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Aktualności: Study visit of the “ Young Generation Will Change Ukraine” program
Ukraine visited the City of Łódź Office. This was one of the five days points of stay in Poland. Topic of the meeting in the Economic Development Office and International Cooperation in City of Łódź Office [...] - social participation and activation of citizens Later in the day, guests from Ukraine among others visited: Revitalization Office of the City of Łódź and the Art Incubator. więcej
Aktualności: Meeting of the Vice Mayors
and the most important currently implemented projects. The main topic was next year's celebration of the 30th anniversary of partnership cooperation between Łódź and Lyon. The vice-presidents of the cities [...] Representatives of both cities exchanged their experiences in the fight with the pandemic and ways to prevent the economic impact of the pandemic. Also discussed were the current challenges facing both [...] for celebrating the jubilee depending on the situation related to the epidemic. Some of the planned projects can be implemented both in a traditional way and in a remote version. The discussed projects więcej
Aktualności: Visit of the French Ambassador
During the meeting with the Mayor, Mr Ambassador had the opportunity to learn about the strategic directions of the development of our city and the biggest challenges for the future. The talks also concerned [...] concerned the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, which in the opinion of both the Mayor and the Ambassador, will be crucial for Poland and Europe. The Mayor also expressed her regret over the tragedy [...] that touched Paris , and also all Europe and the World, in recent days, when a large part of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral suffered as a result of the fire. więcej
Aktualności: End of the Mobilna Łódź (“Mobile Łódź”) campaign
was a unicorn, thanks to which the Mobile Łódź was visible in the central squares of the cities and central points of the towns. Over 50 Łódź employers were involved in the activities, their representatives [...] offers to the local people. The Campaign ended with a press conference which took place on Saturday, 27th October at Manufaktura market square, with the participation of Adam Pustelnik – Head of Office for [...] residents of 30 Polish cities to move to Łódź and bind its future with the city. A specially designed bus transformed in a spacious, multimedia, air-conditioned space for receiving visitors. The symbol of the więcej
Wydarzenia: Rhytm of the Dance w Sport Arenie
Rhythm of the Dance po Polsce tak naprawdę nie pozostawił nam wyboru. Chcemy, aby jeszcze więcej osób, także w innych miastach poznało ten utalentowany zespół. Emocje towarzyszące występom Rhythm of The Dance [...] Niedawno zakończona trasa Rhythm of the Dance po Polsce spotkała się olbrzymim zainteresowaniem. Występy w Warszawie, Zabrzu, Wrocławiu oraz w Krakowie obejrzało łącznie ponad 10 tysięcy widzów. Dynamiczne [...] od klaskania, a nogi od tupania - podkreślali widzowie wychodzący ze spektakli. Spektakle Rhythm of the Dance nie tylko urzekają precyzją taneczną, ale również emanują radością, która przenosi się na więcej
Aktualności: United colours of Łódź - We support foreigners in the city
is PLN 12,000. PLN. The applicant must demonstrate his own contribution in the amount of at least 10% of the total value of the project. The total budget allocated to grants in the competition is PLN 88 [...] studying at Łódź universities; implementation by the scientific and academic community of projects based on the knowledge deepened at the faculties of the university, addressed to foreigners in Łódź (such [...] mayor of the city of Łódź, Adam Pustelnik. This Wednesday, March 31 at 1.30 pm, an online meeting will be held on the website of the Opus Center, dedicated to all those interested in participating in the więcej
Aktualności: Rhythm of the Dance w Łodzi! Niezwykły pokaz taneczny rodem z Irlandii
publiczności - jej brawa trwały długo jeszcze po zakończeniu każdego show. Rhythm of the Dance ma już dwie dekady Rhythm of the Dance przyciąga publiczność na całym świecie od ponad 20 lat. Grupa stworzona [...] Niedawno zakończona trasa Rhythm of the Dance po Polsce spotkała się olbrzymim zainteresowaniem. Występy w Warszawie, Zabrzu, Wrocławiu oraz w Krakowie obejrzało łącznie ponad 10 tysięcy widzów. Dynamiczne więcej
Aktualności: New director of the Economic Development and International Cooperation Office
graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration and Management at the University of Łódź, is moving from the corporation to the office structures to continue serving investors and create the city's i [...] The Former director Adam Pustelnik changed his job, but he will still be in touch with the City of Łódź Office, as advisor to the Mayor of Łódź Hanna Zdanowska, who thanked for the work so far and introduced [...] introduced the new head of BRGiWM of City of Łódź Office. Łódź is an excellent place on the business market , a unique and interesting city with high investment potential – said Adam Pustelnik as a farewell więcej
Aktualności: Stadium of the Year 2022. Stadion Miejski im. Władysława Króla w Łodzi zajął 3. miejsce
„Stadium of the Year” to plebiscyt poświęcony nowym lub kompletnie przebudowanym stadionom. Od 2011 roku organizowany jest przez redakcję portalu W tegorocznym konkursie o tytuł „Stadionu [...] pokonał silną konkurencję i znalazł się w gronie trzynastu dotychczasowych zwycięzców konkursu Stadium of the Year – informują organizatorzy plebiscytu. ZOBACZ TEŻ : Nowe autobusy MPK Łódź. Pierwsze z 52 no więcej