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Rezultatów: 3658
Wydarzenia: Spotkanie online z Ewą Kuryluk Nominacja do Nagrody Literackiej im. Juliana Tuwima
, rysunki, obrazy” (katalog wystawy; Artemis Galeria Sztuki 2002 oraz „Kangór z kamerą / Kangaroo with the camera. Autofotografia/Autofotography 1959-2009” (katalog fotografii i esejów; Artemis Galeria więcej
Wydarzenia: Upiór. Spotkanie online z Łukaszem Kozakiem
Festiwalu Puls Literatury w Łodzi. Łukasz Kozak – mediewista, autor książek „Upiór. Historia naturalna" i "With Stake and Spade. Vampiric Diversity in Poland". Badacz nieoczywistych wątków w historii kultury. więcej
Wydarzenia: Festiwal Łódź Wielu Kultur 2024: INDIA DAY w Fuzji - warsztaty, muzyka i film
traditional cuisine. Music and dance – 15:00-18:30 Set DJ with Indian music Addy Berry is a talented DJ/producer and experienced sound engineer. With a deep-rooted passion for music, he has dedicated himself [...] that sound the same but mean something different or the same! English speaking volunteers will help with the conversation! – 15:00-18:00 Henna Kiosk Henna tattoos are an integral part of Hindu culture. During [...] such as Rolling Stone India and aired on radio station Red FM. Addy Berry is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry! – 15:30-16:30/17:00-18:00 Workshop on traditional Indian dance India is a country więcej
Wydarzenia: Festiwal Łódź Wielu Kultur 2024: SMUTN* LEPSZEGO ŚWIATA NIE ZBUDUJĘ | finisaż wystawy w Akademickim Centrum Designu
jestem księciem, a moja mama królową), seria fotografii cyfrowych, 2021 Natalia Sara Skorupa , PLAY WITH QUEER EROTICA Kamil Winnicki , ADAM I ADAM, cykl fotografii Agata Zbylut , NAJPIĘKNIEJSZE WARSZAWIANKI więcej
Aktualności: Ambassador of Azerbaijan visits Łódź
of the Ambassador’s visit was encourage the city of Łódź to establish close partnership relations with Azerbaijan. The ambassador proposed to strengthen cultural cooperation. Azerbaijan had funded in Poland więcej
Aktualności: Sports Diplomacy
Colombian Volleyball players had the opportunity to meet with girls that are the same age from high school number 47 in Łódź and practice together with them. On behalf of the Łodź authorities, guests were [...] Colombia will visit Warsaw, Łódź and Krakow from September 9 to September 15. Predicted are meetings with representatives of the authorities (Deputy Minister of Sport, Mr Jan Widera, Deputy Minister of Foreign więcej
Aktualności: Blind Race. Para-Olympians from Kazakhstan pay visit to Łódź
the Kazakh Embassy. The athletes met with Vice Mayor of Łódź Krzysztof Piątkowski, with whom they had a conversation and took commemorative photos. Then, together with a guide, they went to visit Piotrkowska więcej
Aktualności: Economic mission to Barcelona
managers from Łódź got acquainted with the system of management, financing and functioning of Catalan marketplace. Marketplace managers from Łódź got acquainted with the system of management financing [...] The purpose of the economic mission to Barcelona was to become acquainted with the specifics of the functioning and development of city markets in Barcelona. The mission was an attempt to establish economic [...] financing and functioning of Catalan marketplace. They had the opportunity to have talks with both city officials responsible for marketplace and representatives of trade associations. The model of functioning więcej
Aktualności: School of Mayors
field of city management and building self – government. During their stay in Łódź, foreign guests met with Krzysztof Piątkowski, The Vice Mayor of the City of Łódź. więcej
Aktualności: Visit of the delegation from Guangzhou
The delegation's stay began with a meeting with the Vice Mayor of Łódź Krzysztof Piątkowski. The visit program focused on issues of social assistance policy, management of non-governmental organizations [...] of Łódź, Municipal Social Welfare Center and the Mayor of Łódź City Representative for cooperation with non-governmental organizations. They also visited OPUS Center and the Nursing Home at Rudzka Street więcej