Zakres dat
Rezultatów: 1543
Aktualności: Huczne otwarcie Starego Rynku po remoncie. Impreza pełna bezpłatnych atrakcji [SZCZEGÓŁY]
Na łodzian czekać będą: muzyka na żywo (12:00 - Sebastian Wojtczak – finalista Voice of Poland , 16:00 - SAMOKHIN BAND – swingowe lata dwudzieste - Koncert + Potańcówka, targi rękodzieła, warsztaty pr więcej
Oferty pracy: IBMi Specialist
Oferty pracy
With over 2800 Engineers, Sii is the top IT & engineering services provider in Poland. We work with passion for the best companies! At the moment we are looking for: IBMi Specialist City: Łódź 170912-1ED43 [...] photography Working in project rooms Great, cooperative atmosphere awarded with „Great Place to Work in Poland” Interested individuals are encouraged to send their resume together with an approval for the processing więcej
Oferty pracy: IBMi Specialist
Oferty pracy
With over 2800 Engineers, Sii is the top IT & engineering services provider in Poland. We work with passion for the best companies! At the moment we are looking for: IBMi Specialist City: Łódź 170912-1ED43 [...] photography Working in project rooms Great, cooperative atmosphere awarded with „Great Place to Work in Poland” Interested individuals are encouraged to send their resume together with an approval for the processing więcej
Wydarzenia: II edycja - "It's all about watches" - Międzynarodowy Festiwal Zegarów i Zegarków 2018 w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi
Wojas / Jan Szymański "Zegar miejski - budżet obywatelski" 13:45-14:45 Panel dyskusyjny "MADE IN POLAND" Prowadzący: Marek Biń 15:00-15:30 Franciszek Wigeland / Ryszard Wiegeland "Parada rzemiosła art więcej
Strony: II etap konsultacji Polityki Mieszkaniowej Miasta Łodzi 2030+
0404 Passcode: 279494 One tap mobile +48223073488,,91533570404#,,,,*279494# Poland +48223987356,,91533570404#,,,,*279494# Poland FORMULARZ KONSULTACYJNY Formularz konsultacyjny będzie można składać w dniach więcej
Aktualności: III Łódzkie Regionalne Targi Pracy i Rozwoju Osobistego
Miasta Łodzi 2017 otrzymali: Clariant Services (Poland) Sp. z o.o. Infosys Poland Sp. z o.o. Tate &Lyle Global Shared Services Sp. z o.o. Hydro Extrusion Poland Sp. z. o.o. Organizatorem Łódzkich Regionalnych więcej
Oferty pracy: IT Analyst
Oferty pracy
With over 2800 Engineers, Sii is the top IT & engineering services provider in Poland. We work with passion for the best companies! At the moment we are looking for: IT Analyst City: Łódź 170912-BC24C [...] photography Working in project rooms Great, cooperative atmosphere awarded with „Great Place to Work in Poland” Interested individuals are encouraged to send their resume together with an approval for the processing więcej
Oferty pracy: IT Analyst
Oferty pracy
With over 2800 Engineers, Sii is the top IT & engineering services provider in Poland. We work with passion for the best companies! At the moment we are looking for: IT Analyst City: Łódź 170912-BC24C [...] photography Working in project rooms Great, cooperative atmosphere awarded with „Great Place to Work in Poland” Interested individuals are encouraged to send their resume together with an approval for the processing więcej
Oferty pracy: IT Compliance Officer
Oferty pracy
monitoring the Information Security, Business Continuity and Quality Management System at GFT in Poland. This position will cover two roles: Information Security Officer and Quality Lead. The main duties więcej
Oferty pracy: IT Compliance Officer
Oferty pracy
monitoring the Information Security, Business Continuity and Quality Management System at GFT in Poland. This position will cover two roles: Information Security Officer and Quality Lead. The main duties więcej