Zakres dat
Rezultatów: 31
Strony: City RE:invented
cient city within a city, modeled on English industrial settlements. There were factory buildings here, including: a huge, castle-like spinning mill, warehouses, workers' houses (famuły), a school, a fire [...] great advantage is a large amount of greenery. Periodic picnics, fairs and concerts are organized here. 2. Włókiennicza Street It is a place where history meets modernity. After a thorough revitalization [...] revived in a new, exciting form. Every step along this historic street is a journey through time. It is here that you will admire the beautifully restored tenement houses that are now home to modern cafes, boutiques więcej
Strony: Nature of the City
on the city surface are valuable elements of Łódź's natural and landscape complexes. A good example here is the Sokołówka River, which flows through three green areas, among others Mickiewicza Park, creating więcej

Aktualności: „Piosenki na czas niepokoju” na początek Festiwalu OFF-Północna
Piłsudskich – Bronisławie. Fundacja Pomysłodalnia z Rumii pokaże spektakl „ Bronisław Piłsudski was here. Musical na wałki ”. Dzień później widzów czeka wycieczka do wesołego miasteczka za sprawą spektaklu więcej

Aktualności: Bionanopark – an offer for investors. Research services.
by the Bionanopark. More information about the research services of Łódź Bionanopark is available here: więcej

Aktualności: Startup Spark – a chance for innovation
resource in the form of an implemented innovation. More information on the Startup Spark can be found here: więcej

Wydarzenia: Royal Christmas Gala w Atlas Arenie
„Nothing Else Mathers”, „The Sound of Silence”, „Stairway to Heaven”, „Child in Time”, „Wish You Were Here”. Podczas Świątecznej Gali Królewskiej Sarah Brightman, chór Gregorian z towarzyszeniem The Royal więcej

Aktualności: Wella Company invests its business in Łódź
do business. This has already been noticed by many global brands that have launched similar Centres here. The city, known mainly for factories as well as universities and students, will now be enriched by [...] huge opportunity for the development of Łódź. That is why we are proud that the SSC will be built here and we greatly appreciate the support we have received from the city authorities. We are convinced [...] silhouette of a powerful woman with wavy hair. This logo was introduced back in 1924, at a time when here in Łódź the working women of the local textile industry were a symbol of our city. It was also a time więcej

Wydarzenia: Majówka z Pink Floyd w Planetarium EC1
piątek, godzina 18:30: "Wish You Were Here", Bilety 4 maja, sobota, godzina 18:30: "The Wall", Bilety Szczególnie polecamy pokaz PREMIEROWY "Wish You Were Here". Trwający 44 minuty pokaz to dzieło reżysera [...] Roda Millara. Wizualizacje są abstrakcyjne i doskonale oddają ducha muzyki Pink Floyd. "Wish You Were Here" to album koncepcyjny z 1975 roku, będący hołdem dla Syda Barretta, nieodłącznego członka i dawnej więcej

Aktualności: Economic mission to Barcelona
marketplaces in Barcelona is a role model all over the world. Even representatives of New York come here for good practices. Barcelona manages over 40 markets scattered all over the city. Everything is done więcej

Wydarzenia: PINK FLOYD HISTORY „Welcome to the Machine Tour 2025” w Klubie Wytwórnia
szczególnym uwzględnieniem kultowego albumu „Wish You Were Here”. Centralnym punktem koncertu będzie arcydzieło muzyki psychodelicznej „Wish You Were Here”. Na żywo zabrzmią najsłynniejsze utwory z tej płyty [...] płyty, takie jak „Shine On You Crazy Diamond”, „Welcome to the Machine” i „Wish You Were Here”, zanurzone w atmosferze pełnej emocji i sugestii. Oprócz muzyki, PINK FLOYD HISTORY „Welcome to the Machine Tour [...] ponownie przeżyć ponadczasowe emocje związane z Pink Floyd i uczcić 50. rocznicę wydania „Wish You Were Here”. Wkrocz do „Maszyny” i daj się przenieść niezapomnianym muzycznym doznaniom… Zapraszamy na koncerty więcej