Zakres dat
Rezultatów: 541

Wydarzenia: Drzewo życia / Inauguracja Roku Chavy Rosenfarb
przez Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelamana w Łodzi. 21.00 - "Ramblings through Inner Continents: About Chava Rosenfarb on her Hundredth Anniversary” - rozmowa z Goldie Morgentaler (profesor literatury więcej

Wydarzenia: Z miasta Łodzi // „Powidoki” // in English
battled socialist realism and suffered terrible consequences of his artistic choices. It is a film about how communist authorities destroyed a charismatic and rebellious individual. The lead is played by [...] epic poem of the same name; Zemsta (2002; The Revenge), which starred Roman Polanski; Katyń (2007), about the Katyn Massacre in 1940 that claimed Wajda’s father’s life; Tatarak (2009; Sweet Rush), a meditation [...] combined elements of fact and fiction; and Wałęsa. Człowiek z nadziei (2013; Wałęsa: Man of Hope), about the Solidarity leader. In 1996 Wajda received the Japan Art Association’s Praemium Imperiale prize więcej

Wydarzenia: Endorfinka / Kamila Skrzynecka / OTWARTE STUDIO
sala 110, I piętro Link do wydarzenia: więcej

Aktualności: Representatives of the European tourism industry in Łódź
(ŁOT), Tomasz Karolewski, gave a presentation about the city, overviewing its history and post-industrial, multicultural and film traditions. A presentation about the assets and potential of Łódź was also [...] also prepared by the Expo Team of the City of Łódź Office. Project coordinator Maciej Riemer talked about the idea of the project and the path that Łódź went through, applying for the right to organize the więcej

Wydarzenia: Magia Księżego Młyna – wycieczka piesza z przewodnikiem
po Łodzi. LINK DO WYDARZENIA NA FB: więcej

Aktualności: Dzień otwarty w Przystani Zdrowia
telefonicznie 572 832 054 lub na Facebook'u<wbr />pg/przystanzdrowialodz/<wbr />about/ (w wiadomości prywatnej) więcej

Aktualności: Łódzkie Cheerleaderki 60+ w plebiscycie Pokaż Talent
“mŁodzianki” jest dumą Poleskiego Ośrodka Sztuki. więcej

Aktualności: Visit from Kenya
and reduce the high level of poverty. The purpose of the delegation's visit to Łódź was to learn about the functioning of local government, administration and investment management. Guests perceived Łódź [...] Manufaktura, EC1 together with the New Center of Łódź and the Foreign Language Center, where they learned about the university's offer and met with students from Kenya. więcej

Aktualności: The Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Poland on a visit to Łódź
enter the labor market. During the meeting at the Łódź Film School they had the opportunity to talk about the Index Film Studio belonging to the University. Representatives of the Embassy also expressed their więcej

Aktualności: Opening of the exhibition of Polish posters about Mexico
The exhibition consists 15 printed posters and 50 electronic posters displayed in a multimedia kiosk. It aims to promote the work of the most important Polish graphic artists, such as Wiktor Górka or więcej