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Rezultatów: 541

Wydarzenia: 2022 Łódź Summer Tours with an English speaking guides
walk will take place on 24th of September . During the English-spoken tour, the guides will talk about: the story of Poznanski’s family textile empire, the complicated history of the Old Town, street art więcej

Aktualności: Sportowa Akademia Veolia Junior
Facebooku - Ruchowe Przedszkole SAV Junior - . więcej

Aktualności: Little Panda Reporters in Łódź. Young journalists from Chengdu visit our city.
Investor Service and International Cooperation Office, which btw answered young people’s questions about the impact of the Polish-Chinese rail connection on the development of Łódź. – Since the launch of więcej

Aktualności: Partner cities of Łódź officially support our efforts for Expo 2022
we have an important conversation about what we can do to better manage our cities, how to make them better places to live. And I hope that we will mostly talk about it in 2022 during the international więcej

Aktualności: Meeting of partner cities
Mayor of Tel Aviv to visit Łódź and presented the tourist and business offer of the city and talked about preparations for the 75 th anniversary of the liquidation of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. A meeting was więcej

Aktualności: „Marzy mi się jakaś gigantyczna katastrofa”. Wystawa prac Pauliny Kwietniewskiej.
Paulina Kwietniewska malarka, ilustratorka, właścicielka firmy portretowej About Face Illustration, na tytuł swojej wystawy wybrała cytat z “Lolity” Nabokova. Artystka często podkreśla, że literatura i więcej

Wydarzenia: RPS: Spektakl "Home 2.0." w teatrze CHOREA
przez krytyków, nagradzanym i podróżującym po całym świecie, między innymi: “Dracula”, “Soliloquy about Wonderland”, “Your Majesties", "Welcome to the Anthropocene”, “Fátima, The day the Sun danced”. Ich więcej

Aktualności: Presentation of the exhibition “Boturini Codex- Ribbon on Peregrination: Indian Book on the Origin of the Aztecs” at University of Łódź Library
description on the display board and accompanying videos. It also enables the presentation of knowledge about the pre- Hispanic cultures of central Mexico to the wide audience. The initiator of the exhibition więcej

Aktualności: Visit of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Łódź
Jestřáb and Hanna Zdanowska discussed, among others the history and development of Łódź as well as about the possibilities of cooperation in various fields. On November 7, 2017 Ivan Jestřáb forwarded his więcej

Aktualności: The presentation of Mexican cinema “Mexico of Frida Kahlo“
context in which Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera lived. It also includes the projection of the first film about Frida, produced and filmed in Mexico: “Frida, Living Nature“ (1983). Most of the films that make up [...] produced and shot during the period known as the “Golden Age of Mexican Cinema“. This period lasted about 30 years (from the beginning of the 1930s to around 1960). During this time, the Mexican film industry więcej