levels, and delivery times etc.; Maintain and update the project forecast [...] keep abreast of new product developments; Ensure the daily operation to comply with company's internal guideline. Wymagania Higher education; Experience in a similar position; Good knowledge of English allows więcej
Strony: Artyści LSF 2024
cover klasyka Kate Bush “Running Up that Hill”, a także takie hity jak “Song to say goodbye” czy “The Bitter End”. 28 LIPCA | NIEDZIELA BAJM to zespół stworzony w Lublinie przez B eatę Kozidrak, A ndrzeja [...] platyną. Mają na koncie 4 mln sprzedanych płyt, 31 sierpnia 2018 ukazał się dwupłytowy album “Best of” zawierający największe przeboje zespołu, wydany z okazji 40-lecia istnienia BAJMu. Beata Kozidrak [...] przyznawanej przez Akademię Fonograficzną. Występowała na wielu zagranicznych festiwalach jak SXSW, The Great Escape, Sziget oraz na największych scenach polskich festiwali. Największą popularność przyniósł więcej
Oferty pracy: Assistant
Oferty pracy
Dealing with phone calls, taking care of company’s quests and clients; Giving access to Internet for ABB guests; Keeping the register of documents incoming to the company and preparing delivery mails (post [...] Experience in working on similar position in international company; Very good command of English and Polish; Very good knowledge of MS Office; Ability to use different office devices; High personal and business [...] supply and for stationary (visiting cards, stamps); Organizing internal and external meetings for the managers; Organizing visitors arrivals; Dealing with credit cards and invoices. Wymagania Higher education więcej
Oferty pracy: Assistant
Oferty pracy
Dealing with phone calls, taking care of company’s quests and clients; Giving access to Internet for ABB guests; Keeping the register of documents incoming to the company and preparing delivery mails (post [...] Experience in working on similar position in international company; Very good command of English and Polish; Very good knowledge of MS Office; Ability to use different office devices; High personal and business [...] supply and for stationary (visiting cards, stamps); Organizing internal and external meetings for the managers; Organizing visitors arrivals; Dealing with credit cards and invoices. Wymagania Higher education więcej
Oferty pracy: Assistant / Service Operations Officer
Oferty pracy
(EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and [...] capital markets and get closer to the world of banking. Machine learning, robotics, cloud computing. We’re harnessing the power of technology to reinvent the future of banking. A digital revolution is underway [...] journey where we lead the way and push the limits in transforming the future of banking? Your future responsibilities You’ll join Wholesale Banking Operations where we cover a wide range of Capital Markets, więcej
Oferty pracy: Assistant / Service Operations Officer
Oferty pracy
(EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and [...] capital markets and get closer to the world of banking. Machine learning, robotics, cloud computing. We’re harnessing the power of technology to reinvent the future of banking. A digital revolution is underway [...] journey where we lead the way and push the limits in transforming the future of banking? Your future responsibilities You’ll join Wholesale Banking Operations where we cover a wide range of Capital Markets, więcej
Oferty pracy: Assistant / Service Operations Officer in Global Custody
Oferty pracy
(EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and [...] provisions of Polish Labour Code from 26 June 1974 and executive acts are mandatory. Providing personal data is necessary to conduct the recruitment processes. The request for the deletion of your personal [...] data, education and employment history proceeded for the purposes of current and future recruitment processes in Nordea Bank Abp. The administrator of your personal data is: Nordea Bank Abp operating in więcej