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Rezultatów: 2215
Wydarzenia: Festiwal Filmów Afrykańskich AFRYKAMERA w kinie NCKF EC1
Afryki Zachodniej, oraz „Salao de Baile – This is Ballroom”, przedstawiający kulturę ballroomu jako przestrzeń sztuki i protestu. W kolejnych dniach zobaczymy nagrodzone na światowych festiwalach „Jak więcej
Wydarzenia: Bryan Bielanski Live w Cyrku Pod Zielonym Xiężycem
Although Bryan Bielanski is inspired by good old fashioned rock and folk music, he has his own unique style that makes him stand out. His take on rock & roll with contemporary themed lyrics creates a sound [...] time. This globetrotting musician has been touring the US and the world for years and has performed in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, California, Canada, China, Colorado, Connecticut więcej
A sanctuary for those who want to immerse themselves in the hypnotic flow of sound, embracing your soul and mind. Minimal and progressive techno in its most energetic form. Synchro delivers a groove that [...] epicenter of vibrations. DOPAMINA STAGE (upstairs): The raw essence of hard techno, massaging every cell in your body with 150BPM+++. Every beat strikes like lightning. Dopamina will push your limits and put [...] that will sweep your hips into an unstoppable vortex. Bipolar Crash is more than just a party. It’s a journey through two extreme worlds – from raw, intense sounds to magnetic, flowing vibrations. Are you więcej
Wydarzenia: The Best of Tina w Klubie Teatr
poczuć magię największych przebojów Tiny: "We Don't Need Another Hero", "What You Get Is What You See" czy "Look Me In the Heart". To będzie Twój wieczór! Przekonaj się, jak różnorodna jest jej muzyka. Na [...] zachwycać. Dołącz do nas, aby wspólnie celebrować dorobek muzycznej legendy. Podczas koncertów usłyszysz takie przeboje jak "The Best", "What's Love Got To Do With It", "Private Dancer" czy "Golden Eye" więcej
Wydarzenia: THE BEST OF TINA w Klubie Wytwórnia
Tiny Turner, „The Best”, „What’s Love Got To Do With It”, „Private Dancer” czy „Golden Eye”, a widzowie usłyszą też takie piosenki jak „We Don’t Need Another Hero”, „What You Get Is What You See”, [...] czy „Look Me In the Heart” w zupełnie nowych aranżacjach. Dzięki współpracy z orkiestrą Falkowski Art Collective i Golden Gate String Quartet, publiczność zanurzy się w bogatym brzmieniu, poczuje rytm więcej
Wydarzenia: Aukcja sztuki i designu w Akademickim Centrum Designu
"Patryk" namalowany przez Zuzannę Andrysewicz, fotografię "MOST SHOCKING IS NOT HOW SHOCKED YOU ARE NOW, BUT HOW UNSHOCKED YOU WILL BE IN THE FUTURE" Agaty Zbylut czy wiele, wiele innych ekscytujących prac więcej
Entrance free. The number of places is limited. OPEN CINEMA is part of the OPEN ŁÓDŹ project, organized by the University of Łódź, the Municipal Police Headquarters in Łódź, and the Marek Edelman Dialogue [...] aims of the project is to develop common strategies for improving the safety of foreign nationals in Łódź and for their increased integration with the local community. The workshops in intercultural com [...] you to the next edition of the project "Open Łódź // Open Cinema", organized in the cooperation with the University of Łódź! In the Marek Edelman Dialogue Center will take place film screenings from world więcej
Wydarzenia: Z miasta Łodzi // „Ucieczka z kina Wolność” // in English
start to rebel and refuse to speak their lines. This is anarchy, and when the censor is unable to control the situation, senior party officials are called in. Eventually a film critic notes that the situation [...] directed by Wojciech Marczewski, Poland 1990 [87’] The film is set just before Poland's communist regime came to an end, and the central character is a provincial censor (Janusz Gajos), a tired, sloppy, lonely [...] kilku filmów telewizyjnych. Przed debiutem na dużym ekranie, zrealizował kilka filmów telewizyjnych, Podróżni jak inni (1969), Odejścia, powroty (1973), Bielszy niż śnieg (1975). Jego pierwszy pełnometrażowy więcej
Wydarzenia: Z miasta Łodzi // „Powidoki” // in English
constituted a popular trilogy that is considered to have launched the Polish film school. The movies deal in symbolic imagery with sweeping social and political changes in Poland during the World War II-era [...] ruling communist party in Poland and in support of the Solidarity opposition movement, won the Cannes film festival’s top prize, the Palme d’Or. The highly acclaimed Korczak (1990) is a true story of the [...] Łódź // Movies from Łódź in English". This time we'll watch the movie „Afterimage” of Andrzej Wajda. „Afterimage“, directed by Andrzej Wajda, Poland 2016, 98‘ Powidoki (Afterimage) is the last film by Andrzej więcej
Wydarzenia: Z miasta Łodzi // Movies from Łódź in English // „Ida”
his film in sixties Poland. Anna is a novice, an orphan brought up in a convent. Before taking her vows, she is determined to meet Wanda, her only living relative. Wanda tells the girl that she is Jewish [...] // Movies from Łódź in English". This time we'll watch the Oscar-winning movie „Ida” of Paweł Pawlikowski. „Ida“, directed by Paweł Pawlikowski, Poland/Denmark 2013, 82‘ Shooting in black and white, and [...] to understand who they really are. This film is impeccably executed and judged, achingly written, finely structured and eloquently shot. Scene after scene is a masterly evocation of a time, a dilemma, and więcej